The Truth

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Fatima started stepping back when talk to Zac, because she didn't want any problems with Maya. Zac started to notice that Fatima wasn't talking to him as much so he decided to confront her about it.

Zac: Hey Fatima

Fatima: Hey

Zac: How come you haven't been talking to me as much

Fatima: No reason

Zac: Fatima you have been real short with your answers with me lately

Fatima: No they haven't

Zac: That was just a short answer

Fatima: It's nothing Zac

Zac: Fatima I know when you are lying

Fatima: It's your girlfriend Maya

Zac: What do you mean it's Maya

Fatima: She told me to stay away from you and I was goin read her for filth but I trying not to go back to my old ways

Zac: I'm gonna talk to her about it, but what do you mean your old ways

Fatima: Don't talk to her about and nothing that you need to know ok. You know what never mind I'll see you later Zac

Zac: Fatima wait

Fatima: (*Walking away*) Bye Zac

Zac stands there thinking about Maya and why would she do that. He didn't intend for it to be like this. He didn't never thought of Fatima that way or at least he thought.


Zac goes to Maya's house after practice

Maya: Hey baby

Zac: Hey, I have a question

Maya: Ok what is it

Zac: Why did you tell Fatima to leave me alone

Maya: What do you mean baby

Zac: You know what I mean

Maya: I feel like you two were getting to close

Zac: Maya I told you multiple times that I don't think of her in that way she is just a friend ok

Maya: But you don't see it from my point of view, she is always around and touching you in any kind of way I don't like it

Zac: Maya there is nothing to worry about she doesn't like me in that way and neither do I, I just feel like your being very insecure right now

Maya: I'm not insecure Zachary I just don't like her

Zac: Maya why don't you like her

Maya: She is to close to you Zac

Zac: You do this with every girl that I become friends with Maya

Maya: Because your to friendly, you don't need to be friends with any girls but me

Zac: Whatever Maya I'm not doing this with you again

Maya: What do you mean Zac

Zac: I mean your being insecure and I can't do this with you anymore

Maya: Your breaking up with me

Zac: Yes Maya

Maya: Zac we have been together since Freshman year and your goin to throw it all away for that bitch Fatima really nigga

Zac: Don't call her a bitch and it's not about her it's about you. You've been controlling and manipulative side we got together

Maya: So this is it then

Zac: Yes it is Maya

Maya: I love Zac

Zac: I love you too

Zac goes to his house and thinks about what he just did. Part of him wants to call Maya back but the other part is saying what he did is right. He just hopes that Maya isn't going to do anything crazy cause he knows how she can be at time when it came to him.


Messiah: Mommy did Maya do anything to you

Fatima: Baby you have to let me finish the story so that you can find out

Messiah: UGHHHHH

Fatima: Really son

Messiah: Fine I guess I can wait

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now