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as y'all still know a nigga don't proofread shit

Ju: Hey T

Fatima: How did you find me

Ju: Come on T you ain't think I'd find you

Zac: Aye bruh imma need you to go

Ju: This don't got nothing to do with you I need to talk to my girl

Fatima: Ju please leave

Zac: Imma tell you one more time I need you to go

Ju:T man come on so we can go I need to talk to you

Fatima: Ju please leave I'll talk to you later

Ju: Imma be at your house in the morning be ready to talk cause I'm really not playing with you T

Fatima: Ok Ju

*Ju leaves*

Zac: T you alright

Fatima: Yea I'm fine but I should really leave so I can go talk to him, I don't want him to be mad at me

Zac: T fuck him I just need to know if your ok

Fatima: Zac I really need to go talk to him he is here for a reason if I don't go now he's gonna hurt me ok Zac I need to go

Zac: Ti your not going anywhere ok

Fatima: Zac please

Zac: T no

Fatima: Zac..

Zac: Ti just stay the night here and we can talk about this in the morning ok

Fatima: Ok Zac

*They are in the bed*

Zac: T why did you really want to leave

Fatima: I just didn't want him to be mad at me

Zac: Are you afraid of him

Fatima: I mean a little but-

Zac: There is no but you should never be afraid of a man

Fatima: Zac you just don't know the things he did to me

Zac: I'm here if you want to tell me if not I will still support your decision

Fatima: Can we just not talk about this right now please

Zac: Ok I love you

Fatima: I love you to

*They go to sleep and wake up the next morning*

Fatima: Zac I gotta go

Zac: Let me come with you

Fatima: No he wants me to go by myself

Zac: T he might hurt you

Fatima: I tried to tell you that last night but you didn't wan to listen

Zac: I'm coming with you and that's final

Fatima: Can you just go in another room for a little while I try to calm him down so we can all sit down and talk please

Zac: T you shouldn't be so scared of him

Fatima: I'm just being cautious that's all Zac ok

Zac: Alright T

Fatima: So your still coming


Fatima: Ok Zac you don't need to yell

Zac: I'm sorry baby but yes I am coming

Fatima: Ok, let's go

*They leave and go to Fatima's house*

Mrs. Wilson: Fatima what is this lil nigga Ju doing here?

Fatima: Mama he said he just wants to talk

Mrs. Wilson: Hell no, wait until your father gets home

Fatima: Mama NO, he just wants to talk that's it. Plus Zac is here if he tries anything so I'm fine I promise

Mrs. Wilson: If I here some fuck shit I'm coming down here and poppin a cap in his ass ok

Fatima: Ok Mama, thank you

Mrs. Willson: Mhmm

*Mrs. Willson goes upstairs but not to far away*

Ju: Hey baby

Fatima: Ju I'm not your baby ok

Ju: T why you doing this?

Fatima: Doing what Ju

Ju: Acting like you hate me

Fatima: Ju I don't hate you

Ju: So why was you at that nigga house

Fatima: How did you know I was there

Ju: Baby I always know know answer the question

Fatima: That's my boyfriend Ju

Ju: T what did I tell you the last time you got a new nigga and so called try leaving me

Fatima: You said that you would kill him and hurt me

Ju: Andy what happened

Fatima: You killed him and beat me

Ju: So what makes you think I won't do the same thing

Zac: Aye bruh Imma need you to pipe down talkin to my girl like that

Ju: Nigga who the fuck is you

Zac: I'm her man now as I said you calm down or leave

Ju: Nigga I been around longer than you

Zac: But I'm here now so what's good?

Fatima: Can y'all please calm down please

Ju: Fatima shut the fuck up yo

Zac: Nigga who are you talkin to

Fatima: Ju please stop

Ju: Didn't I say shut up

Fatima: Ok you did bu-

Ju: Ain't no but's when I say shut up I mean that

Mr.Wilson: Son I advise you to calm down and get out of my house

Fatima: Daddy please don't

Ju: Hey Mr.Wilson how have you been

Mr.Wilson: Get out

Ju: T this ain't over I got eyes everywhere watch you

Ju is fuckin weird omm
anywhooooo y'all should be proud of me this is the most i have updated since i started this book


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