The talk

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AGAIN I ain't proof read shit and I promise imma start updating more I literally be forgetting I write until I see somebody comment on my shit fr anyways read and give me feedback you whores😁

It's finally the day of Zac and Fatima's talk. And to be honest they were both nervous. Zac felt as if though Fatima didn't love him anymore and wanted to break up with him. Fatima was confused with her emotions but there was no doubt that she loved Zac. She was just having a moment where she didn't know what she wanted. This talk was gonna clear out all of the doubt, pain, sadness, and confusion that they had. They both wished hopefully that at the end they were still going to be in a relationship.

They are both sitting across from each other in nana's living just staring at each other like they're strangers.

Nana: Now let's get to the bottom of this. Fatima how do you feel right now

Fatima: I feel confused. I just don't know how I feel or what I want right now.

Nana: Why do you feel like that

Fatima: I'm hurt because that could have been his baby, and we'll never know and that doesn't sit right with me

Nana: Now Zac how do you feel?

Zac: I feel like she doesn't want to be with me anymore because of the baby situation

Fatima: Zac that's not how I feel

Zac: Fatima that's how your making me feel right now

Fatima: I'm not trying ok

Zac: I know your not but that's just how I feel

Fatima: I feel like I should tell you about what Maya meant when she said I couldn't give you the same thing

Nana: Baby you sure you wanna do that

Fatima: Yes nana I do.

Zac: If your not ready then you don't have to tell me T

Fatima: I had an abortion about two years ago

.........psa don't judge cause I never said their age but let's just say they're 19

Zac: Why?

Fatima: I got pregnant by the guy that I loved with all of my heart but.... he abused me but I never left him. My parents found about about the abuse and the baby on the same day. They did something to him but they never told me what and I haven't seen him since the day I told him I was pregnant. As for the baby they told me I had a choice they weren't gonna make me do anything that I didn't want to do, so I got the abortion and left it at that.

Zac: Thank you for sharing that with me, I know it was hard to do.

Fatima: Thank you for listening.

Zac: T I just want you to be able to talk to me about anything and I'm sorry.

Fatima: What are you sorry about

Zac: For putting you in this situation

Fatima: There was nothing to prevent this, and I should be the one that should be apologizing I need to communicate with you about my feelings, I'll try to do better

Zac: We both need to do better

Nana: Now was it that hard to sit and talk to each other. It should have never got this

Fatima: I know Nana

Nana: Ok great.... now get the hell out of my house

Fatima: Really Nana

Nana: Yes girl I got my man coming through now both of y'all get out seriously

Fatima: Ok fine, I love you Nana I'll see you later

Nana: Love you to just don't come back for three days that's when I'll see you

Fatima: Ok you know what Nana bye, come on Zac

Zac: Bye Nana

*They leave and go to Zac's house*

Fatima: Thank you for being so patient with me, that's why I love you so much

Zac: That's what I'm supposed to do and I love you to

*They get interrupted by the door knocking*

Zac: Hello?

Stranger: Hi

Zac: Can I help you?

Stranger: Hey umm is Fatima here?

Zac: Who's asking?

Stranger: Ohh sorry I'm her ex

Zac: What are you here for

*Fatima comes downstairs*

Fatima: Babe who is at the do- JU!?!!??!?


Why is her ex back?

Anyways like I said imma try and update more but yea

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now