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Start writing your story

STILL AINT PROOF READ. yall should know I never do

We are going back 2 years after Fatima and Ju broke up for the final time.

Andi: T you need to talk to your parents, this has to stop.

Fatima: Andi it's just a Xanax you act like I'm going to die.

Andi: You will if you don't stop.

Fatima: Lemme ask you a question. Were you the one in a abusive relationship since you were in the 8th grade? Hmm? Did you have somebody beat your ass for the smallest thing that didn't matter? Did you almost die from getting your ass beat by the person you love the most? No you didn't, so until then you have no room to talk.

Andi: Fatima you don't even sound like yourself at all.

Fatima: If your just gonna sit here a judge me them I'm leaving.

Andi: Where are you going?

Fatima: Nowhere that concerns you.

Andi: If your not going home then I'm telling your parents>

Fatima: I've heard that to many time from you, and you still ain't told them shit so it shouldn't be any different now.

Andi: I'm serious Fatima.

Fatima: Andi I'm going home, happy now?

Andi: T please just be safe

Fatima: Fuck you Andi

*Fatima leaves and goes home but her parents didn't know that she was home. They were going crazy looking for her then they decided to call Andi.*

*The Wilson's house*

Andi: She was at my house earlier and said that she was going home.

Grace: Well we can't find her

Andi: I'm just going to check her room one last time.

*Andi goes to check her room but something is off. She feels Fatima's presence, she goes into her bathroom, and closet nothing. Then she remembered that she had a secret room in her closet. Andi goes into the room and saw something that she never wanted to see.*


*Andi calls Fatima's parents and they see their daughter halfway dead in Andi's arms. They take her to the hospital and get her checked out. They found out that she overdosed on multiple medications*

Andi: Robin this is all my fault if I would've told her parents like I said I was going to do none of this would've happened.

Robin(Andi's boyfriend): Andi this isn't your fault she had to find out what this was going to do to her, it's sad she had to find out this way but she did.

Andi: What if she doesn't make it, my bestfriend is going to be dead and it's cause of me.

Robin: Stop saying that.

Andi: Did you know that I'm the one who found her. She looked like she was dead Robin, she was cold, she wasn't breathing or anything

Robin: Just calm down her parents are coming back over they might have good news but you have to calm down before you can hear anything, ok?

Andi: Ok.

Charels: The doctors said it was by the grace of god that you found her Andi. If you didn't she would've been dead seconds later, but overall she is going to be fine she sleeping right now you can see her if you like, but her mother is in there so just be cautious of what you say.

Andi: Ok.

*Andi goes to Fatima's and sees her bestfriend in the bed sleeping peacefully*

Grace: I want you to know it's not your fault baby.

Andi: But it is. I knew what she was doing and didn't tell anybody, she could've gotten better but I didn't say anything.

Grace: This isn't the first time it happened.

Andi: What?

Grace: Remember 9th grade year when she when she went to go stay with her grandparents, she was in rehab, we thought she was better but I guess not.

* After Fatima woke up her parents put her in rehab, she fought it tooth and nail but she went anyways. She knew the routine on what to do so she could get out early and she did. But she ended up back in rehab not even 3 months later.*

Had to give yall a lil sum sum before I go back into hibernation.

If yall want more chapters let me know cause again i be forgetting that I write now

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now