Eyes on her

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Surprise chapter cause I ain't gave y'all nun in months 😭

As always aint proofread a damn thing anyways

Enjoy love

Ju: You watching her right?

Josh(Ju brother): Yea man, but why you just won't let that girl go bruh?

Ju: Cause we was supposed to be together forever and she just got away, she not this time.

Josh: Man I don't feel right doin this.

Ju: I don't give a fuck how you feel you owe me

Josh: Ju man when you goin let that shit go

Ju: Neva nigga now keep watching her

*They hang up*

*As of now y'all can tell Ju got people watching Fatima. She doesn't know......... as of now*

*The mall*

Fatima: Thanks for taking me out Andi

Andi: No problem girl you been stuck in the house

Fatima: I know, I just needed to get out and have fun

Andi: Yea, anyways how are you and Zac doin

Fatima: We're good

Andi: And your letting him be there for you right T?

Fatima: I am, I'm just letting him and my daddy handle everything for me

Andi: As you should

Fatima: But recently I just been feeling off

Andi: What do you mean?

Fatima: Like my spirit it's like somebody is watching me

Andi: Well have you told unc or Zac

Fatima: No I don't want them to worry about me any more than they already are Andi

Andi: Fatima if you don't feel right then let them know ok? I don't want anything to happen to you again.

Fatima: Ok I'll tell them when we get back home.

Andi: Good

*Fatima's house*
Zac: Hey Ti.

Fatima: Hey, what are you doin here?

Zac: I was just talking to your dad.

Fatima: Is everything fine?

Zac: Everything is fine Fatima, but are you ok.

Fatima: I'm fine, why?

Zac: Cause you seem off.

Fatima: Well when I was at the mall I noticed somebody following me around but I brushed it off cause we were at the mall and people shop there sooooo yea.

Zac: Ti why didn't you call me?

Fatima: It's not a big deal Zac.

Zac: It is a big deal he might have somebody following you.

Fatima: Zac I'm fine I know you and my dad have people on me. I know y'all are gonna keep me safe.

Zac: Next time call me or your dad Fatima. Something could've happened to you.

Fatima: Zac it's fine I promise, ok?

Zac: Alright Ti.

Fatima: Thank you, now let's spend some time together.

Zac: What you tryna do?

Fatima: Let's go to dinner.

Zac: Ok let's head out.

Fatima: NOOO, I gotta change first and so do you.

Zac: Ain't nothing wrong with what we wearing right now.

Fatima: Zac. I got on a crop top and shorts, and I'm not finna get started on you. You got and grey sweatpants and a dingy shirt, that ain't finna cut it.

Zac: You just don't want nobody to see all this.

Fatima: Zac, shut up and go home and change.

Zac: Alright Ti, alright.

Hey y'all ik I been ima asf. I really don't have no excuse I just ain't feel like writing but i'll give y'all a lil sum sum for now.

But ik y'all missed me.

How y'all been hope everything is good.

And yea love you babes 😃

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