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(It's the day of graduation and Zac and Fatima have yet to talk about what happened at dinner. Matter of fact they haven't talked at all. But of course that's gonna change sooner or later)

Andi: Fatima it's graduation day and you have yet to talk to ya man, how come

Fatima: I just... want to have a little time to process what happened I'm gonna talk to him eventually just not right now

Andi: T you need to talk to that man he been blowing up my phone asking bout YOU

Fatima: Ok I'll take yo him today just not right now

*Zac's house*

Zac: Man Ti ain't talking to me and I don't know what to do

Cameron( Zac's cousin): Well have you talked to ole girl yet

Zac: Naw, not yet

Cameron: Bro you need to talk to her and figure out if that's your baby

Zac: I don't think that's my baby but imma talk to her

Cameron: You need to talk to ya girl at graduation cause y'all need to figure this out

Zac: Yeah I know

Cameron: Welp you need to get going cause ya graduation is about to start

*After graduation*

Maya: Zac it's your baby I wouldn't lie about that

Zac: I need to see proof other than that we have nothing to talk about

Maya: Why are you doing this

Zac: Doing what Maya

Maya: Being so disrespectful

Zac: I'm not Maya I just need to know if this is my baby or not

Maya: Did she get in your head to be disrespectful to me

Zac: You know her name is Fatima and she didn't do anything, look Maya I have a good future ahead of me and I just want to k is if this is my baby. Yes we have had good times but we have also had bad ones to. You have to move on and let this go. I'm happy with Fatima and to be honest I feel as if though your doing this to hold on to me.

Maya: So we really over Zac after everything. Zac I lost my virginity to you I thought we were going to be together for ever we made a promise then all of a sudden you meet Fatima, and you forget about me.

Zac: No Maya I didn't forget about you. You started being weird when I became friends with Ti.

Maya: Ok Zac. I told my parents that I'm pregnant and they set me up and appointment to see how far along I am it's on the 3rd if you want to come you can, if you don't it's fine. I'll tell you how far along I am.

Zac: Thank you Maya. I'll be there

Maya: Whatever Zac

*Zac runs to Fatima*

Zac: Ti can I talk to you for a second

Fatima: Uh.. yea I'll catch up with you later Andi

Zac: I talked to Maya about the baby

Fatima: Ok.. and

Zac: She has an appointment on the 3rd to see how far along she is and to see if it's my baby or not

Fatima: Good for you, but I really have to get going

Zac: Ti come on talk me these short answers are not it. I miss you and I have been doing everything to make it right with you

Fatima: Zac she might have a whole baby on you, your fucking ex might I add, I don't know how you want me to be ok with this because I'm not. I'm hurt, I'm angry, my mind is all over the place right now I just need time to think ok

Zac: Are you breaking up with me

Fatima: No I'm not, I still want to be with you ok

Zac: Ok Ti. Can I come over tonight

Fatima: Yes you can I'll let you know what time ok

Zac: Ok Ti I'll see you later

*At Fatima's house*

Andi: Are you ready for our party

Fatima: Yea I guess

Andi: What's wrong Ti we graduated you should be happy

Fatima: Well Andi I'm not I just can't stop thinking that me and Zac are not in a good place right now

Andi: Well what did he say

Fatima: Basically that Maya has an appointment to see how far along she is, and if it is his baby. And how much he was sorry about the whole situation

Andi: See look at that progress, y'all aren't going to bounce back so fast after something like this you just have to take time and be understanding

Fatima: Andi I have been understanding so much, but we haven't been dating for that long

Andi: You have to believe that y'all are going to work, and you have to talk to him and tell him how you feel if not then it's not going to work Ti

Fatima: I know I just ugh.. I just need time to think that's all I want to do is think about the whole situation that's it

Andi: You have been thinking Ti. You told me how you felt about it now you need to tell him

Fatima: I did sorta

Andi: No Fatima you really need to tell him how you feel if you don't then your going to resent him for the rest of your relationship

Fatima: I know and I don't wanna do that

Andi: Well talk to him and tell him what you told me

Fatima: Andi I don't know if I can

Andi: Fatima you need to open up to that man it's not fair to him that he is being open and honest to you but your not being open with him that's not how relationships work

Fatima: If it was you what would you do

Andi: This isn't about me it's about you and how you need to talk to him

Fatima: Ok Andi, when he comes over tonight I'll tell him how I feel

Andi: He coming over tonight

Fatima: Yes he is

Andi: Well that's good

Fatima: I guess so

Andi: And be honest with him and tell him EVERYTHING ok

Fatima: I will Andi

Andi: Good now in the mean time let's go downstairs and have fun with our family it our GRADUATION

Fatima: Ok Andi, and thanks for this

Andi: Ti that's what best friends are for duhh

*Soryy I haven't posted in a min school been kicking my ass but i made tiiiiime. YAAAAAY!!!!!*



How do you feel about Andi's advice to Fatima?

How you feel about Maya?

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