The "Friend" Date

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Zac asked Andi what was Fatima's favorite movie and place to eat out. He wanted tiger date or in Fatima's words "friend" date.
Zac never realized how caught up he was with Maya, but with Fatima it was like a breath of fresh air. Anything he need to talk about she was their. Over the short course that they have been friends they laughed together, cried together, and many more special moments. So he wanted to make this a moment that she would never forget.

*Zac and Fatima pulled up at a drive in movie to see Set if off*
(her favorite movie say a lot about her y'all😭)

Fatima:Zaaaac how did you know that this was my favorite movie

Zac: (laughs) I have my ways

Fatima: Did Andi tell you?

Zac: Yes she did she wanted out date to be special

Fatima: "Friend" date Zachary

Zac: How about we'll see if you call it a friend date by the end of the night

Fatima: Ok deal just so you know it's still gonna be a "friend" date

Zac: Ok Fatima if that's what you think

(After the movie is finished he takes her to her favorite restaurant hibachi)

(I was goin do Mont Blu but I was reading my last chapter so it could go with this but they was to underdressed)

Fatima: So you just pulling out all the stop tonight huh

Zac: I want our first date to be rememberable

Fatima: It's still a "friend" date

Zac: Not after the next surprise

(They go in the restaurant and order their food and have a good conversation)

Zac: So what is it like being the founders of the school's daughter

Fatima: I mean it's alright but it's a lot of pressure trying put up a perfect image for the school you know like good grades and being captain of every team I join

Zac: Wow T that's a lot

Fatima: Yeah I know

Zac: Well you know I'm here whenever you need to talk

Fatima: Yeah I know and thanks

Zac: For what

Fatima: Taking me out

Zac: Well after the next surprise your really going to happy

( Zac pays and they leave. They arrive at there next destination which is skating. Fatima has always wanted to learn but never had the time because she was busy doing what her parents wanted her to do.)

Fatima: I've already wanted to learn how to skate thank you so much

Zac: I just want this date to be rememberable for you

Fatima: This date really is


Fatima: Yes it is Zac and you don't have to yell

Zac: I'm sorry i'm just excited

(Zac teaches Fatima to skate and she fell on her ass bout 6 times but had fun. They just pulled up at her house and they are at the door)

Fatima: Thank you Zac for this date I really had fun

Zac: I'm happy you did

(They stare into each other's eye for about 30 seconds and then they kiss)

Fatima: Bye Zac, call me when you get home

Zac: I will

(Zac leaves and goes home)

(Little do they know Maya was watching their every move. She now officially hated Fatima she took her one true love and she was determined to get him back no matter what it took)

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