I love you

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Messiah: Mommy was that girl really pregnant

Fatima: You just have to wait and find out

Messiah: UGHHHHH mommy why do you always take supper long to get to the good part

Fatima: Boy just hush and listen


*Later that night at Fatima's house*

Fatima: Zac just text me that he's outside

Andi: Well let me go so that y'all can talk and please remember everything that I told you please

Fatima: I will Andi. I love you I'll see you later

Andi:Love you too

*Andi leaves and Zac comes in*

Zac: Hey Ti

Fatima: Hey Zac

Zac: Ti imma just cut to the chase I have thought long and hard about this and... I love you like a lot, And I know what is happening is a lot for you shit it's a lot for me but I just want to apologize for putting you in this situation and if you want to leave me I understand

Fatima: ... Zac... I love you too and yes this is a lot but I'm not going to leave you. You explained your side and what happened the only thing that we can do is wait to see if it's your baby, and even if it is I'm still going to be through your side every step of the way I promise

Zac: Thank you so much Ti

Fatima: For what

Zac: For being so understanding and sticking with me through this and loving me

Fatima: You don't have to thank me I'm doing this because I love you. Do you wanna down the night

Zac: Yes I do

(I was gonna write a sex scene buuuut it was mad cringy so i cut that bitch out unless somebody wanna help me with it 😁)

*Next morning*

Fatima: Zac

Zac: Yea Ti

Fatima: Do you want the baby to be yours

Zac: I thought about it and no. I want to have a baby with the right person and Maya is not it

Fatima: Well who do you think the father is

Zac: Probably Chris baby

Fatima: Well how do you feel about her sleeping with Chis

Zac: I'm hurt about but not really because I have you

Fatima: Really Zac

Zac: Yes really Ti I do love you and I want to be with you forever

Fatima: I do to

*Maya's house*

Chris: Maya cut the bullshit you know it's my baby

Maya: No I don't know if it's your ok

Chris: Why are you lying your 4 months and we fucked 4 months ago ol so stop trying to hold on to that nigga

Maya: I'm not it could be his baby. And I wish you had this same energy when Zac was your best friend

Chris: Fuck that nigga he got a whole new girl and you sitting here worried about him why

Maya: Chris you might not understand but I love Zac ok and I regret sleeping with you it was a moment of weakness and it's not going to happen again

Chris: You slept with me to get back at Zac but news flash Maya, THE NIGGA AINT WORRIED ABOUT YOU. He got a whole new girl and ain't leaving her


Messiah: Mommy why did you not leave daddy

Fatima: Because I loved him and still do

Messiah: Hmm ok

Fatima: What son

Messiah: Nothing mommy finish the story

Fatima: Huh ok


Maya: He is just trying to make me jealous ok he's gonna come back soon

Chris: Maya he is not so just be with me I want you

Maya: No you don't

Chris: Maya yes I do I've wanted you since you started talking to Zac

Maya: To me it sounds like you want what he had

Chris: No it's not that Maya

Maya: You know what Chris I'll let you know the results when I find out just leave please

Chris: You know what fine Maya

*The bitch ass nigga leaves finally*

* Back to Zac and Fatima*

Zac: How do you feel about the whole situation

Fatima: I mean there's nothing that I can really do but wait mad hope for the best at this point. If it's not your baby I'll be happy if it is your baby then that's that. I'm just gonna hope for the best.

Zac: Ti how do you stay so positive

Fatima: I don't really know. I guess cause I'm just like that

Zac: Yes you are. I love you so much Ti

Fatima: I love you too Zac

I wasn't gonna post this today or at all this week but I came through anyways I hope y'all have a good day


When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now