Are you sure?

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Zac had grown to like Fatima over the two months that they had been talking he just loved everything about her. But he wasn't sure if he if he wanted to take the next step and date her.He still had a lot of questions that she never answered.
Fatima on the other hand was a bit stand-offish. Since the Maya incident but she truly did like Zac, but she didn't want Maya to pop up and she have to fight the hoe cause Family been trying to be a better person.

Zac: What are you doing this weekend?

Fatima: Probably nothing why?

Zac: I want to take you out

Fatima: Zac....

Zac: (laughs) I know I know as a friend

Fatima: Well I'm glad you know

It's the weekend and Zac is going to take Fatima out on a friend date. Fatima made sure that friend was put in front of it to set boundaries. Fatima asked where they were going and Zac said that it was a surprise but to dress casual.

(At Fatima's house)

Andi: Girl are you really going to wear that on a date

Fatima: Andi I told you it's not a date we are just going as friends he just comes with to much drama

Andi: Girl ain't nobody worried about Maya ass but you

Fatima: I am cause if I get another charge my parents said that's my ass

Andi: Alright girl

Fatima: Thank you

(A couple of minutes pass)

Fatima: He just text me that he's outside

Andi: Have fun and don't get pregnant

Fatima: Bye Andi and go home

Andi: Fine

(Zac knocks on Fatima front door)

Zac: Hey Fatima

Fatima: Hey Zac

Zac: Well let's go

Fatima: I gotta tell my parents I'm leaving first

Zac: Ok


Mr and Mrs.Wilson: Hold up

Fatima: Oh lord

Mr.Wilson: I don't wanna any kissing, hugging, Eye contact, or laughing, and don't you dare have sex understand

Mrs.Wilson: Really Charles

Fatima: Daddy I get the kissing and the last part other than that your doing to much, but in that note we're going to leave

Mrs.Wilson: Be back by 12 understood

Zac and Fatima: Yes ma'am

(They leave and are heading on their "friend" date)


Messiah: Mommy y'all should have went on a regular date

Fatima: I know baby but we're gonna get to that soon


Fatima: Boy hush

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now