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*It's next morning and Fatima is throwing up every thing she had in the last 24 hours at Zac's house*

Zac: You need to eat something Fatima.

Fatima: Do you not see me throwing up everything I've had within the last 24 hours, just leave me alone.

Zac: Fatima I'm just trying to help you.

Fatima: Who said I needed your help. I've done many times by myself before I met you okay>

Zac: How long have you done this?

Fatima: What do you mean?

Zac: Taking drugs T.

Fatima: Why?

Zac: Cause T this isn't healthy.

Fatima: You sound just like Andi, I know what I'm doing.

Zac: Apparently you don't cause if you did you wouldn't be here.

Fatima: I'm just gonna go home.

Zac: You don't have your car and you damn sure ain't getting no uber.

Fatima: Can you just take me home?

Zac: Not until you answer my question Fatima. How long have you been doing this.

Fatima: Since Ju came back.

Zac: T me and your father promised nothing was going to happen to you.

Fatima: Y'all say that but y'all don't know him like I know him.

Zac: He not goin do nothing to you, and if you don't stop what your doing then i'm telling your parents.

Fatima: Ok Zac I get it.

Zac: Do you Fatima? Because this is serious.

Fatima: Ok Zac, can you just take me home.

Zac: Fine T.

*A week has passed and still no sign of Ju which is a good think, but Fatima has been worried that he just gonna pop up again. But on the good side and Zac and Andi talked to her she stopped. But now she has just been stressing not getting any sleep, not eating. She is just falling into a downward spiral all together.*

Nana: How you feeling pretty girl.

Fatima: I'm fine

Nana: No your not. Tell me how you really feel baby.

Fatima: I'm scared Nana, what if he comes back? He can actually hurt me in more ways that you could imagine. I don't wanna go through that again.

Nana: Fatima your father is on it, okay. But you are gonna have to do better for yourself sweetheart. That's all I ask.

Fatima: But how Nana, he ruined my life so much I don't even know who I am anymore.

Nana: That's only for you to figure out. But in the meantime hop in the shower, you a little ripe.

Fatima: (laughs) Wow Nana, but ok. And thank you.

Nana: You don't have to thank me.

Just sum short cause i been mia on here
But i have an excuse i been testing at school and it's been kicking my ass literally
like i went into a whole depression try to get prepared
But i'm back and not depressed anymore
and imma try to get more chapters out especially since i'm out of school 🫡

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now