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psa this chapter real short cause I don't feel like writing nth long rn😏

*In the car after the appointment*

Zac: You ok Ti?

Fatima: *Silent*

Zac: TI?

Fatima: Huh?

Zac: I said are you good?

Fatima: Yeah I'm fine

Zac: Are you sure? She had no right talking to you like that.

Fatima: She was just emotional Zac it's fine

Zac: Ti talk to me. How do you feel

Fatima: Zac I told you I'm fine

Zac: Well I'm happy that you were with me and a lot more calm than you would usually be

Fatima: Mhmm

Zac: Are you positive your fine

Fatima: Yes. Don't ask me that no more nigga

Zac: Well damn ok then

Fatima: Thank you

Zac: Well what do you want to do now?

Fatima: Go home and go to sleep

Zac: You don't wanna get something to eat you haven't eaten all day

Fatima: Just take me home please

Zac: Ok Ti

*At Fatima's house*

Fatima: Thank you

Zac: Your welcome

Fatima: I'll talk to you later

Zac: You don't want me to come in?

Fatima: No I just want to be alone

Zac: Ok

*Fatima goes into the house*

Mrs.Wilson: Baby you ok?

Fatima: It's not his baby mama

Mrs.Wilson: Well that's good why are you sitting around here sad?

Fatima: What if it was his baby mama? What would that have meant for us, for me?

Mrs.Wilson: Don't think about the what if's baby

Fatima: But I can't mama. What if I have to deal with this again but a different female.

Mrs.Wilson: Don't think negative Fatima, I did not raise you like that.

Fatima: I know mama, I'm just gonna go upstairs and take a shower then go to sleep

Mrs.Wilson: Ok but think positive ok

Fatima: Yes ma'am

*Fatima goes upstairs and gets in the shower*

*Zac starts to call*

Fatima: Yea Zachary

Zac: I'm just seeing if your ok

Fatima: Zac I told you before I got out of the car I am fine

Zac: Tima just talk to me and tell me what's wrong

Fatima: Zachary I don't wanna talk to you right now ok?

Zac: Tim-

Fatima: Zac i'm gonna hang up now cause I literally just said I don't wanna talk to you

Zac: Fine Ti

Fatima: Thank you

Zac: I lo-(Fatima hangs up)

Fatima: Ohhhhhhh that nigga is working my nerves

Literally just a filler till Zatima comes out

Not updating anymore till Zatima


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