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*Its officially the day that they find out how long Maya is*

Zac: Ti I really don't wanna go in that place

Fatima: Zac you have to if you want to find out if the baby is your or not so come on babe

Zac: If I didn't love you so much I wouldn't go in there

Fatima: I know now let's go

*They get out the car and go in the building*

Maya: Hey Zac

Zac: Maya

Maya: Why is she here it's only supposed to be us

Zac: She is my girl so she goin be here to support me whatever the outcome is

Maya: You know what, fuck it. Come on so we can get this shit over with

*They all walk to the back and the doctor comes in*

Dr Smith: Hello Ms.Brown how are you today

Maya: I'm fine just trying to hurry up and get this over with

Dr.Smith: Understandable, so I suppose this is the father and..

Maya: It might be and this is his um.. what even are you

Zac: She is my girlfriend don't do that Maya. Let's just get this over with ok

Dr.Smith: Ok

*They get everything set up for the ultrasound*

Dr.Smith: Ok Ms.Brown time to see your baby

Maya: Good

*He looks around and sees nothing*

Dr.Smith: Ms.Brown are you sure that your pregnant

Maya: Yes I haven't had my period in months

Dr.Smith: Well I don't see anything

Maya: I took a pregnancy test and it said that I was pregnant

Dr.Smith: Well how many did you take?

Maya: Just one

Zac: Wait so you mean to tell me that your not really pregnant

Maya: Zac I thought I was

Fatima: Can y'all calm down now is not the time to argue


Fatima: (does a dark chuckle) Ok

Zac: Ti calm down

Fatima: Naw I'm fine Zac, I'm about to go to the car

Zac: Don't do nothing to her car

Fatima: I'm not just to calm down Zac

Zac: Ok Ti

*Fatima leaves*

Zac: Maya what the fuck is wrong with you

Maya: She was in something that had nothing to do with her

Zac: She was trying to diffuse the situation Maya

Maya: So this ain't her business

Zac: Maya- you know what it's fine have a good life don't call me for shit now that I know you ain't pregnant we done

Maya: Zac wait

Zac: What Maya

Maya: I got and abortion

Zac: What you mean Maya

Maya: It was Chris's baby and I didn't want it to be his

Zac: When did you do this

Maya: 2 months before we broke up

Zac: 2 fuckin months Maya.....

Maya: Zac I'm sorry

Zac: Fuck it we not together it don't matter no more

Maya: Zac don't do that. We are meant to be together fuck her

Zac: Don't disrespect her like that. And we went meant to be together so fuck all that

Maya: Zac stop

Zac: Bye Maya

Maya: Zac I love you

Zac: So does my girlfriend bye Maya

*Flashback Over*

Messiah: So she wasn't really pregnant huh mommy

Fatima: No baby she wasn't

Messiah: We're you happy

Fatima: If i'm being honest I was

Messiah: Why

Fatima: Because I only wanted to have you and your siblings

Messiah: I know I mean we are the whole package mommy

Fatima: (laughs) Yes son y'all are

ok so i wasn't gonna update but it's friday and i had a good day sooo yea.

Fun Fact: I have like 6 other zatima books in my draft hehehehehehehe🤭

i'm done i'm done byeeeeee

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now