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I'm dreading today. Today's my first day back to school after being in hospital. I verbally groan when my stupid alarm goes off. Isn't 6am too early to be waking up? I sigh, and walk to my vanity. I quickly put on some concealer and mascara so I don't look like a walking corpse. I walk to my closet, knowing picking an outfit won't be too hard. I throw on a pair of leggings and a crewneck. I straighten my hair and walk downstairs to see my parents in the kitchen drinking coffee. I grab my already packed backpack and my warndown converse.

"Skipping breakfast?" My mom teases.

"All that time in the hospital to be back at square one." My dad laughs. 

I give them a look, rolling my eyes and I head out the door. The strong wind hits me in the face like a bitch. I mentally sigh, knowing my parents wouldn't be bothered to drive me anyways. I start my walk to school, pushing my earbuds in my ears and start my playlist. When I finally arrive at the High School, I push open the doors and make my way to my first class; English.

I prepare myself for the stares i'm going to get and walk in. Surprisingly,  there's only a few students here so far. I glance at the young woman at the front.
I'm confused, as to where my english teacher is.

"Hi! Are you a new student?" She asks, giving me a warm smile.

"No uh I just haven't been in class for a while." I say, nervously.

"Oh no problem! I'm actually the new english teacher, Miss Olsen for your class!" She says, giving me that same smile.

"Oh, nice to meet you." I say, trying to find a seat.

More student arrive, giving me odd looks. I ignore them, and Miss Olsen starts her lesson. I zone out most of the lesson, not even knowing what she's talking about. The bell rings, scaring the shit out of me. I begin to get out of my seat, but Miss Olsen comes walking towards me.

"Hey, I never caught your name." She says.

"Freya," I say, gathering my things.

"What a pretty name!" She beams. I smile back at her.

"Freya, do you mind maybe coming after school one day so I can just tell you everything you've missed?" She asks.

"Oh sure, what day uh works for you?" I ask.

"How about tomorrow!" She says.

"Sure." I mumble, walking towards to exit.

"Take care, sweetheart." She says, giving me a comforting smile.

"Thanks, you too." I smile back.

I walk to my next class, knowing this day is going to go painfully slow.

-time skip to after school-

I'm laying on my bed, scrolling through TikTok on my phone, and I get a text message.

Gracie 💕

Hey Freya! I heard your back from the hospital!! I hope you're doing well, wanna meet up in half an hour?


Hey! Thank you so much, i've missed you!! Of course, wanna meet at the park?

Gracie 💕

I've missed you too F, yeah that sounds good! see ya in a bit <3


See ya ❤️

I smile, and walk downstairs to tell my parents i'm leaving.

"Nice to see you out of your room." My dad jokes.

"Yeah yeah, i'm going to meet up with Gracie, what time should I be back?" I ask.

"I don't care what time, just don't make any noise when your home." My mom says.

I nod and start walking towards the park. I see Gracie and she runs up to me giving me a giant hug. Okay, well now she's kind of suffocating me.

"Gracie, I love ya but I kind of gotta breathe." I laugh.

"Oh sorry! I've just missed you so much." She says.

"Me too, let's go sit down."

We walk to the bench and get comfy. Well as comfy as we could, I mean it is a park bench.

"Soo, catch me up on everything!" I exclaim.

"Uhmm okay well, Josh and Isabelle broke up, I had my first kiss, a teacher got fired for sleeping with a student, anddd I got a puppy." She says.

"Woah woah, okay that's a lot to take it. First off, who'd you kiss?" I ask.

"Okay don't laugh it was at a party, but Mason Woods." She says.

I burst out laughing.

"HEY! I said not to laugh." She says, pretending to be angry.

"Fine fine sorry." I say, trying to hold my laugh in.

"What about you, how are you holding up?" She asks.

"Oh, i'm doing great." I lie.

She smiles and we talk for a while before I start making my way home before it gets too dark.

When I get home, I don't bother to eat anything. The hospital didn't really help. Once I was at a "healthy" enough weight, they sent me home. Fucking idiots.

I put on some sweats, and hop in bed, going on my phone for a while. I finally let sleep take over me.

Home is a person - Lizzie OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now