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Freya's pov
A few months later...

Life was good a month ago, but now..it's like it's back to how my life was before.

"Freya, let's go. You're gonna make me late" My boyfriend says.

"Sorry, i'm here now. Let's go" I say, sighing.

I recently moved in with him. Our relationship was going well, but this past month he's been so angry. Maybe he's just going through something, i've tried to talk to him, but he just shuts it down every time. He drinks a lot now too.

We walk into the car and he speeds off on to the highway.

"Are you drunk?" I ask

"No." He says.

"You are! Why were you drinking before a work party?" I say, slightly raising my voice.

"Hey, you don't get to yell at me. I didn't drink that much, I just needed something in my system. I hate dealing with those guys at work" He says.

"You should've let me drive then, you shouldn't be driving" I say.

"Just let it go, Freya!" He yells.

I nod and stay silent for the rest of the car ride. We finally arrive at the work event and we split up.

I'm talking to some people at the event when I turn around to see my boyfriend flirting with some girl. I try to ignore it, he's just being friendly right? I'm probably overthinking this. I walk to the bar and sit down to get a drink.

"Hey" Some guy says.

"Oh hi" I say.

"So what are you doing here? I've never seen you at work before." He asks.

"Oh no, my boyfriend works here. I'm here with him." I reply.

"So where is he?" He asks.

I look around to see him flirting with the same girl. I look back at the guy and shrug.

"Shouldn't you be with him?" He asks.

"Yeah, well i've got no idea where he went." I say.

"Well, same with my boyfriend. I have no idea where he went either" He laughs.

I laugh as well and the bartender gives me my drink.

"I'm going to get going now. It was nice meeting you." I get up and leave. I turn around to see my boyfriend standing over me.

"We're leaving." He says, taking me my the arm and yanking me outside to the car.

"What?" I ask.

"Why were you talking to that guy?" He yells, as we get in the car.

"I'm sorry, he was just starting a small conversation as we waited for our drinks" I say.

"You can't be talking to any guys. I don't care if it's just some friendly conversation, don't be a fucking slut." He says, while angrily pushing on the gas petal.

"I'm sorry, Sam. You were also flirting with another girl! I wasn't flirting with him, and plus he has a boyfriend. We were just talking." I explain.

"I don't care. And me talking to another girl is different, you don't understand." He says, driving at a speed way over the limit.

We arrive at home and we walk inside.

"I can't believe you talked to another guy." Sam says, angrily.

"I'm sorry.." I say.

He gets closer and slaps me in the face, leaving a large bruise on my cheek. My eyes become glossy.

"Sam, I said I was sorry!" I cry.

"Just shut the fuck up and let's go to bed" He says, clearly irritated.

I change into my pjs and get into bed with him.

He looks at me for a while. "You've gained weight" He says, laughing.

I felt like a thousand knives were stabbing into my chest at once.

Hey guys 😛😛😛

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