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I decide that I need to wake Freya up. She has to eat something.

I walk over to the couch where she has fallen asleep, and start playing with her hair.

"Freya," I coo.

"Hmm" She stirs in her sleep a bit.

"Can you sit up please?" I ask.

She finally opens her eyes, using all her energy to sit up on the couch.

"Okay, i'm going to eat you to eat something." I say, softly.

"No." She says, bluntly.

"You can choose anything, even cake!" I say, trying to change her mood.

"Lizzie, i'm not 5. Cake isn't going to do shit." She says.

"Watch your language" I say. "Please, let's go eat something."

She just stares at me.

"Fine you leave me no choice." I say, getting up to get the phone.

Freya's pov:

No. She is going to send me back to the hospital. I can't go back, I won't. I thought I could trust you Lizzie, fucking hell.

"No" I scream. "Please Lizzie don't send me there. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll eat. I promise i'll eat. Please don't send me." I cry out.

She puts the phone down, and turns back around and crouches down in front of me.

"Freya, i'm not sending you to a hospital." She says, calmly.

She wipes my tears, and brings me in for a hug.

"I can't help you alone. I'm going to call a specialist, okay? Honey, your physically harming yourself. Not eating, cutting is all very dangerous. You deserve so much better my sweet girl. Please, let me and them help you." She coos.

I nod, still silently crying.

"Sweetie, your going to make yourself sick. Can you eat one small thing for me and then we will go visit the specialist?" She asks.

I miss the freedom of eating whatever I wanted. I honestly just want to be better, but it's too hard. It's easier to stay...like this.

"Cereal." I say.

"Perfect!! Do you care what flavour?" She asks.

"Cheerios, please." I say, quietly.

Her smile brightens up even more. "Of course,

Yes, staying in my eating disorder is easier, but is it really worth it. If Lizzie is going to help me get better, might as well actually recover. If she's going to adopt me, might as well tell her what happened in my shitty life.

"Lizzie?" I say.

She spins around and smiles at me softly. That same smile she gave me in school.

"I'm ready to talk about..well everything." I say.

"Okay, honey. I'm all ears now." She says.

"So uhm...."

"It's okay, take your time my sweet girl." She says, softly.

"Well, my parents used to care about me when I was younger. Up until the age of 10, I was loved by them. Then they started just making ignorant comments. I tried to ignore them, but they just kept getting worse. They then started making me do a ton of work. They just started to comment on everything. My appearance, my friends, how I walked, literally everything. They started to yell at me for no reason, they just wanted to humiliate me. At the age of 13, I developed my eating disorder. They didn't care at first, but then 6 months ago it got really bad. I was on death's bed at that point, and they had no choice but to send me to the hospital. The hospital didn't do shit though. One night when I was there I was uhm..one of the nurses raped me. So, that's why i'm so anxious to go back to a hospital. Not too long ago, my parents started drinking. The first time, my dad just beat me up. The second time, I just got a slap to the face. One day, when I came home, my dad's friends were over. One of them raped me again. The next day, I said something to my dad and he threatened to hurt me really bad. Instead, I ended up here with you." I explain.

I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. It actually felt good to tell someone. Nobody else really knew about my home life, except for Gracie of course.

Lizzie's pov:

I'm at loss of words as to what I just heard. My heart aches for this poor girl and I want to do everything in my power to help and protect her. There is still one more lingering question I have though.

"I'm so so sorry that all happened to you honey. You don't deserve any of that." I say.

"It's not your fault." She says.

"I know, I just wish I could take away all your pain." I say. She just smiles. "I have to ask though, was that the first time you self harmed?"

"Yeah.." She admits.

"Oh baby, i'm not mad. I really am so sorry, you deserve so much better. I am going to help you and I won't ever leave you, I promise." I coo.

I had my science exam today. I studied a ton for it, so I hope I do well lmao 😭

Anywaysss any new job ideas for Lizzie

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