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Freya's pov:

Time skip to the evening

Right now Lizzie and I are searching for schools for me.

"How about this one?" She half jokes.

"Ew, I do not want to be with a bunch of snobby private school kids" I laugh.

Today has been eventful. A ton of emotions, but right now, everything seems perfect.

"Okay, how about this one? It's pretty close by and everyone says that they have amazing teachers!" Lizzie says.

"Sounds good. Thank you so much, Lizzie" I say.

"Of course honey, i'm so proud of you. I know that you are going to get through this." She says, pulling me in for a hug.

"I love you" I say, quietly.

Lizzie's pov

"I love you" She says, shyly.

Oh my god she just said I love you! I've always wanted to be a mom, and now this. Damn, my life has changed entirely these past few weeks, but I wouldn't change it for a thing.

"I love you too my sweet girl. Now go get some sleep, you've had a tiring day." I tell her.

She nods and heads upstairs.

I feel bad because I didn't tell her everything. Obviously me adopting her won't be easy. We have to go to court and everything and I'm not sure how she'll take it. She has so much going on and I really don't want this to cause her anymore pain. I really don't know what to do, so I decide to call Scar.

"Hey Scar." I say

"Hey Lizzie, is everything okay?" She says through the phone.

"Yeah, how are you doing? How's Rose?" I ask.

"We all are doing great actually. Rose had a play date with her friend at the park today, and she kind of kissed another kid!" She laughs.

"Oh my gosh, no way. I miss you all, we should definitely go for lunch one day." I say.

"Totally, now how are you doing? How's Freya?" She asks.

"I'm okay. Freya had her first therapy session today. It went okay, she got a bit overwhelmed at the end, but it went well. I haven't told her about the whole court thing yet..she thinks that I went to sign the papers. I wish it could work like that, so I could 100% have custody over her, but unfortunately she has to see her awful birth givers again. I'm just not sure how she will take the news with all the other stuff happening in her life right now." I explain.

"I get it, it's scary. You're just going to have to have a conversation with her. We can't predict how she'll react, but it has to be done."

"I know, it's just that i'm scared that her parents could win. I know there's a small chance, but you never know." I say.

"It's a chance that you've got to take. Whatever happens, i'll be there for both you and Freya." She says.

"Thank you Scar, I should get going to bed." I say.

"Of course! I love ya Lizard"

"Bye Scarlett" I laugh.

I hang up the phone and start getting ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be one heck of a day.

Sorry for like such a small chapter!! School is so shit rn, we started the new semester and mine sucks. My french teacher oml how do I even explain him. He's..something special.

I should probably have an updating schedule but like idk cuz some days i'm training, so i'm too tired plus school work. I'll try to update more though. I also gotta update my other stories 💀 SORRY GUYS

Anyways I hope u all r doing well!! Take care of yourselves 💕

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