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Freya's pov

After I get ready, I come downstairs to see that Scarlett has left.

"Hey Freya, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Lizzie asks.

"Can we watch a movie?" I ask.

"Of course! You go sit at the couch, i'll be there soon." She says.

I quickly walk to the couch before black spots take over my vision. I scroll through Netflix for a bit before deciding to watch Brooklyn 99 instead of a movie. Ugh I wish the writers made Rosa and Gina a couple.

"Hey honey, do you want any snacks?" Lizzie asks.

"No, i'm still full from breakfast." I lie.

She gives me a nervous look before sitting beside me on the couch.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but at some point we will have to do something about your home situation. Technically i've "kidnapped" you." Lizzie says as the show plays.

"Right..I can go home tomorrow." I say, hanging my head down.

"No. You are not going back to them, we will figure something out." She says firmly, but softly. "Whenever you feel comfortable, you can talk to me about the rest of the stuff that happened."

For some reason, this made me annoyed. I know she's trying to help but I can't help but feel irritated.

"It's fine." I say, bluntly.

She just gives me a soft smile and we turn our attention back to the show.

After some time goes by, she speaks up. "Hey, what would you like for lunch?"

"Uh anything is fine." I say, knowing i'm just going to make myself sick after. Recovery is not going well, it's like i'm back at square one.

"Want to come help me make it?" She asks.

"Sure." I reply.

As I stand up, my vision goes blurry.

"Woah, sweetheart are you alright?" She asks. "How about you just sit back down, it's all good."

I nod, and turn my attention back to the screen.

After a while, Lizzie calls me in for lunch.

Now that she's brought up my home situation, I have no idea what to do. I know my parents won't be bothered to go look for me anyways.

"I made you a sandwich that I think you'll love!" Lizzie says, excitedly.

"Thank you!" I say, giving her a fake smile. I must admit, I feel bad for not actually "eating" her food.

As I'm eating my sandwich, I pull out my phone.  I see I have a few missed messages from Gracie.

Gracie 💕
Hey girl! Are you coming to school today?
sent two days ago

Gracie 💕
Heyyyy r u dead girlie
sent yesterday

Gracie 💕
Freya, r u actually ok
sent 2 hours ago

Hi i'm so sorry, i was sick so i wasn't on my phone much. We can fs hang out soon once i'm feeling better lmk when ur free

Gracie 💕
ofc hope ur feeling better dingus

"Are you all finished?" Lizzie asks.

"Mhm, i'm gonna go to the bedroom." I say, leaving to go to the guest bathroom.

Lizzie's pov

As soon as she leaves, I wait a few seconds before following her. I see the light on in the guest bathroom and press my ear against it to hear purging noises.

My heart breaks as our suspicions were correct. I wait outside the door until she comes out. As she finally walks out, and sees me she freezes.

"Honey, what were you doing in there?" I ask softly.

She just breaks down in a sob, sliding her back down the wall. I sit down beside her and she sobs into my shoulder.

"Oh baby, it's okay. I'm going help you." I coo.

"I-i'm sorry" She chokes out.

"My sweet girl, you have nothing to be sorry for. You deserve every good thing in this world and i'm so sorry that you have to deal with this. There's nothing to be sorry for, your struggling and that's okay. You don't need to struggle alone though, because i'm going to help you through this. You will get through this, I promise, sweetheart. I love you so very much." I coo.

"W-what?" She asks, as her teary eyes stare into mine.

"What do you mean?" I ask, softly.

"You love me?" She asks.

"Of course I love you." I coo.

"That's the first time someone has said that to me in a long time." She says, quietly.

"Oh baby, i'm sorry." I say, softly.

She continues to cry a bit and I decide to bring something up.

"Honey, as much as i'd like to help you on my own, I can only do as much as I can. I think we need to get you some professional help." I say, softly.

"Like-like what?" She says, staring to cry harder. I rub circles on her back.

"Maybe we should take a visit to the hospital?" I ask. I feel her tense up.

"NO, LIZZIE PLEASE NO" She sobs out.

"Baby, what's gotten you so worked up?" I coo.

"P-please no hospital." She cries.

"Okay, no hospital. Can you tell me why you don't want that?" I ask.

"W-when I was there, h-he he" She tries to speak, but she just sobs even harder.

I feel devastated as I can infer what happened to her. "Sweetheart, were you raped?" I ask, softly. Tears start to fall down my face.

She just cries harder, so I take that as a yes.

"Oh baby, i'm so sorry. I promise I won't take you back there, okay? I'm going to protect you." I coo.

What if i'm not doing a good enough job to protect her.

Home is a person - Lizzie OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now