Chapter 5

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A week later: We had been practicing all week. It's now Monday night, the week of the scrimmage against the boys. Trevor and I had been subtly flirting, not enough to cause anyone's head to turn but enough to make my heart race when I thought about him. We had been hanging out a lot since the shower moment, usually with the others but sometimes alone. My birthday was in two days, June 7th. It has now been a month since I was in Michigan. 


It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep...I was tossing and turning. I felt my phone vibrate. I saw that Trevor was calling me.

"Hey T, what's up?" I asked.

"I see your light is on. Can't sleep either?" He asked.

"No," I said sighing.

"Wanna go on a drive?" He asked and my heart started beating faster.

"Yeah, let me change," I said getting up. 

I was in a sports bra and underwear. I threw on the sweatshirt that was on my chair and the shorts on my ground. I grabbed my flip-flops and phone and I ran down my stairs as quietly as I could. I headed outside and saw Trevor's car on. I ran around to the passenger seat and climbed in. It was cool out so Trevor had the heat on.

"You can connect to AUX," he said handing me the cord.

"Thanks," I said taking it and pulling my phone in.

"Where do you wanna go?" Trevor asked me.

"Anywhere you want," I said softly making him smile.

We were jamming out to music. The windows were down. I had my arm out the window playing with the wind. I had my head lying on the window just staring out at the sky.

"Lily," I mumbled yes back to him. We are here. He said as I felt the car stop.

When I sat up I realized we were at a little lake. There was a dock at the end of the path.

"Come on." He said getting out. He headed to the trunk as I got out heading down toward the dock.

I got down to the dock, Trevor meeting me shortly after. He has a blanket in his hand. He placed it down and sat on it. He patted it and looked up at me. I sat down next to him.

"So, tell me something that not a single person knows?" He asked me.

"mmmhhhh... I'm scared." I told him honestly.

"Of what?" He asked shocked.

"Life, hockey, school? So much rides on me and sometimes I feel like I am drowning in it." I said sighing. "What about you? Tell me something no one knows."

"I like this girl. She's funny as hell, she's really smart and beautiful and she just gets me." He said blushing.

"oh...Really," I said kinda disappointed.

"yeah. She's pretty awesome. I'm just too scared to ask her out or admit my feelings to her." He told me.

"You're The Trevor Zegras. Any girl would die to be with you. Just tell her. She would be crazy to not like you back." I said looking at him before I got an idea.

I sat up and took off my hoodie.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused.

"Going swimming," I said slipping my shorts off. "You coming, or are you gonna stare at me the whole time?" I asked smirking at him as I jumped into the water. I swam under the water. I came back up as Trevor cannonballed into the water.

He came up as I laughed. He swam over to me.

"You know...we all have pressure on us. You just can't let it consume you. Just take it one step at a time." He said to me as I nodded agreeing with him. "You know the girl that I like?"

"Yeah?" I asked confused.

"She's you. I like you, Lily. I have been since I first met, then I hadn't seen you in a few years, I tried to move on but when I saw you run up on the beach I knew I still liked you and but this time it's so much more." He said as his hand found its way to my cheek. "If you don't feel the same way, I am sorry for making this awkward, I just couldn't hold it in any longer." He told me honestly.

I looked into his eyes. I felt him leaning in and I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. I kissed him back. It was a slow kiss but it had so many sparks as cliche as that sounded, it did. I pulled away and I felt myself blushing.

"I like you too Trevor," I said as he smiled before kissing me again and pulling us apart.

"god. Alex is going to kill me." He said making us laugh. I started to get cold and I felt myself shivering. "Are you cold? You wanna get out?"

I nodded as we swam over the dock. Trevor climbed out first and then helped me out. He wrapped the blanket around me.

"I'm gonna go grab some extra sweatpants I keep in my car, for you."

"Okay," I said nodding my head.

He ran to his car coming right back with black sweatpants that had the Anaheim ducks logo on them along with his number. I dried myself off before slipping them on. I put on my sweatshirt and flip-flops.

"The car is on with the heat. Come on." He said taking the blanket from me as we headed up to the car. He opened the passenger door for me.

"Thank you," I said climbing in as he shut the door.

He ran around getting in. We started driving back home. I had my hand resting on my lap when I felt Trevor grab it, intertwining our fingers. I felt myself blushing and looked out the window to avoid Trevor's eyes. When we made it back home he parked, turned the car off, and ran around to the other side to open my door for me. He grabbed my hand, walking me to my front door.

"Good night Lily." He said smiling down at me.

"Good night Trevor," I said smiling.

He leaned down softly kissing me, before pulling away. He pecked me once more before he pulled us apart and I went inside. I closed the door, locking it and I quietly ran up to my room. I threw myself onto my bed, softly screaming into my pillow. I can not believe that just happened. I went to sleep that night dreaming of what just happened over and over again.

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