11. A Deal

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"Miss Yasmine Meyers," Erick said as he pocketed his hands. " That's your name, right?"

He knew his words had gotten to her when she suddenly stopped walking immediately. She turned and looked at him in deep surprise. He smirked inwardly. He was sure she was very surprised. She would be asking how he found out about her name, he was sure of that.

Erick had made up his mind to stop the investigation, but seeing the girl he hit inside the same hotel the last time jolted him back to his senses. He was sure it wasn't a coincidence. And he had Jerry tail her. But he didn't really have any information on her father, which was odd.

But Erick let it go. So far he already found a big news to hold onto. Finding her father was no longer his priority now. Maybe her father ran away to avoid his responsibilities to her and her mother before she was born, or even after, he concluded.

"Where did you get that name from, if I might ask? " Yasmine asked, looking at him.

How did he find her out? She made sure she was discreet. Ugh, all those rich drug dealers and their money. She was sure he used his connections.

What was she going to do now?

"So it's really your name," He said, sliding his hands into his pocket.

Yasmine looked at him. "What makes you think it's my name?" She asked.

"Up till now, you haven't denied the fact it is yours," he replied.

'Like that will make a difference,' Yasmine muttered gently to herself.

"Excuse me?"

Yasmine raised her head and looked at him.

"What did you want?" Yasmine asked instead, trying to sound intimidating. She knew it won't work on a man like Erick, but hearing herself talking boldly gave her a lot of courage.

"A deal," He said casually.

Yasmine's eyes furrowed.

"A deal?" She repeated. "What kind of deal?"

"Live in my house for a year," He said. "I'll take care of your mom's hospital bills and your tuition fees as well. I'll also pay you weekly for it."

Yasmine looked at him cautiously and scoffed. Who does this guy think he is? What does he take her for? A slut? Yeah, she might work at a club but that does not give him the right to be barking orders at her. It was obvious, he ran a background check on her just ask he could know her name. Yasmine was so discreet, nobody even knew her name, except Madame Glenna. She never allowed Madame Glenna call her by her name outside, even by mistake. But this guy, he just came and blurted out her name like he knew her for ages.

But what does he want from her so badly that he was ready to take up all her life's responsibilities in an instant and even pay her for not lifting a finger to do any of it?

She had to know.

"What's your deal about?" She asked. " Why do you want to take up ny responsibility in your shoulders? It's in exchange for what?"

"Your body," he said painlessly, without mincing words.

Yasmine looked at him, utterly shocked.

"Excuse me?" She blurted out immediately.

"You heard me, " He said. "Be my submissive for a year, and you don't have to worry about the rest. "

"So, you're telling me to sell my body to you in exchange for your help?" She asked.

"Obviously." Erick said.

Yasmine scoffed and looked at him like he had gone nuts.

Maybe he had.

"You're nuts," Yasmine said angrily. "Did I ask for your help?" She asked. " What makes you think I'm ready to accept the help of someone like you? I don't need your help, I can handle my life myself, okay?" She looked up at him angrily. "Take all your money and stuff them into your ass," She said. "I will never do something like that with you." She said and was about to turn and open the door when he spoke up again.

"I heard you'll be kicked out from your school soon because of your late coming," He suddenly said, looking at his shoes. He knew what he said will draw her attention, and it did.

"No one knows you're working as a stripper in Là Calantrò, and you can't tell anyone as well so the burden will be easier to bear. How pitiful."

"Listen, I don't need any of your sympathies, okay?" Yasmine suddenly flared up. "I can handle my life and what life throws at me very well so I don't need your help." She said. "Besides, what makes you think I'm Yasmine Meyers? You know nothing about me."

"Your eyes tell the truth," Erick said and Yasmine looked at him. Erick smiled calmly and walked towards her, not giving her time to be alert because of the way he moved so fast towards her. Yasmine quickly backed the door and tried staring him in the eye so he wouldn't intimidate her. Unfortunately, she was the one who was even more intimidated by his fierce looks. He was truly a beauty, but as the say, some beauty can be dangerous. This man was the clear definition of beauty and danger.

"I'll give you a week to decide," he said, looking at her. He suddenly removed his hand from his pocket and touched hers. Yasmine shivered slightly at his touch. His hands were soft, yet cold. Or maybe he was her imagination. After all he gave off a cold aura with his physique. Yasmine became numb. She had never had a man like his walk this close to her and even touch her by the arm. She felt something thick and light slide into her palm gently, but she didn't look at it. She was scared to.

"When you've changed your mind, call me," Erick said and suddenly pressed his mouth to the side of her ears and whispered; "I'll be waiting for your call."

And he stepped away from her, making Yasmine back away from the door, before he opened the door and walked out. Yasmine was still in shock even after he was gone for more than two minutes. She couldn't make out of what he told her. He would be waiting for her call? Why? Why would he ask her to do something she was never planning to do in her life? It was like he was threatening her with her own problems. No, he was really threatening her indeed!

Yasmine finally looked at her hand and saw that he shoved his complimentary card in it. She scoffed. Who does he think he is? She will never be his submissive. She won't stoop so low.

She was Yasmine Meyers after all. She never gave up. She would find her way. Being with a man like Erick Dúnn was not in her horoscope at all.

And even if it was, Yasmine wasn't ready to accept it.

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