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The forest hold many dangers. But, the most dangerous thing about pandora? Growing to love her too much.

We have song chords, each bead represents an important part of our lives. A bead for the birth of our first born.

"Neteyam" I shouted as I held the newborn baby boy into the air, the Na'vi surrounding us cheering and hooting.

A bead for when we adopted Kiri. Born of Grace's avatar. A daughter who's conception was totally a mystery to everyone.

Jake and Neytiri were eating, one holding Neteyam and the other holding Kiri. Jake moves his hand in front or Kiri, the baby girl reaching up to loop her fingers over his one finger. A smile makes it's way onto his face as the baby gives him a gummy smile back.

A bead for the first communication with eywa. Mo'at connects Kiri's small queue to the tree of souls, her pupils dilating and growing big.

A bead for when we had taken in Y/n after her mother had died. Her, Neteyam and Kiri got close very quickly.

The people say that we live in Eywa and she lives in each and everyone of us. The great mother holds all of over her children right in her heart.

Happiness is simple....

The great mother had blessed Neytiri and I. Neteyam and Y/n we're both 4, and Kiri was 2. And then we were blessed with another. Lo'ak.

"Woohoo!" Neteyam shouted as I had lifted him into the air the ran around, pretending that he was flying. Y/n had been chasing my tail, her fighting spirit reminding me of Neytiri. Neytiri sat on the floor, holding Lo'ak close, Kiri sitting next to her.

"Happiness is simple. But who would've thought that a jarhead like me could've broke the code"

Jake smiled as he splashed water at Neteyam and
Y/n, Kiri giggling. He wandered away towards his wife, letting his three children play together. Jake watched as Kiri and Y/n ganged up on Neteyam, sending waves of water towards him. Lo'ak trailed behind with Neytiri, smiling and looking at the forest surrounding him.

"Before we knew it, we had five"

The Sully's were all laying in a hammock, all laying on top of each other. Neytiri telling the kids about the time when she met Jake. They laughed and embraced each other softly.

When we sent the sky people back to earth, a few of them stayed. The science guys, Loyal to the Na'vi kind.

And then there was Spider. He was just stuck here, too young to be put into a curl capsule. Orphaned by the war, the lab guys raised him. He wasn't actually a part of the family, more like a stray cat that never left. But never the less, the kids had made him feel welcomed.

He was inseparable from the kids. Well except for
Y/n. It took her some time to warm up to him. Her bond with Neteyam was stronger than ever though. He was definitely her favorite. Lo'ak as the close second.

Too Neytiri, he would always be an alien. One of them. Y/n had picked up on the way that Neytiri looked and thought about Spider and it became even harder for her to accept Spider.

"He belongs with his own kind" Neytiri said to Jake, picking up Tuk who had been asking to be carried.

Kiri and Lo'ak had been fighting over a toy while Jake watched them, waiting for the fight to end. Y/n and Neteyam are sat next to each other in front of Jake, making their very first bows. Jake and Neytiri had finally given into the idea after the two of them asking no stop for months. Jake had been helping them, but he was now distracted by the two fighting kids.

"It had taken a few years to get the language through my thick skull. But now when I hear and speak it, it's as if it was English"

"I hate you!" Lo'ak shouted at Kiri

"We'll.... I hate you times infinity!" Kiri shouted back, still struggling to take the toy from Lo'aks grasp. "Penis face!" She added at the last second.

"Hey. Hey!" Jake had shouted from his spot behind the two oldest. Y/n and Neteyam had stopped making their bows and had looked up when Jake shouted.
"That's enough" Jake said sternly. "Don't make me come over there" He warned at the end.

Y/n snickered and went back to making her bow, looking over at Neteyam's and then back down to her bow. His looked much better than her's.

"Woah kid, you aren't going to war." Jake laughed  and ruffled the kids' hair when he saw how many arrows they had managed to make. Y/n's and Neteyam's faces burned bright at Jake's words.


Jake was teaching Neteyam and Y/n to hunt with their new bows. Y/n watched as Jake crouched down next to Neteyam and gave him instructions while pointing to a fish in the water. Neteyam had released the arrow from the bow, hitting the fish. It writhed for a couple seconds and then stopped.

"Go get it!" Jake had said to his son, proud of how far he had come in such little time. He looked over his shoulder to see Y/n with a smile on her face. His lips turned up into a grin when she clapped her hands together.

"It's a clean kill. Do you want to try now Y/n?" He asked the girl. She nodded, stepping up to where Jake and Neteyam were standing on the rock. Jake instructed her what to just just like he did with Neteyam. She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She opened them again and released the arrow.

"You got it!" Neteyam shouted as a smile made it's way onto the two young Na'vi's faces.

Jake was measuring his kids. They stood around him as Neteyam stood against the pole. His smile faded a little when he saw how tall he was.

"How tall is he?!" Lo'ak exclaimed.

"Time goes by too fast, like a dream almost"

The Sully's we're preparing to take a family picture. The four oldest were not children anymore, and Tuk was a child now. Neteyam and Y/n were both 17, Kiri was 16, Lo'ak was 15 and little Tuk was 10. Jake set up the camera, as Neytiri pulled an annoyed Kiri into the frame. Y/n was position between Neteyam and Lo'ak. Just before the picture was taken, Y/n felt an arm snake around her waist. She turned her head and smiled at Neteyam as the picture was taken.

"Happiness was simple..... like date night. Time away from the kids"

Jake and Neytiri rode their Ikrans, ululating and whooping. They had got off of their Ikrans, and later on the soft grass together, Neytiri layed on Jake's chest, her eyes closed. Jake was looking up at the sky, his eyes tracing the stars' patterns.

"But the thing about happiness.... It can vanish in a heartbeat"

A bright light could be seen in the sky. Neytiri and Jake looked at each other dreadfully.

"A new star in the night. It can only mean one thing. The ships, decelerating. Sky people were starting to return"

The ships had burned everything in their way, destroying parts of Pandora. Ikrans and other animals fled to get to safety, but a majority had been burned. The forest and the Sully's home being destroyed.

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