Chapter 25: Forest

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Neteyam and Y/n laid in their hut, watching the twins sleeping peacefully in their netted crib. They have been getting no sleep due to the constant crying of the two babies during the night. Footsteps could be heard from outside of the hut, getting closer by the second.

"Y/n? Neteyam?" Jake spoke as he walked into the hut. He saw the two laying together, looking peaceful. He felt bad for disturbing their sleep.

"Yeah? We're up." Neteyam spoke as he blinked a couple times, looking at his twins and then his Dad. Jake walked over to him, placing a hand on his head.

"Son, you need rest. You both do. Let Neytiri and I watch Yäro and Ateyo." Jake spoke quietly with a smile, trying to wake Y/n or the twins. Neteyam nodded, standing up and grabbing Yäro. He placed her in Jake's hand, doing the same with Atyeo. Jake smiled at the two sleeping babies, walking out of the hut while saying goodbye to his son.

"Finally." Y/n muttered as she nuzzled into Neteyam's side. They both loved the twins dearly, but it was a lot of work. They just hoped that neither of them would turn out to be like Lo'ak. The two had almost fallen asleep when they heard arguing outside of their hut.

"No, we want to watch the twins!" A voice whined. Neteyam and Y/n opened their eyes to see Lo'ak and Tsireya, as well as Ao'nung and Kiri. Ao'nung hissed at him.

"Oh hey, were you two sleeping?" Kiri asked once she saw Y/n and Neteyam with tired looks on their faces. Y/n rolled her eyes at the group, her head slamming back down on the seaweed pillow.

"Yäro and Ateyo are with Mom and Dad." Neteyam spoke. The group groaned, walking out of their hut to where Jake and Neytiri's was.


"Neteyam." Y/n spoke as she held Yäro, moving her top slightly so she could feed her. Neteyam looked at her, giving the wooden ikran toy to Ateyo. He hummed in question. "I want to go back to the forest. I think that it will be easier for the kids to grow up there, and I know that we both miss it there." Y/n spoke. Neteyam nodded, thinking about what she had said.

"I think that we can make that work." He spoke as he walked over to his mate, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She smiled at Neteyam. "We should go tell the news to everyone." He spoke. Y/n nodded, placing her top back to its original spot, covering her breast and standing up. Neteyam grabbed Ateyo from the ground, placing him on his hip. They four made their way over to Jake and Neytir's hut where the family was gathered. When they walked in, all eyes were on them.

"We have news." Y/n spoke. Jake's eyes grew wide in worry.

"You're not pregnant again, right?!" He spoke. Y/n could see the panic in his eyes. Neteyam and Y/n laughed at the man, shaking their heads. Jake sighed in relief, Neytiri rolling her eyes at him.

"We are going back to the forest." Neteyam told his family. Y/n looked around at their faces to see looks of shock and sadness.

"Why?" Lo'ak questioned. Before either of them could answer, Tuk cried out.

"But I don't want you guys to leave!" She yelled as she ran over to them, hugging their legs. Y/n smiled down at Tuk, patting her head with her free hand that wasn't holding Yäro.

"We just think that it would be a better environment for the twins to grow up in. And we both miss it there. It would be a chance to be normal again." Neteyam told his family. Jake nodded slowly, standing up and walking over to the two.

"We will miss you guys here, but we understand. You just want the twins to have a normal childhood. We will help you pack everything for your trip." Jake spoke as he placed his arm on Y/n's shoulder. She dipped her head down in thanks. Neytiri walked over, tears visible in her eyes.

"My babies are all grown up. I am going to miss you two so much." Neytiri spoke. Yäro gurgled, Neytiri smiling at the little girl. "Don't worry, we'll miss you guys also." She spoke as she placed a hand on the baby's cheek, caressing it softly. Yäro closed her eyes at her grandmother's touch.

"When will you leave?" Lo'ak questioned. Neteyam looked to Y/n, letting her decide.

"Tomorrow at sunrise." She spoke. The family nodded, all agreeing to help pack everything tonight so the two were not rushing in the morning.

"Jake, Neytiri? Do you think that you could watch the twins so we can hang out with everyone?" Y/n questioned as everyone started to walk out of the hut. Neytiri nodded, the two smiling as they were handed Yäro and Ateyo. Y/n and Neteyam ran out of the hut to catch up with the group of teens.

"Got Mom and Dad to watch the twins?" Kiri questioned. The two nodded, Rotxo smiling.

"We should ride the ilu around, goof off." Rotxo spoke. Everyone agreed, the boy's idea sounding fun. Everyone called their ilu, creating the bond and swimming off. Y/n swung her leg over Neteyam's ilu, holding onto his waist.

"Hold on tight." Neteyam smirked as he placed his hand on his mate's thigh, giving it a slight squeeze. She blushed, laying her head in the space between his shoulder and neck, giving it a light kiss. The ilu dove under the water, racing after the others.

"I think we should go back to the cove of the ancestors." Tsireya spoke as she looked at the group. Again, everyone agreed. This time, they all raced. Of course Ao'nung had to win, but it wasn't totally fair since he knew his way around the reed the best.

"See you guys soon." Lo'ak joked as he attached his queue to the tree, closing his eyes. Y/n slid off of the ilu, swimming over to the plumes of the spirit tree. She grabbed her braid, watching as the pink tendrils squirmed, reaching towards the tree. She brought the queue to the tree, watching as the tendrils spread, attaching themselves to the veins of the tree.

Y/n opened her eyes, seeing the forest again. She looked around, seeing two teens playing in a small lake with a young child running after them.

"Mommy, look! I'm just like Tipani!" The young child spoke as they ran over to Y/n. Without hesitation, Y/n crouched down and picked up the child. She felt a presence next to her, turning her head to see an older Neteyam. She smiled at him, gaining a smile back.

"Aysayu, we gotta let Mommy rest. You don't want to hurt your new baby brother or sister." Neteyam spoke as he took the child from her, throwing the little girl into the air. She giggled uncontrollably as she fell back in her father's arms.

"Mom! Ateyo threw mud at me!" A voice shouted as she turned, seeing her twins walking towards her. Yäro had a look of annoyance and disgust on her face as she rubbed mud off of her body. Ateyo trailed behind her, laughing his ass off.

"Ateyo, what have we told you about throwing mud at your sister?" Neteyam spoke with a sigh. Ateyo rolled his eyes, groaning.

"Not to do it." He sounded. He reminded Y/n of Lo'ak. Y/n walked to Yäro, helping wipe the mud off of her daughter. She smiled at Yäro, her daughter hugging her in thanks.

"Can we go for a ride?!" Aysayu questioned. Y/n turned back to her, nodding to Neteyam. "Yes!" She laughed. Each Na'vi called their ikran except for Aysayu, the large creatures landing on the ground with thuds. Neteyam hopped onto his ikran, Y/n holding Aysayu up to him. He grabbed her, placing her in front of him. They
imitated Ikran calls, the creatures taking off into the night sky.

1371 words, proofread! Ooh some change up!!

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