Chapter 2: The Lab

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Lo'ak, Kiri, Monkey Boy and I all walked into the lab. Kiri walked in first, Spider following her. Lo'ak walked in next, grabbing my hand to pull me through as he did so.

We walked through the avatar zone, passing Norm as he was brushing his teeth. I glanced at him, feeling slightly nervous. I never really enjoyed coming to the labs as it made me nervous, but Jake had asked me to accompany his younger children while they went to the lab. Me being me, I couldn't say no to Jake.

"Hey Spider." Norm laughed as he whipped the boy with his towel.

"Your ass is mine. Spider sneered at Norm in a playful tone.

"I'm right here." Norm retorted, smiling at the boy. I rolled my eyes, a small smile forming on my lips at the interaction.

"What's up?" Lo'ak asked the scientist as they passed through a hallway.

"Avatar zone! Walk around." A scientist said with an annoyed facial expression painted on her face. I rolled my eyes. We're clearly Na'vi, even if some of her friends had human genes. Kiri mocked the scientist in a high pitched voice, making me laugh, the nervous tension leaving for a few seconds.

We reached the stairs to the lab and gradually walked up them. Lo'ak noticed the newly painted stripes on Spiders body, snickering to himself.

"Those blue stripes don't make you look any bigger bro!" Lo'ak joked, getting a laugh from the two girls. I thought it was dumb the way Spider tried to be exactly like the Na'vi. He would never actually be one of the people. You know, due to him being a human and all....

"Yeah we'll I can still kick your ass." Spider sassed.

"I doubt that." I spoke to myself as I looked around the lab. It was just loud enough for the three teens to hear, Lo'ak and Kiri bursting into laughter. It wasn't supposed to be funny, more like a matter of fact, but the two of the thought it was.

"You know, it really sucks that you can breath our air for like 10 minutes and I can only breath yours for like 10 seconds." Spider spoke as he sighed.

"I bet even less, especially if your mask was somehow smashed." I spoke again, my amber eyes now on Spider. My eyes had dilated and turned to slits as I made my passive-aggressive threat to the human boy. Lo'ak placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a look with him eyes, telling me to watch myself. I rolled my eyes but still nodded.

"Yeah monkey boy, that really sucks..... for you!" Kiri trashed the boy with a smile. There was clearly something going on between them. Maybe something that was going to be more than a friendship? I doubted it, but you never now.

Kiri grabbed an oxygen mask for herself, breathing in it and putting it back down to her side. She turned around, looking at something, giving Spider the opportunity to yank at her tail quickly. He did so, Kiri gasping and jumping and turning back around, starting to play fight with each other.

Everyone seemed to get along with him just fine, so why couldn't I? Kiri and Spider were bestfriends, Lo'ak and Neteyam say him as a brother, but to me?

It was simple, I saw him as the son of the man that killed my father. I never really knew my father because he died before I was born. My mother had fallen pregnant before the Great War, my father dying at the hands on the humans that day. My mother had always talked about my father, telling me sweet stories about him here and there. But then she got sick and passed away when I was around 3.

"Hey Max!" Kiri exclaimed as the man walked into the lab.

"Hello kids. How are you?" He questioned back.

"What's up man?" Spider asked Max, giving him a fist bump.

Kiri sat in a chair, the teens watching an old video of her Mom. Norm was in the frame, messing around with the women.

"So, who do you think knocked her up?" Lo'ak asked. I laughed a little, Kiri slapping me on the shoulder. I winced and rubbed my skin, already seeing a red hand print.

"I bet it was Norm." I snickered, Kiri's mouth dropping open.

"Totally." Spider added, my eyes moving to the side to look at the boy.

Kiri was speechless at the three of us, giving all of us glances.

"You three do not deserve to live." Kiri said. I rolled my eyes, hugging Kiri around the shoulders. She wrapped her hands around my waist, pulling me into her.

"No. No, think about. He's like the teachers pet. He's always hovering around her, and he's in like almost every log." Lo'ak reasoned. It was actually a pretty valid reasoning.

"I would literally kill myself. I would drink acid." Kiri exasperated. I smiled at her, nudging Lo'ak as the two snickered.

"But he's right Kiri. Norm's in almost every single shot." I told her. She threw me an exasperated look as I giggled.

"Look. Look! He's totally giving her the looks." Spider said to Kiri as he wiggled his eyes brow at her. I rolled her eyes at the boy, turning my attention back to the video log. I watched as Norm smiled at Grace, the woman hiding the disgust behind her eyes with a sickly sweet smile. There's no way Norm is Kiri's father. Grace surely wasn't that desperate to get some action.

"But I mean how could it have been Norm. Grace is super pretty and he's like bleh." I spoke putting an emphasis on the 'bleh'. Lo'ak and Spider laughed,

"Y/n is right, Grace is way too pretty for him." Spider added.

"Thanks guys...." Kiri muttered.

"I mean Y/n might be right. But imagine this...." Lo'ak said as he made a movement with his hands. "....Two avatars in the forest, all alone." Lo'ak started as he grabbed my hand and touched his hands to his chest. I laughed at the younger boy, shoving him away from me jokingly.

"That's disgusting Lo'ak." Kiri said.

"Why would you ever think of an image that disturbing Lo'ak? Now I've got it engraved in my brain." I laughed, hitting the boy on the side of his head. Lo'ak smiled back at her, the girl returning the favor. Lo'ak and I are best friends. We act as if we're siblings too.

Lo'ak would never tell this to anyone, but he had always found Y/n to be attractive. The older girl was perfect in his eyes. Confidence radiated off of her as she talked and walked. The best part about her is her body though. That's what all of the teen boys in the clan would tell you.

Her skin and toned body had curves in all the right places. Her small bottoms showing just enough skin of her round ass to make the boys' eyes drift there every time she walked past. And her boobs, those were a clan favorite. She knew what she is doing when she wears her skimpy tops that leave little to the imagination. But, he knew that Neteyam is infatuated with her so he never went after her.

"Guy, sometimes it's not so great to know who your father is." Spider spoke from his spot onto of the avatar body tube. Lo'ak and Kiri's ear flattened, their gaze dropping to the floor. At the subtle hint of Quaritch, me being my dramatic self, walked down the stairs and out of the lab, ignoring the calls from the siblings.

I burst through the doors and stepped onto the grass. I called my Ikran, seeing Tipani perched on the branch, waiting for me. She flew down to me, landing close to me and nuzzling her large head into my chest. I grabbed my queue and made tseheylu, and flew off back to the base. I landed at the edge of the cave, dismounting from Tipani and walking over to where my friends were.

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