Chapter 24: Baby?

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"Tsireya?!" Y/n called out. She was in the water with Neteyam's ilu, feeding him. She and Tsireya were having a girl's day, Lo'ak and Neteyam helping their Dad with fishing. Tsireya perked her head up from the water almost instantly, seeing a pained look on Y/n's face.

"What, what is it sister?" Tsireya questioned as she made her way over to Y/n.

"The baby." Y/n voice as she felt a small amount of pressure slowly building up at the bottom of her stomach. Tsireya panicked quickly, not really knowing what to do. She looked around, spotting Ao'nung and his friends. She waved them over, grabbing Y/n's hand and helping her out of the water.

"Her water has broken." Tsireya spoke. Ao'nung's eyes widened as he told Tsireya to grab his mother. She took off in a run, telling some of Ao'nung's friends to go find Neteyam.

"Can you walk?" Ao'nung asked Y/n who was standing to the side, holding her stomach. She nodded, Ao'nung grabbed one of her hands with his and placed his other hand on the small of her back. Rotxo walked next to her on the other side in case she needed more support. Over the time span that the Sully's were at Metkayina, Ao'nung, Rotxo and Y/n had become very close friends.

"Are we almost there?" Y/n questioned as she grimaced in pain. She knew that she would have a lot more contractions to go through, but they were already pretty painful.

"Almost there Y/n/n." Rotxo spoke. The three made their way to the medicine hut where Ronal was outside waiting for them. She ushered them in, telling Y/n to lay down. She layed on a seaweed bed, Tsireya coming to sit next to her.

"Y/n!" Someone called out as they ran into the hut. One of Ao'nung's friends stood outside the hut, Neytiri, Kiri and Tuk running in. Neytiri bowed her head to the bow, running to her daughters side.

"Where's Neteyam?" Y/n strained as another contraction waved over her. She groaned, squeezing Neytiri's hand.

"He should be here soon. Don't worry, he'll be here in time." Kiri spoke as she stood near the door to look out for Neteyam. The boy ran into the hut, his hair was disheveled, wet braids laying across his face. He breathed hard, signally that he had run as fast as he could in order to be by his mate's side.

"I'm here baby, what do you need?" Neteyam spoke. Jake and Lo'ak ran in a couple seconds later, standing by their mates.

"You, I don't want anything else." Y/n spoke as Neteyam sat behind her, giving her a pillow to lay on. She leaned back into his touch, whimpering when a third contraction hit her. A pained look made its way onto Neteyam's face due to his mate's uncomfortness.

"There are too many people in here, out! Y/n you can pick two people to stay here." Ronal spoke as she shooed her son and his friends out of the hut.

"Jake and Neytiri." Y/n spoke. Smiles spread across the adult's faces when they heard Y/n say their names. They had kind of expected that she would pick them anyway. Everyone else filed out of the hut, Tonowari as well. Ronal had told him that she would give him any news about the baby.

"I don't know if I'm ready..." Y/n spoke as a tear slid down her face. Neteyam wiped it away quickly.

"Baby listen, you are ready. You are going to be the center of the universe to a tiny person who you made from scratch. I promise you, this baby will think that you are the best Mom in the entire universe. And this baby will be the best baby ever, you know why?" Neteyam spoke. Y/n sniffled and shook her head softly.

"Because behind every great child is an independent, wonderful and strong woman." Neteyam spoke as he placed a kiss on Y/n's forehead. Neytiri and Jake smiled at the two softly. Y/n sat in silence, taking in the words that Neteyam had said to her when Ronal spoke.

"You can start pushing whenever you want." She spoke as she looked at Y/n. The girl nodded, Neteyam giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. She pushed hard, groaning as she did so. She pushed as hard as she could, yet it felt like nothing had happened.

"Keep going, you're doing great so far." Ronal spoke. Y/n nodded, pushing again. She cried out in pain. It felt like a wildfire was spreading through her body, burning everything up in sight. Sweat dripped down her forehead, damping her hair slightly.

"You're almost there baby, keep going." Neteyam whispered into Y/n's ear as she took a quick break from pushing. Those 6 words kept Y/n going, giving her the strength to give one last hard push.

"Fuck!" Y/n called out as she pushed, the burning sensation crawling back to her body. Her eyes were closed, her nose scrunched up in pain. A small wail broke the silence, Y/n opening her eyes and un scrunching her eyes to see Ronal holding a little blue baby.

"It's a boy." She spoke. Tears spilled down from Y/n's eyes as Ronal placed the crying baby on her skin. The baby boy stopped crying once he was placed on her warm skin, Y/n bringing her hands up to support the baby. She looked up to Neteyam who was looking down at her and their new baby boy with tears threatening to fall. He smiled warmly, placing a hand over her's.

"What are you going to name him?" Neytiri spoke as she and Jake walked over to the two, smiling on their faces as they looked at their new grandson. Y/n look at Neteyam, nodding at him.

"Ateyo." He spoke as he looked at his parents. They smiled at each other, but the happiness was cut off when Y/n yelped in pain. Ateyo started crying, Y/n trying her best to soothe him as the pain didn't stop.

"Y/n you're going to have to push again, it's twins." Ronal spoke in disbelief. Y/n's eyes nodded, handing Neytiri her baby boy. She pushed, the familiar burning coming back. She yelled with one last push, crying filling the air. Again.

"A girl." Ronal spoke as she gave the second baby to the pair. Y/n looked down to her baby girl, seeing a tiny smile on the baby's face as she reched her tiny hands up to grab her mother's hair.

"Yäro." She spoke, the baby cooing when she spoke. Neytiri handed Ateyo to Neteyam, the mated pair now holding their twins.

1190 words, proofread. It's finally happened, what you've all been waiting for! Now introducing Yäro and Ateyo to the Sully family. Thanks for all of the support with this book, but also don't forget to check out my Ao'nung x reader book, Golden Hour!!
There are four chapter out, more coming soon!

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