Chapter 18: I'm Shot

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Lo'ak, Neteyam and Y/n were climbing upside down on a pipe, looking for Spider. They had eventually found them, but he was surrounded by Quartich's men. Neteyam gave the two a signal, the three of them falling down from the pipe and attacking.

Y/n punched one of the humans, killing him after stabbing his stomach. Spider was still being held by two people, Y/n grabbing one of them and flinging them across the room. She heard a sickening crack when he hit the wall. The other man just stared at Y/n and voluntarily jumped into the water to escape.

"You guys came back." Spider spoke. Lo'ak and Neteyam gave him a brotherly hug, Y/n standing off to the side. When they broke the hug, Spider turned to Y/n. He put his hand to his head and lowered, Y/n hesitating but doing the same back.

"We need to go." Y/n told them as her ears tilted, hearing people running towards them. They started to run through the ship, hiding behind a wall when they started to get shot at. Y/n grabbed her bow that was resting on her back, knocking an arrow and letting it fly. It impaled itself in one of the avatars, the body dropping dead.

Lo'ak grabbed a gun, pointing it at the avatars, but Neteyam grabbed it from his hands. He ushered Lo'ak and Spider to jump into the water near them, the two complying.

"Go! Quick!" He shouted above the firing of the guns as the two leapt into the water. He expected Y/n to go with them, but he wasn't totally surprised when he saw her next to him firing arrows one after the other.

"I already know what you're going to say. I'm not leaving you!" Y/n spoke, taking the words out of Neteyam's mouth.

"Alright, we go in three. One." Neteyam spoke, shooting the gun. The body dropped, but more people were running at them still.

"Two!" Y/n snarled as she shot an arrow. She reached back for another, but she was out. She looked at her knife. It was the knife that her father left her. The knife that Jake found on her dead father, Tsu'tey.

"Don't." Neteyam spoke softly as he stopped firing for a couple seconds, lowering her hand back down so she didn't throw the knife. His hand left hers to shoot at the avatars again.

"Three!" He shouted as he threw the gun, grabbing Y/n's arm. He jumped into the water as bullets flew past them, pulling Y/n behind him. They landed in the water, the impact stinging their bodies.

"We did it!" Neteyam heard Lo'ak laugh as his head broke the surface of the water. The three laughed quickly, but noticed that they were missing someone's presence.

"Where's Y/n?" Spider asked frantically. They moved their heads around, looking to see where the girl could be. They heard a splash, moving their heads towards the noise. Y/n had her head above the water, gasping for air with a pained look on her face.

"Y/n!" Neteyam shouted as he swam over to the girl. She smiled at him, but it was replaced with a frown as she grimaced while shouting out in pain.

"I'm shot." She groaned. Her head dipped back under the water, Neteyam rushing to pull her back up. Neteyam called for his ilu, the animal swimming to his aid, letting them rest the girl on it's body.

"Dad! Y/n was shot!" Lo'ak shouted as Jake ran over to them from where he was on the rock. The three boys pulled Y/n off the ilu, the girl groaning in pain as they did so.

"Watch her head." Jake ordered as he and the boys moved her onto the rock. Jake looked over Y/n's body, seeing a gun wound in her leg and stomach. He cursed silently as he turned her body over, seeing no exit wound. She wouldn't bleed out as bad now, but the process of getting the bullets out would hurt like a bitch.

"It hurts!" Y/n cried, her face scrunching up in pain. Neteyam dropped down beside her, putting pressure on her stomach like Jake told him to do. Lo'ak did the same to her thigh, trying to stop the bleeding. Tsireya, Ao'nung and Roxto joined them, freezing when they saw them surrounding a body.

"Is she okay?" Tsireya asked, concerned for her friend. Spider looked at her with an unknowing look. They didn't know if she would survive or not in her state.

"Ma Y/n!" Neytiri said as she joined the family, kneeling down next to the girl, taking Y/n's hand in hers.

"It hurts Neytiri." Y/n sobbed. Tears escaped Neytiri's eyes, seeing Y/n in such a vulnerable state. She pressed a kiss to the girl's forehead, standing up and placing herself in Jake's arms.

"I want to go home." Y/n said once again, her eyes finding Neteyam's. Tears rolled down his face. "I know baby, we will." He spoke, pressing a kiss against her lips.

"Mom!" Tsireya called out as Ronal swam over on her tsurak. She had seen many Na'vi clustered on the rock, confused about what they were doing. When she saw them surrounding an injured Y/n, he rushed over.

"Is there an exit wound?" Ronal questioned. Jake shook his head, Ronal sighing. "I'm going to have to take the bullets out. It's going to hurt Y/n." Ronal told Y/n, letting the girl know what she was going to do.

"Just do it." Neteyam spoke for the girl. Y/n was in so much pain that it felt like she was in a dream. Everything around her was hazy, black dots appearing in her vision. "Stay awake baby." Neteyam said as he patted the girl's cheek softly, Y/n blinking a couple time, the black dots disappearing.

"Here we go." Ronal spoke. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When did she get here? Her thoughts were cut off by a searing pain in her thigh. She screamed out loudly, causing a few of the people around her to cover their ears.

"Ah! Please, stop! It hurts!" Y/n sobbed, burying her head into Neteyam's arm. His hands were still placed on her stomach. The bleeding had subsided a little bit, but the pain was still unbearable. Neteyam's eyes went wide as Ronal pulled the bullet out of Y/n's leg, the girl screaming bloody murder.

"It's okay Y/n. She got it out. Now she has to work on your stomach." Neteyam spoke, removing his hands from the girl's stomach and caressing her face softly. She leaned into his touch, relaxing under Ronal dug her fingers into the gun wound. She bit her tongue to keep from screaming again, a whimper escaping from her mouth. Her throat was already raw, she didn't need or want to make it any worse.

"It hurts, so bad. I just want to sleep." Y/n spoke softly, only Neteyam and Jake hearing.

"No. No, you need to stay awake for us baby girl." Jake spoke, putting his hand on her head gently.

"It's alright, it'll just be a quick nap." Y/n spoke, her eyes closing before Ronal could get the bullet out.

1229 words, proofread. Uh oh-
Don't hate me, there's more to the story!

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