Chapter 8: I-I can't

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When Tuk, Y/n, and Neteyam had made it back to their pod, they were surprised to see Tsireya, Aonung, and Roxto there. Lo'ak poked his head out of the pod, seeing the three of them walking back.

"Want to swim with us in the ocean?" Tsireya had the three. Tuk nodded eagerly, running over to the girl.

"Why not?" Neteyam answered. Y/n went along with him, shrugging her shoulders. Tsireya, Aonung, and Roxto walked towards the water, the siblings plus Y/n following them. The three dove into the water gracefully. Lo'ak did a cannonball, Tuk just jumped in, and Kiri slowly lowered herself in, leaving Y/n and Neteyam still above the water.

Y/n smirked to herself before shoving the boy into the water. She thought that she had won, but Neteyam was quick enough to grab onto her wrist when he was falling. Both of them fell into the water, Neteyam grabbing onto her waist. Her face turned red as they both surfaced.

"You good? Your face is a little red." Neteyam smirked before splashing the girl and swimming off. She rolled her eyes before taking a deep breath and lowered her face under the water. She gasped, quickly having to put her head above the water to cough. She took another breath and did the same thing again. This time without choking on water though.

The view was utterly beautiful. School of fish swam around, colorful coral was everywhere, ilus swimming in pods. Y/n quickly caught up with everyone, going up to the surface to take another breath before submerging her head in water again. The Metkayina teens were swimming much deeper than they were, moving around smoothly in the sea, their tails acting as a fin.

Tsireya looked up at them and smiled, making a movement with her fingers that none of them understood. Y/n looked at Kiri with a confused look, only to be met with the same look. The forest Na'vi swam up to the surface, all of them gasping for air.

Lo'ak, Neteyam and Y/n looked under the water to Tsireya who was still under the water. She waved to them, telling the three to follow her. The Sully's finally caught up to the Metkayina siblings plus Roxto, but had to go up to the surface for air quickly. This time Tsireya followed them.

"Are you okay?" Tsireya had asked them. Y/n rolled her eyes. Of course they wern't okay.

"You are too fast, wait for us!" Tuk said in a whiney tone.

"Breath, just breath." Tsireya told them.

"Well no duh dumbass." Y/n muttered under her breath. She was far enough Tsireya for the girl not to hear it, but she heard someone muffling their laugh next to her. She looked to her left to see Aonung cracking a smile.

"You are not good divers." Roxto commented. "You may be good at swinging through trees.... But...." Roxto was cut off with a slap on the back of his head from Tsireya.

"C'mon bro..." Lo'ak sighed.

"We don't speak this finger talk. We have no idea what you're saying." Neteyam told them, even signalling with his fingers.

"I will teach you." Tsireya declared with a smile. There was an uncomfortable silence until Roxto spoke up.

"Where is Kiri?" He questioned. Oh my god. Out of all people he was the one to notice....

"Who?" Aonung questioned.

"Our sister." Tuk replied. The Sully's looked around frantically, calling out the girls' name.

"She must be swimming around, I will go look for her." Tsireya commented. She submerged herself into the water and swam away. Tsireya came back to the surface after a couple minutes, telling everyone that Kiri was okay and just under the water.

After a while of swimming, Tsireya, Aonung and Roxto brought the five to a shallower part of the ocean. Aonung made a weird clicking sound with his mouth, some ilus swimming up to him. One approached Tuk and she squealed, happily petting it. Y/n was weary though. She much more preferred Tipani. She enjoyed soaring through the air, looking at the view below her and feeling the wind blow past her.

The ilu was slimy and nowhere near as pretty as the ikrans were.

"These are ilu..." Aonung told them. "...if you want to live here, you have to learn how to ride them." He finished.

Y/n stood next to Tuk, watching as Lo'ak flew off of the ilu, the animal pushing water into his face with it's fin and swimming back to Tsireya. Y/n laughed, Lo'ak grimacing at her.

"They're so cute! Don't you think Y/n?" Tuk questioned the girl. Y/n put a smile on her face and nodded. She put her hand out to pet the ilu, but stopped.

"It won't try to kill you like your ikrans." A voice said from behind her. She turned around, starled to see Aonung behind her. She scoffed quietly.

"I know that, it's just that they look slimy." Y/n answered with a look of disgust on her face. Aonung smiled sofly at the girl.

"If I was you I would think that too, but they're actually noy slimy." Aonung explained. He held his hand out for the girl to take. Y/n hesitated, but placed her hand in his. Aonung brought her hand down to touch the top of the ilus head. Surprisingly, it wasn't slimy. Y/n smiled with a small laugh, stroking her hand from the ilu's head to it's back.

"He seems to like you." Aonung spoke. "You can make the bond when you're ready." He added. Y/n put her hand behind her head to grab her braid. She pulled it infront of her, watching as the tendrils moved around freely. It gave her flashbacks to when she bonded with Tipani.

"I-I can't." Y/n spoke, letting her braid fall down as she turned away from the ilu and walked away. She walked onto the sand, making a familiar bird call. She heard the flapping of wings, seeing Tipani land in front of her,

"Hey girl." Y/n smiled. Tipani was the only thing that made Y/n really happy. Besides Neteyam of course.

Y/n held Tipani's muzzle in her hands, bringing the Ikrans face down to kiss her between the eyes. She mounted the ikran, taking off into the air quickly and flying off

1077 words; proofread

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