Chapter 12: You drive me crazy

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"Where were you Neteyam? What happened to keeping an eye on your brother?" Jake asked, looking between Neteyam and Y/n. The two glanced at each other, reminiscing the events that had happened.

"Thank you for bringing me here." She whispered. Neteyam smiled down at the girl.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said while kissing her nose. She blushed and hide her face in the nape of his neck. "Look at me for a second." He whispered. Y/n brought her face from his neck and looked at him with a confused expression.

"What is it?" She questioned. Neteyam smiled before leaning in, his lips pressing softly against hers. Her eyes widend at first, but eventually they fluttered close. The two pulled apart, looking into each others eyes.

The two sat up into a kneeling position, Y/n smiling while leaning in and kissing Neteyam again. Her hand moved up to his neck, his placed on her waist. Eventually Y/n leaned forward a little, making Neteyam move back to the point where he was laying down. She climbed on top of him, straddling his waist.

"You drive me crazy." Neteyam groaned. Y/n smiled softly.

"Good." She replied, going to kiss the boy again. His hands traveled over her body, moving with her curves. He flipped them over, him now being on top and Y/n laying under in. She looked up at him through her eyelashes. She knew what she was doing. And boy was she good at it.

"We just got distracted I guess. We were exploring the reef." Neteyam said. It wasn't a total lie I guess. "Sorry." He added while looking down. Jake and Neytiri gave each other a look of knowiness, the two kids not seeing it.

"Just...try to keep an eye on him so he doesn't get into anymore trouble." Jake sighed before sending the two teens off. They nodded, walking out of the hut. Jake and Neytiri moved the to edge of the hut, watching as his eldest son took Y/n's hand swiftly and continued walking.

"They grow up so fast." Jake said to Neytiri. "Time goes by too fast." Neytiri smiled but nodded, remembering when their children were just little babies.

Y/n and Neteyam ran into the rest of the kids, separating their hands before anyone could see them. However, one set of eyes had seen it. But Tuk was not one to spill secrets.

"What are we talking about?" Neteyam asked as he sat down next to Lo'ak, Y/n following.

"We're talking about the Tulkun that saved Lo'ak." Tsireya told them. Y/n nodded softly.

"But the Tulkun have not returned yet? Am I correct?" Y/n questioned. Ao'nung nodded at the girl.

"Yes, they are rarely ever alone." He replied.

"Well this one was. He was missing a fin too. Just a stump on his left side." Lo'ak told everyone. The Metkayina teens went quiet, all sending glances to each other.

"Poor Tulkun." Tuk sighed.

"Payakan." Tsireya muttered to herself.

"Who's Payakan?" Kiri aske, who had heard the girl.

"A young Tulkun bull who had went rouge. He's an outcast and has a missing fin." Roxto spoke up.

"They say he is a killer!" Tsireya told Lo'ak. The boy shook his head quickly.

"No. No! He saved me from being killed by the Akula!" Lo'ak exclaimed. Ao'nung rolled his eyes before speaking.

"He killed other Na'vi and Tulkun. Not here...but far to the South." Ao'nung explained to everyone. Mostly Lo'ak.

"He is no killer." Lo'ak demanded.

"Lo'ak..." Tsireya called quietly. "...You are lucky to be alive right now." She added.

"I'm telling you guys! He is no killer. He saved my life, he's my friend." Lo'ak said to everyone. Neteyam stood up, walking over to Lo'ak and putting his hands on the back of his neck.

"My baby bro. The mighty warrior who faced the killer Tulkun Payakan and lived to tell the story!" Neteyam exclaimed. Lo'ak groaned, shrugging his big brother's hands off of him and standing up quickly.

"You guys aren't listening..." Lo'ak said as he started to walk off. "...I don't even know why I bother to try." He muttered. Y/n's ears flattened, her eyes growing sad for the boy.

"Lo'ak! I'm listening!" Tuk called after him. He kept walking away, Kiri calling Neteyam a skxwang, the boy sighing. Y/n put her hand on his arm in a comforting way, offering him a small smile. He gave one back, standing up and offering a hand out for her. She took it and stood up, everyone else following what she was doing.

"Let's show them the tree of spirts." Tsireya told Ao'nung and Roxto who had agreed with her, jumping into the water and calling their ilu's. The Sully's did the same, Tuk hopping onto the back of Kiri's, and Y/n with Neteyam. Just like the time before, his hand went to her thigh. This time though, it was a little higher.

After a little bit of swimming, and a whole lot of admiring, the group had made it to the Tree of Spirits.

877 words, proofread. I can't believe that this chapter was only 877 words! It took three whole docs to write it!

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