Chapter 9: The Reef

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Y/n closed her eyes and smiled as the wind hit her face. It was so much better up here in the air that down below in the water. She felt free when she was flying on Tipani or running through the woods. The size of the ocean scared her sometimes. Even though back home was large, she grew up there. She flew until she found three large rock formations. Tipani landed on one of them, Y/n sliding off of her body.

She sat down on the ground, her legs dangling over the edge of the rock. She closed her eyes and leaned back until she hit the ground. She soaked in the sun until she heard a loud growl. She opened her eyes to see another Ikran soar over her.

Y/n sat up and turned around, seeing a familiar colored Ikran landing next to where Tipani was laying. Neteyam hopped off of his Ikran, walking over to Y/n and sitting down next to her.

"What are you doing out here?" Y/n asked the boy as she looked at him. He shrugged.

"Dunno, what are you doing out here." He replied. Y/n chuckled softly, laying her head against his shoulder. She watched as the sun went down, painting the sky in pink, orange and purple.

"It's beautiful." She sighed. Neteyam hummed in response. Y/n kept looking at the sunrise, not realizing the Neteyam was looking at her.

"We should probably head back soon. Tsireya is going to teach us how to breath underwater." Neteyam spoke as he stood up from the ground. He held his hand out for Y/n, the girl grabbing it and standing up. They mounted their ikrans, and took off.

When the two landed, Tsireya took them to a rocky island and they all sat around in a big circle. Y/n sat in between Neteyam and Roxto, and across from Lo'ak.

"Breath in." Tsireya said as she moved her hands up towards her face. "And breath out." she added as she brought them back down. It kind of looked like she was meditating. "Just imagine a flickering flame." She told them. Y/n watched as Lo'ak looked at Tsireya with star struck eyes, practically drooling over her.

Tsireya put one of her hands on Lo'ak's chest, the other being placed on his stomach. "You must slow down your heartbeat." She said. Tsireya patted Lo'ak's stomach, telling him that he had to breath from there.

"Lo'ak, your heart beat is fast. Try to slow it down." Tsireya commented quietly to the boy. Y/n and Neteyam looked at each other, smiling and trying to contain their laughter. Lo'ak's face turned red, and Kiri just rolled her eyes.

"Sorry." He muttered.

"Try to focus." Tsireya told him calmly. Lo'ak nodded, taking deep breaths as he looked ahead of him. Unfortunately for him, Y/n and Neteyam were sitting across from him and both of the older kids were trying not to laugh at the boy. That didn't help Lo'ak at all.

After many days of breathing exercises, Tsireya brought all of them to a deeper part of the reef. Lo'ak followed her like a lost puppy, Aonung and Roxto on either side of the girl. Kiri and Tuk rode on one ilu together, Y/n and Neteyam on another. Since Y/n didn't want to bond with an ilu yet, she rides with Neteyam when they go places.

"Is this okay?" Neteyam asked, referring to the hand that was placed on the girls' thigh to keep her in place.

"Yeah." Y/n replied. Neteyam nodded, and sped up a little to catch up with the rest of the group.Tsireya dove under the water, everyone else following her. Y/n and Neteyam took a deep breath, the ilu diving under the water.

After a while, Y/n began to run out of breath. She tapped Neteyam on his shoulder and pointed up to the surface indicating that she needed to breath.

When they reached the surface, both of them heaved for air. The two didn't realize how long they were under water for.

"It's insane down there." Y/n smiled as she held onto Neteyam's waist, her hands resting over his toned stomach. Y/n couldn't see it, but a small blush had formed onto the boy's face. Y/n slid off of the ilu, letting go of Neteyam and slipped under the water. She swam with the fish, Tsireya coming up to her and holding a glowing orange sea creature.

"They allow you to breath under the water." Tsireya signed to Y/n. The girl nodded and connected her queue to the animals. She felt the air coming back to her lungs, taking breaths under water. They traveled deeper into the reefs, the forest Na'vi's being blown away.

"It is beautiful." Y/n signed to Tsireya. She smiled and nodded, making a motion to follow her. Everyone followed the girl, until she stopped at a drop off. Large sea animals swam below them, some looking dangerous and some not.

Everyone called their ilu's again and swam up to the surface. Y/n climbed onto Neteyam,s ilu, holding onto him. His hand unconsciously went to her thigh, holding onto it. They all swam back to the shore, laughing about something that Lo'ak and Aonung were arguing about.

Sorry about the short chapter, I'm feeling tired today and I didn't have a lot of thoughts while writing this chapter.

920 words, proofread

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