Chapter 3: Quaritch

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Y/n, Kiri, Lo'ak, Spider and Tuk were jumping over logs and branches the laid on the forest floor, going farther away from the camp with every step.

"Guys!" Tuk had whined, getting the attenuation of the oldest teen. Y/n stopped, letting Lo'ak and the rest move in front of her as she took Tuk's hand, keeping up to the little girls pace.

Tuk stopped a couple of times to look at the nature around them, Y/n urging the little girl to keep moving to not lose the rest.

"Come on Tuk!" Lo'ak shouted from the front of the pack.

"Okay, okay. Jeez." Said said, muttering the last part under her breath, earning a small laugh from Y/n.

"Bro why'd you even bring her?" Spider asked. Y/n hissed at him a little, defending Tuk but he wasn't fazed by her.

"She's such a cry baby." Lo'ak started.  "She's all, 'I'm telling, you're not supposed to go to battlefield' Or 'I'm telling mom if you don't let me come'." Lo'ak imitated as he put his hands on his hips. Tuk stuck out her tongue while making a mocking noise. Y/n laughed at her, gaining an annoyed glance from Lo'ak.

"Don't pick on her." Kiri said, siding with Tuk.

"Come on slow poke!" Lo'ak shouted at Spider as the two climbed up the broken down helicopter. Y/n stayed on the ground with Tuk, holding the young Na'vi's hand.

"Are there any dead bodies up there?" Tuk called up to her brother and Spider.

"Tuk, really?" Y/n asked as she glanced at the young girl. She found it amusing that sweet little innocent Tuk would ever ask a question like that. Y/n heard a twigs snapping behind her, turning around. She saw Kiri walking off in the forest, her hands touching the plants and flowers around her.

"Don't go to far Kiri!" Y/n called out. Kiri didn't verbally respond, but she held up her hand and made a thumbs up.

After a little bit of walking around and exploring, Y/n decided that they should head home now to get back before the eclipse. Y/n, Lo'ak, Spider, and Tuk walked off to go find Kiri, finding her laying in the grass. The grass swayed sound her, wood sprites flying around her when we arrived.

"Kiri!" Y/n exclaimed as she shook the girl a couple of times to wake her up. She eventually did, sitting up.

"I did that weird thing again didn't I?" Kiri asked as she looked down at the ground. No one responded, Kiri, getting her answer.

"We have to get back!" Tuk said as she grabbed her older sisters' hand, pulling her along as the five of them walked back to the mountain base. Lo'ak walked in the front of the group, and Y/n walked in the back. She always liked to walk in the back when she was with a group of younger people because she felt as if she had a better perspective of them. Also, she would be near Tuk in case anything ever happened to them. Lo'ak abruptly stopped and squatted down to the ground, Spider jumping over a log and joining him.

"What is it?" Kiri asked the two boys. Y/n and Tuk joined her side, looking at the boys with confused looks on their faces.

"We're supposed to be home by eclipse," Tuk said as she looked up to the sky. Lo'ak waved Y/n over, the girl crouching down next to him to see what was so interesting. It was a big footprint. It had a shoe on, but no human could have a foot that big. And no avatar wears shoes. Right?

"It's way too big for a human," Lo'ak said, almost as if he had read Y/n's mind. Spider questioned if they could be avatars, but Y/n shot that idea down quickly. Lo'ak stood up and started walking in the opposite direction that they had been walking in. Y/n groaned and stood up, running up to Lo'ak and grabbing his arm.

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