Chapter 6: Demon Blood?

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The Sully children plus Y/n had looks of sadness and disbelief painted on their faces as they watched Jake's title of Olo'eyktan be passed onto someone new. She watched as the new Olo'eyktan sliced some skin on Jake's chest, making to process complete. Jake was no longer Olo'eyktan. He walked down the steps and through the walkway the people made by separating. Neytiri followed him, Tuk in her arms and Kiri by her side. Lo'ak, Neteyam and Y/n followed behind them. Neteyam held Y/n's hand, the girl walking with comforting arm around Lo'ak.

She jumped onto Tipani, the Ikran sensing her rider's sadness, whined a little. Y/n patted her and muttering comforting words to let her know that she was okay. She looked around at the family to see them looking at their surroundings for the last time. Jake yipped, his Ikran moving his wings and flying into the sky. Everyone followed him, flying away from the clan and the forest. Jake flew in the front, the rest in a triangle formation behind him. Y/n flew next to Neteyam and in front of Lo'ak.

After many days of Lo'ak and Kiri's arguing and Tuk's consistent question of 'are we there yet', the family finally saw land in the distance. When they got closer, she saw how they made their homes in the roots of the trees that were in the sand. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

The Sully's plus Y/n circled the land a little before finding an open place to land. A Na'vi blew into a big shell, many more people running to where they had landed. Y/n got off of Tipani, patting her neck and giving her some food that she stashed away.

Y/n glanced to the Metkayina's in front of her, an anxious feeling filling her. Tipani snesed this, growling at some of the Na'vi that were too close to her rider. Jake looked back at her, hearing the growl from the Ikran and gave her a look.

"Shhhh Tipani. Mawey, mawey Tipani." Y/n spoke in a soothing voice, the Ikran immeditely calming down. Tipani and the other Ikrans flew off to the trees, leaving the Na'vi on the ground. Y/nwalked over to Lo'ak adn Neteyam, standing in the middle of the two. Kiri was standing next to Tuk, Jake and Neytiri in the front. Y/n looked around at the Metkayina's. They had a lighter shade of blue as a skin color, long curly hair, wide arms and tails along with tattoos on some of the adults. It was an... interseting look.

Y/n notcied the looks she was getting from two Metkayina boys, her ears lowering and her tail swishing to the side. Neteyam noticed her change in demenor, but didn't think anything of it because everyone was nervus right now.

The two boys that were giving Y/n looks approached them. Neteyam and Lo'ak bowed their heads signnaling a respectful hello. They didn't even do it back. When they looked at Y/n, she bared her teeth, giving a low hiss at the two. Jake heard it, giving a warning look at the girl. She compiled, not wanting to already get in trouble and bowed her head a little to say hello. The taller of the two boys smirked at her as they walked around the three teens.

"What it that? Is it supposed to be a tail?" The shorter of the boys asked. Y/n turned her head, giving the boys a glare. Neteyam wrapped his tail around her leg, calming her down. She looked back at him, seeing him smile at the girl. She gave him a smile back, turning her attention back to the leaders. When she did, she saw that another Metkayina had joined their side. A young girl, probably around Lo'ak age. She looked at Lo'ak and giggled slightly, seeing that he was staring at her.

"It's way too small, how are they ever supposed to swim?" The boys kept making fun of their tails until the girl came over and slapped both of them.

"Aonung, Rotxo. Enough!" She yelled sternly at them. The three teens just started at her, Lo'ak staring at her because he thought she was hot, Neteyama dn Y/n just staring at her in thanks.

"Hey." Lo'ak said to the girl as he added a head nod. Y/n and Neteyam looked at each other and rolled their eyes at the younger boy. The Metkayina girl shyly smiled and turned her head away, a small amount of blush rising to her cheeks. A large animal similar looking to an Ikran flew along the top of the water. It had a longer muzzle, and no legs and obviously lived in the water.

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