Chapter 26: Home

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"I'm going to miss you guys so much!" Tuk cried as she jumped into her oldest brother's arms. Y/n stood to the side, a sad smile placed on her face as she held the twins. Neteyam squeezed his little sister, kissing her forehead.

"Not as much as we'll miss you Tuk Tuk." Y/n spoke. Neteyam whispered something into Tuk's ear, the little girl nodding with a smile replacing her frown. The rest of the family hugged Neteyam, the boy taking Yäro and Ateyo so everyone could hug Y/n.

"I'm so glad that we became friends. I am going to miss you so much. And you better come visit, or Lo'ak and I will visit you." Tsireya spoke as she brought Y/n into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much Tsireya. I might have hated it here in the beginning, but you made it so much better for me and my family. So I cannot thank you enough sister." Y/n spoke. Tsireya moved away, letting Ao'nung and Rotxo come forward. She gave them a lopsided smile, the boys laughing as they pulled her into a hug.

"We'll miss fooling around and having ilu races with you, but we'll never forget you." Ao'nung spoke, Rotxo agreeing with him. Y/n laughed, reminiscing in the memories the three had together.

Lo'ak walked up with Kiri, the young boy ramming into Y/n, his arms closing around her body. His head rested on her shoulder, her head on his head.

"I'm gonna miss you, skxawng." Y/n laughed. Lo'ak laughed lightly, quiet sniffling being heard. Lo'ak pulled away from the hug, streaks of tears visible on his face. "Awww Lo'ak. We're going to come back and visit as much as possible so that you'll start to wish that we didn't. We'll never forget you guys." She spoke as she placed her hands on each side of Lo'ak's face, kissing his forehead in a sisterly way. He walked away, Kiri waiting to say goodbye next.

"Keep Neteyam in check for us. Same with the twins." Kiri laughed. Y/n joined in with her, bringing the girl in for a hug.

"If you ever want to come back to the forest for a little, there will always be a place for you in our home. Even bring fish lips if you really want to." Y/n spoke as she looked at Ao'nung. He heard her, faking a hurt look. Kiri laughed, nodding as she walked over to him.

"Ma Y/n." Neytiri started. She brought Y/n into a bone crushing hug, the girl groaning a little. Jake laughed at the science, hugging her when Neytiri stepped back. "Take care of Neteyam for us, okay?" Jake spoke. Y/n nodded, saying a final goodbye to everyone as she walked over to Tipani.

"Ready girl?" She questioned. Tipani roared loudly in response, displaying her wings for everyone to see. Yäro was placed in a seaweed holding on the front of Y/n's body, Ateyo on Neteyam. She mounted Tipani, yipping loudly. The ikrans took off from the ground, making a circle around the Metkayina reef before heading back to the forest.

"I already miss everyone." Neteyam laughed as he looked over his shoulder at the fading island where his family stood. Y/n smiled at him. She agreed, taking a chance to look behind her as well.

"Just think, we'll be back in the forest in no time, seeing old friends and your grandmother!" Y/n exclaimed. Neteyam's eyes lit up when he remembered that he'd be seeing his grandmother again. They had always had a special bond, Neteyam being the first grandchild of Mo'at.


The forest came into view, smiles lighting Neteyam and Y/n's faces. They were finally back home, where they belonged. The twins were now awake after being asleep for many hours, their big eyes looking around at the new sights.

There were still some parts of the forest that were destroyed, but mostly everything had grown back while they were gone.

"We're back." Neteyam said as he sighed, a smile placed on his face. Y/n wondered if the clan had moved from the hallelujah mountains, or if they had stayed there. They flew around, looking for the clan. They had checked the hallelujah mountains, seeing it deserted. They flew to the one spot where they thought everyone could be.

"I see them." Y/n spoke as she saw groups of Na'vi riding Pa'li. More could be seen farther out, clustered together by a large tree. A new home tree had been created after the first one died. It was closer to the tree of Eywa.

Neteyam commanded his ikran to land, Tipani following after him. Na'vi clustered around them, trying to get a look of who the newcomers could be. The Na'vi separated, created a path for the Olokeytan to walk through. Tarsem.

"Tarsem, I see you." Neteyam spoke as he placed a hand to his forehead, bringing it down as a sign of respect. Y/n copied his actions, bowing her head. A smile broke out onto Tarsem's face as he looked at the two.

"Neteyam and Y/n Sully have returned!" Tarsem shouted out to his clan, the Na'vi cheering. More Na'vi divided, letting another walk towards the two. Neteyam and Y/n's faces lit up when they saw her.

"Grandmother." Neteyam spoke as he handed Ateyo to Y/n, rushing forward to hug Mo'at. Moa't nodded to Y/n when she saw her, a way of thanking the girl for bringing her first grandchild back to her. Neteyam pulled away from the hug, waving his hand at Y/n, telling her to come forward.

"Y/n, my child. I see that you and my grandchild were very busy while you were gone." Mo'at smirked as she looked at Yäro and Ateyo who were laying in Y/n's arms. She reached out, grabbing Ateyo from Y/n and holding him gently.

"They are very beautiful, they will make fine warriors." Mo'at spoke, smiling at her new great-grandbabies.

"Thank you Mo'at. It is nice to be back." Y/n spoke as Ateyo was handed to Neteyam the baby cooing and smiling at his father.

"We will have a feast, celebrating the arrival of the Sully family." Tarsem spoke, grabbing his mate's hand as they walked off. Many Na'vi came up to Y/n and Neteyam, congratulating them on their twins or telling them how happy they were to see them back home.

"Come, we will get you set up into a hut." Mo'at spoke to the two teens, walking off towards the large tree. They followed, sending their ikrans off into the sky. Tipani and Azra flew off into the branches of the home tree, greeting the other ikran that were perched there.

"It is so good to be back here, Y/n." Neteyam spoke as he grabbed her hand, squeezing it slightly. Y/n smiled seeing her mate happy. She knew that Neteyam enjoyed his time in the Metkayina clan, but she knew that he would be much happier here where he grew up.

"Here we are." Mo'at spoke as she stopped in front of a large hut. Y/n's eyes widened at the size of it. The na;'vi must have decided to make their huts bigger when they moved.

"Wow, it's huge! I don't even know what we'll need all of this space for." Neteyam spoke as he placed the things they brought from the reef onto the floor. Y/n kept quiet, knowing that they would definitely need the space later in life.

"I'll leave you to it, I'll come back later when it is time for the feast." Mo'at spoke as she kissed the two teens on the head, leaving them to unpack.

1342 words, proofread. Neteyam and Y/n are finally back home. Many more surprises to come though! I've gotten more inspiration for this book, so when I'm done writing this one, I'll go make a sequel. 😊

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