Chapter 11: The Cave

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Y/n was sitting next to Neytiri helping prepare the food for dinner when she was Ao'nung being dragged by Neteyam.

"Tell me what you told me." Neteyam sneered. 'Why is his angry face so hot?' Y/n thought to herself.

"We went outside the reef with Lo'ak..." Ao'nung started, Y/n's ears pressing against her head. "...And he's still out there."  He finished. Y/n quickly stood up and made her way to Ao'nung to slap the shit out of him. What was he thinking?!

"Calm down Y/n. Lo'ak may have only one braincell at times but he is strong. He'll be fine." Jake reassured Y/n as he held onto her shoulders to keep her from attacking the boy in front of her.

"You're crazy Ao'nung." Y/n hissed as she walked out of the hut, slamming her shoulder into Ao'nung on the way out. She heard him groan in pain, a smirk painting her face. She made a bird call, her Ikran flying down in front of her.

"Hello girl." Y/n smiled as she kissed Tipani on her head. The Ikran pushed her face into Y/n hands. Y/n jumped on top of her, making the bond and flying off towards the reef. She flew over the wall of the reef, making it to the ocean.

"Lo'ak!" She shouted, hoping to hear a response. After about an hour of searching, she found him jumping on top of a giant rock. "Lo'ak!" She called, the boy looking up into the sky to see the girl on her Ikran.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked. Y/n chuckled softly at the boy.

"Looking for you. You've been missing for half of the day." Y/n told him. His eyes went wide, and he walked over to her Ikran.

"Well we better get back then. I'll see you later." He said. See you later? All of the sudden, a large whining noise came from the rock they were standing on. Y/n screamed, Lo'ak laughing at her.

"What was that?" She questioned. Another sound came from now apparently the animal they were standing on.

"It's a tulkun. He saved me from the akula." Lo'ak reassured her. She nodded, mounting Tipani.
Lo'ak sat behind her, his arms around her waist. They flew back towards the reef, the horn blowing in their arrival.

"Lo'ak!" Kiri and Tuk shouted as they ran through the sand to get to them. They both engulfed him in a hug, Neteyam, Neytiri and Jake walking up behind him. Jake nodded to Y/n as a thanks, Neteyam hugging her quickly.

"He is fine. Just a few scratches..." Jake reassured everyone. Neytiri walked up to Lo'ak and stood in front of him.

"I pray for the strength that I will not pluck the eyeballs out of my youngest son!" Neytiri seethed. She put her hand up to Lo'ak's face and made a grabbing motion. Lo'ak simply moved his head out of the way, an annoyed expression on his face.

"No. My son knows better than to take him outside of the reef..." Tonowari said as he grabbed Ao'nung's arm. "...the blame is his." He finished. Jake nodded, a relieved look on his face that his youngest son was finally not the one to blame.

"Let's go." Jake said as everyone got up, staring to walk out of the hut. We were all almost out of the door when Lo'ak's voice stopped us.

"No. This is not Ao'nung's fault, it was my idea. I begged to see what was outside of the reef. Ao'nung tried to talk me out of it. Really." Lo'ak told Tonowari. What in the world is this boy doing. Is he trying to make Jake even more angry at him?

"Come on." Jake snarled. Now he was angry. Y/n followed after the family, Neteyam in stride with her. Y/n's fingers brushed against his, the boy grasping her hand. A blush formed on her cheeks as Neteyam stopped, the girl doing so too.

"Thank you for saving him." Neteyam spoke.

"It was really nothing. He's like a little brother. Why wouldn't I go and look for him?" Y/n spoke.

"No really, if he had actually been hurt I don't know what I would've done. So really, thank you." Neteyam spoke once again, this time kissing Y/n on her blushed cheek.

The two continued walking hand and hand until they had reach their hut. They were about to go inside when they heard Lo'ak getting reprimanded by Jake.

"Why don't we go somewhere else?" Neteyam asked Y/n. She nodded, following him. Neteyam walked to the shallow part of the ocean, calling his ilu. Amadeus, his ilu swam up and chirped.

Neteyam connected his queue to Amadeus, holding his hand out for Y/n. She took his hand, sitting behind the by and wrapping her hands around his waist. His right hand grasped her thigh so she wouldn't fall off.

"Where are we going?" Y/n questioned as she rested her head on Neteyam's shoulder. He shrugged slowly.

"Wherever we want." He smiled. Amadeus eventually stopped moving, stopping near the entrance of a cave.

"Can we go in?" Y/n questioned, tapping Neteyam. He nodded, both of them slipping off of the ilu. Amadeus swam away to be with some other near by ilu, but stayed close. The cave was dark at first, but the water life illuminated it.

"This is awesome!" Neteyam laughed as she poked a plant, the leaves glowing. This cave reminded Y/n of the forest. The way the plants and the animals glowed around her made her miss it even more.

After a while of goofing off and exploring, the two found themselves cuddling at the edge of the water. Y/n and Neteyam laid facing eachother, the boys arm draped over her waist.

"Thank you for bringing me here." She whispered. Neteyam smiled down at the girl.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said while kissing her nose. She blushed and hide her face in the nape of his neck. "Look at me for a second." He whispered. Y/n brought her face from his neck and looked at him with a confused expression.

"What is it?" She questioned. Neteyam smiled before leaning in, his lips pressing softly against hers. Her eyes widend at first, but eventually they fluttered close.

1078 words, proofread
Ahhhh! It's finally happened ;) their first kiss 😘

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