Chapter 29 - Toruk

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"What if I'm not a good enough leader?" Neteyam spoke softly as he looked at Y/n. She stopped painting his body and looked at him, her gaze softening. He had tears welling up in his eyes, threatening to fall.

"Baby you're going to be a great leader. You know why?" I asked as I dipped my hand back into the white paint, swirling it over his torso. He hummed quietly. "Because you have me, Yäro and Atyeo all by your side. We are a family, and families support each other no matter what Neteyam." Y/n spoke, her hand now reaching up to Neteyam's face to finish the details.

"But I'll never live up to my Dad's legacy that he left here. I'll never be able to accomplish what he did when he was Olo'eyktan." Neteyam sighed. Y/n bit her lip, looking at her mate. She dipped her hand in the paint, making sure it was coated. She brought her hand towards Neteyam, placing it gently in the center of his chest where a blank spot was.

"You don't need to live up to Jake's legacy because you are going to make your own. Things will happen to the clan while you are Olo'eyktan as well. Hopefully there will not be another war, but I know that you will make great things happen for us." Y/n spoke as she retreated her hand from Neteyam, glancing over his body to look at her paint job. "All done." She smiled as she looked at her mate. He smiled gratefully at her before walking over to Ateyo and picking him up. Yäro was in her crib, taking a nap.

"Alright, let's go do this thing." Neteyam spoke before taking a big breath and heading out of the hut. Y/n picked up Yäro, shushing the baby as she fussed. She followed Neteyam to the gathering place, seeing that the entire clan was there. Neteyam handed Ateyo to Y/n, walking to stand next to his grandmother.

"Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan. You have been blessed by Eywa in becoming the clan's next leader. You will have to eat a glow worm, be bitten by the spider. You will then travel through the eye of Eywa and find your spirit animal there waiting for you." Mo'at spoke. Neteyam nodded, his eyes looking at the glowing worm that Mo'at held out in front of his face. He ate it, his eyes closing as he did. Mo'at then walked behind him, holding a large spider by his shoulder. Its fangs sank down into him, causing Neteyam to stop moving. He now had to pass through the eye of Eywa.

Mo'at started to chant, the rest of the clan joining in. Y/n chanted along, not taking her eyes off of Neteyam. A light emitted from him, shining bright. Neteyam gasped, his eyes shooting open. He stood up, facing the clan as they cheered and whooped.

"Your new Olo'eyktan! Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan!" Mo'at shouted. Y/n smiled brightly at her mate, seeing how happy he was. They both wished that their family was here though. Neteyam walked over to Y/n, planted a kiss on her lips, then moving to kiss the twins' heads softly.

"What was your spirit animal?" Y/n questioned as they walked off to where the after party was being held. A large fire pit sat in the middle of the clearing, many Na'vi surrounding it.

"A thantor." He spoke, a confident grin settled on his face. Y/n laughed a little, somehow knowing that he would get that. "What?" Neteyam questioned as he joined in on the laughing.

"Nothing. I feel like I somehow knew that a thantor would be your spirit animal. It just seems right to me." Y/n spoke as she kissed Neteyam softly and walked off to a group of her friends. Many of Neteyam's old friends came over to congratulate him, patting him on the back.


"We need to do something about the toruk problem!" One of the elders spoke up. It had been three weeks since Tarsem had been killed and Neteyam had become Olo'eyktan. Y/n sighed, running a hand down her face. They had been talking about this problem for a week now, still not being able to solve it.

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