Chapter 21: I see you

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Y/n and Neteyam sat inside the hut, the former laying on top of the latter. Kiri was playing with Tuk, and Lo'ak was somewhere with Tsireya. Jake and Neytiri were preparing dinner.

"Can we go for a ride?" Y/n asked Neteyam. He nodded, the girl getting off of him as they both stood up. They walked towards the entrance of their hut, stopping when they heard Jake's voice.

"Where are you two going?" Jake questioned. The two turned around, their eyes meeting Jake's.

"We're going for a ride on the ikrans. I miss Tipani." Y/n told him. He nodded, going back to what he was doing originally. Neteyam took Y/n's hand, the two running along the beach, the sky being a light pink and orange because of the sunrise.  They finally stopped far enough away from the village to call their ikrans.

"Hello my beautiful girl." Y/n spoke as Tipani landed in front of her, giving a loud purr as Y/n slid her hand over her head. She mounted the ikran, the two flying off into the sky with Neteyam and Dru'yan following close behind.

The two flew in patterns, twirling and whooping through the air. They eventually landed in a little illuminated forest, sending the two ikrans to fly off. Neteyam took Y/n's hand as they ran through the large cave, the girl touching the glowing plants.

The two explored until they found a large tree exactly like the one they had back in the forest. It was a spirit tree.

"I'm so glad that everything is finally over!" Y/n exclaimed as she moved around through the forest. Neteyam came up from behind her, wrapping his hands around her waist and nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Me too." He muttered while kissing her neck softly. Y/n smiled softly, closing her eyes. Neteyam stopped kissing the girl's neck, turning her around so she was facing him.

"I see you." Y/n whispered, her big amber eyes looking up at Neteyam through her long eyelashes. Neteyam's eyes dilated, a smirk forming on his face.

"I see you." He replied, his hands cupping Y/n's face. He brought his lips to his, closing any space that was between them. Y/n's hands went up to his hair, tugging on the braids slightly. A breathy moan left Neteyam's mouth, surprising both of the two.

Neteyam seemed visibly embarrassed, but Y/n stunned. She smirked, putting her lips back on Neteyams' and pulling on his hair again and getting the same outcome.

"That was hot." Y/n spoke, pulling away from Neteyam. He smirked. Now it was his turn to make her moan. He pressed her against the ground, hovering over her. He pressed kisses to her neck until he found her sweet spot. She moaned loudly, the feeling of success filling the boy.

"That was hot too." Neteyam smirked. Y/n rolled her eyes, the boy going back for more. He sucked softly on her sweet spot, gaining more moans from her. He wanted to make sure that everyone knew that she was his after this night so he nipped at her skin, making it purple. He stopped nipping, and looked at the girl, admiring his work. Y/n took this opportunity to that control, flipping two over so that she was on top.

"I think I like this more, me in control." Y/n smiled down at the boy. He gulped, his eyes dilating again. She kissed his collarbones and chest, trying to find his sweet spot. She found it quickly, sucking and nipping on it so she left marks. Neteyam let out loud breathy moans, urging the girl to keep going. She moved to different spots, leaving hickies on his body.

"Y/n..." Neteyam started, but was cut off by moaning loudly. "I need you." He moaned. Y/n smirked, the girl reaching back and grabbing her braid. Neteyam did the same, the two holding them in front of their bodies. The tendrils squirmed around, trying to reach each other. Neteyam and Y/n looked at each other, smiling before letting their braids connect. The tendrils connected with each other, sending the two teens into pure bliss.

Neteyam sat up, pulling Y/n on top of him. His hands roamed over her boy, hers wrapped around his neck as her head rested on his. The two unconnected their tendrils, looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you Neteyam." Y/n spoke, a soft smile playing on her lips. Neteyam's eyes widened, but a smile showed on his face as well.

"I love you too Y/n." Neteyam spoke as he placed kisses on her face. Y/n giggled, her eyes admiring the work she left on the boy's collarbones and chest. Neteyam noticed her looking at his body, his eyes following her gaze. His eyes widened when he saw the hickies she left on his, but smirked when he looked at the one's he left on her.

"Don't worry, I left some of you too." He smirked. Y/n looked at her body, the girl only being able to see the ones that were visible to her eyes. That included the hickies left on her breast. She knew that there were more on her neck.

"We should probably head back, I'm sure that we've been gone for a while. The sun is at its highest point right now." Y/n spoke as she rubbed the back of her neck. Neteyam nodded, taking her hand as the two walked out of the forest, calling their ikrans. The two ikrans seemed happier, sensing that something was different between the two Na'vi's. They jumped onto the ikrans, flying back to the reef. They had flown pretty far away, the Metkayina village looking like a small island. The look out blew into his conch shell, people from the village running down to the beach. They didn't know that it was Neteyam and Y/n until they got closer.

"Are you ready?" Neteyam smiled as the two circled around the landing area, Neteyam's family plus Tonowari, Ronal, Ao'nung and Tsireya were in the front.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Y/n smiled back as the two landed in the sand. As they jumped off of their ikrans and walked towards the Na'vi hand in hand, they earned many glances and gasps. I'm sure it's not every day you see two teens covered in hickies.

"We are mated. It was done under the tree of Eywa." Neteyam spoke, loud enough for the crowd to hear. Jake and Neytiri walked forward, Jake hugging his son, while Neytiri hugged her new daughter.

"Oel ngati kameie, my slu trr." Neytiri spoke, the phrase bringing tears to Y/n's eyes. (I see you, my beautiful daughter)

1167 words, proofread. AHH IT FINALLY HAPPENED GUYS!!! I've got ideas for more chapters, so stay tuned.

Also I am feeling much better today than yesterday. Hopefully I get over Covid quickly! 🤞🏼🤞🏼

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