Chapter 28: Death

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(Time skip 3 months)

"Grandmother, can you watch the twins?" Neteyam asked as he ran into her hut. She nodded, taking Yäro and Ateto from him. Neteyam thanked his grandmother, kissing his twins on their heads before running back to his own hut.

"Hurry, the war party is going to start soon!" Y/n called out to Neteyam who was putting on his riding visor. He finally got it on, taking Y/n's hand as they both ran out of the hut to where all of the warriors were.

"We were starting to think that you were not going to show." Tarsem laughed. Y/n's ears bowed in embarrassment. Neteyam rubbed her back slightly in an attempt to make her feel better.

The warriors all called their ikran, the large and majestic animals flying down from the trees they were perched in. Tipani flew down, chirping a hello to her rider. She made the bond, swinging her legs onto the ikran. She chirped, Tipani taking off after their leader and the other warriors.

They flew until they spotted a herd of sturmbeest running through a valley. Tarsem let out his fighting call, diving down in order to get a better shot. The warriors followed him, letting their arrows fly at the large animals as they did. Their armor deflected most arrows like hammerhead titanothere did, but if you shot the arrow right where they breathed, it would be game over for them.

Y/n flew on Tipani down where the herd was, letting arrows fly. During her time with the Metkayina, they had taught her how to shoot arrows at fish. You need a very precise shot, and extreme patience.

By the end of the war party, many sturmbeest had been shot down. It would give the clan enough food for a couple months if none of it was wasted. The group cheered as they flew back to their home. It was all fun and games until a large roar was heard above them.

Y/n slowly moved her head up, seeing the large body of an ikran. Toruk. But it wasn't the one Jake road, it was new.

"Toruk! Scatter!" Tarsem yelled at the group as they all dispersed, flying in different directions quickly. Toruk took after Tarsem's ikran as it was the closest to him. Neteyam and Y/n flew away together, their ikrans hiding in the vines they were perched on.

"Tarsem!" Y/n called out as she watched as Toruk slashed at his ikran's wings, the animal giving up and free falling down to the ground. Some warriors tried to fly after him, but Toruk was too close to him for their liking. The group watched with pained faces as both the ikran and their leader hit the ground with a deafening thump. Y/n put her head down, tears escaping them. Neteyam brought his hand over, intertwining it with his mates.

As Toruk flew away, the warriors and their Ikrans flew out from their hiding spots. Sullen looks were shown on their faces as they flew back to their home without their Olo'eyktan.

A horn was sounded once the look out saw them, signaling that the war party was back. The warriors on the Pa'li had brought back the dead animals, preparing them for dinners.

"Where is Tarsem?" Zur'atu spoke. When she saw the looks on the warriors' faces, she knew what had happened.

"Toruk is back. A different one. He attacked us, Tarsem sacrificing himself to save us." Neteyam spoke up, placing a comforting hand on the shoulder of Zur'atu.

"No! NO! Tarsem!" Zur'atu wailed, Y/n bringing the woman into a warm embrace as she broke down. Mo'at walked up with the twins, handing them to Neteyam and Y/n before placing a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"We will need a new Olo'eyktan. The elders will discuss it tonight and we will have an answer tomorrow morning." Mo'at spoke. Zur'atu nodded, walking off with some of her friends following after her to console her.

"I feel like wherever we go, something bad follows us." Y/n spoke to Neteyam. He looked at her, seeing the sad look on his mate's face.

"That's not true. Look, it was just unfortunate that a new Toruk has shown up. Everything that happens is because Eywa wants it to be that way. One man's life is a start to another's." Neteyam spoke up, placing a loving kiss on Y/n's lips. Yäro cooed, reaching up to her mother and wrapping her fingers around a braid that laid in front of her face.

"I guess. Let's head back home and have dinner." Y/n spoke as she started walking, Neteyam next to her.

Once they got back to their hut, Neteyam started preparing their dinner as Y/n fed the twins. She moved the cover to the side, letting the twins latch onto her breast.

"Is fish okay?" Neteyam sole as he looked up, seeing his mate smiling down at their children. She looked up at him, nodding. He got to work, descaling the fish and placing them over a small fire.

The fresh aroma of cooking fish filled their hut. Neteyam places the last of the spices onto their meal, calling his mate over to eat. Y/n placed her cover back onto her breast, laying her twins down into their bed.

"This smells delicious!" She sighed. Neteyam smiled softly at her.

"Well we can thank Tsireya for the spices. She gave us many different types to try." Neteyam laughed as he started eating.


"The elders have spoken. There is only one Na'vi who can take up the responsibility of the Olo'eyktan. My grandson, Neteyam. His father was Olo'eyktan before they left. He had gone through the training before they left." Mo'at spoke. Neteyam's eyes widened as his grandmother looked at his, beckoning him to walk up to her.

"Grandmother, why me?" Neteyam spoke. Mo'at smiled at her grandson.

"Neteyam you were destined to be Olo'eyktan from the moment you were born. You have everything it takes to be that man. You have the support of the elders, and your family." Mo'at spoke. "The ceremony will be taking place within this week." She finished. Neteyam nodded before walking down to Y/n who smiled brightly at him.

"Hello Olo'eyktan. Why don't we drop the twins off at Kan'rit's? We can celebrate." Y/n spoke with a smirk as she looked at Neteyam. He nodded, taking Ateyo from her as they walked towards Kan'rit's hut.

1109 words, proofread. Sorry for a shorter chapter! But Neteyam is going to be Olo'eyktan?! How exciting is that! But enjoy! ❤️

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