Chapter 23: Lo'ak and Tsireya

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While walking down the beach trying to find Neteyam, Y/n watched as Ilu jumped out of the water. The sun setting, making them look even more majestic then they really were.

"Hey." Y/n spoke quietly as she stood slightly behind Neteyam, placing her hand on top of his head. He turned his head, looking at Y/n with a smile.

"Hi." He spoke as Y/n sat down next to him, placing her head on top of his shoulder. He grabbed her hand in his, holding it tightly. His other hand was placed on her small baby bump, carefully caressing it.

"I have something for you." Y/n spoke as she took the bracelet she had made for Neteyam out of a small pouch. His eyebrows cocked at what she said, a smile forming on his lips when he saw the bracelet. His eyes captured the light of the moon, making them even more alluring then they already were.

"It's beautiful." Neteyam spoke as he slipped the bracelet on, tightening it quickly. Y/n laughed quietly.

"I'm glad, it took me an hour and a half to make." Y/n spoke. Neteyam's eyes widened at the girl.

They sat in peace for a while, their bodies wrapped together. Their tails were intertwined, Neteyam's hand placed around her shoulder. Y/n looked up into the sky to see all of the stars.

Y/n was watching the stars shoot across the sky, her eyes reflecting each one. Neteyam however, well there was a sky full of stars, but he was staring at her. His star. The one that he was going to have a future together with.

"What?" Y/n questioned, pulling Neteyam out of his daze. He smiled, nuzzling his face in his neck.

"I love you." He said, kissing the skin of her neck tenderly. Y/n smiled to herself as she felt Neteyam's hand move to her stomach, carefully caressing it. Her eyes moved down, watching how carefully he touched her.

"I love you too Teyam." Y/n whispered as she kissed his head gently, her own hands reaching for him.

"We need to think of baby names." Neteyam spoke as he turned to Y/n, the girl already looking at him. She nodded, trying to think of some names.

"For a boy I like Ma'akan or Ateyo." Y/n spoke, Neteyam agreeing with her.
"I like Yäro, Fai or Ayn'at for a girl." Neteyam spoke. Y/n thought for a moment, letting the names sink in. She really liked Yäro. Jake and Neytiri called for them, the two standing up and walking towards the two adults. They were going to have dinner with Tonowari and Ronal.

"I feel like something is going to go wrong at dinner tonight." Neteyam spoke with a laugh. Y/n laughed along with him, the rest of their family showing up at the fire pit. Lo'ak walked over to Tsireya quickly, Kiri walking over to Ao'nung. They had gotten closer, the boy finally teasing her. For the most part.

"Y/n, Neteyam. How is the baby doing so far?" Ronal questioned as she walked up to the two teens. A smile made its way onto Y/n's lips at the women's words.

"The baby is doing just fine as are we. Thank you." Y/n smiled. Ronal dipped her head, walking off to talk with her mate as well as Jake and Neytiri. Tuk walked over to the two, feeling out of place.

"I'm bored. Lo'ak is busy with Tsireya and Kiri is talking with Ao'nung." Tuk whined. Neteyam bent down to be level with her, picking his little sister up and placing her on his hip.

"Don't worry Tuk, we're here for you." Y/n reassured as she placed a hand on the little girl's cheek. After a while of hanging out with Tuk, dinner had finally been served. The Sully family and Tonowari's family sat around the fire pit, making conversation with each other. Everything was going smoothly until Tsireya spoke up.

"Mom, Dad." Tsireya spoke up, everyone quieting down at the sound of her voice. "I have something that I need to get off of my shoulders." Tsireya added, looking over at Lo'ak. He nodded slightly. What the fuck was happening.

"We have mated." Lo'ak spoke up, standing next to Tsireya. Y/n's mouth dropped open, Neteyam's eyes growing wide at his baby brother.

"What?!" Ronal growled at the two. Tsireya gulped visibly, but Lo'ak kept a strong posture as the women approached the two.

"It is done. We have mated before Eywa." Tsireya spoke up, trying to take some of the pressure off of Lo'ak. Tonowari and Jake looked between each other with wide eyes, taking in the news.

"I will not deal with this at this time. We will speak tomorrow boy." Ronal spat as she looked from Lo'ak to her daughter. Disappointment was held in her eyes. However, Y/n could see a glint of happiness in Ronal's eyes that her daughter had finally grown into a mature young woman.

"Alright, we will deal with this one." Jake spoke as he stood up, grabbing Lo'ak by his arm and dragging him towards Sully's hut. Once they reached the hut, chaos erupted.

"How long Lo'ak. How long have you two been mated?" Jake asked once the entire family was in the hut. Lo'ak looked around at his family's faces before answering.

"Two weeks." Lo'ak muttered. Jake groaned, dragging a hand down his face. Neytiri placed a calming hand on his shoulder, trying to get him to calm down.

"Well, it was bound to happen at some point. But I just didn't think that my two boys would have grown up so fast." Jake spoke, his voice cracking during the last few words. Lo'ak's expression softened at his father, walking towards him and wrapping his arms around him. Jake held his arms open for Neteyam too, the boy walking into the hug as well.

"We are proud of the two of you. You both have picked wonderful women to be your mates. You should be very happy." Neytiri spoke as she looked at her two sons, then to Y/n. A warm smile spread across her face as she gave Neytiri a side hug.

1110 words, proofread. Idk how much I like this chapter, but oh well. Some drama at the end... I think only 1-3 more chapters to go as well!

I know that most of you have voted for another Neteyam story, but I am kind of craving Ao'nung right now. I will post the chapter I started tonight! Go check it out!

It is called Golden Hour. There are four chapter plus a prologue that have been posted!

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