Chapter 39

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/* this is the second to last update. Many of you are asking what's next. So for that, checkout Trishna. There is a surprise for all of you 🙃.

At least read till the point Shiv is introduced. I am sure your all will fall in love.

Ali's operation is still going on.

Rajveer is looking visibly shaken. Everyone is looking at him in concern and he felt irritated.

He left the lobby to sit in the fire exit. Hospitals are majorly driven by lifts and staircases are rarely used. He knew it would be relatively empty and he would get some space there.

He cannot believe that Choubey betrayed them all.

"Tu pagal hai Choubey....kyu aya mujhe bachaane? Agar abhi backup nahin ata time par to mai akela nahin balki tu bhi marta sath me", Rajveer said to Choubey in anger.

"Are Sirji.....shant ho jao. Ho gya na sab thik. Are jiyenge to sath me aur marne kaise deta ekee mai aapko fir?", Choubey said laughing.

Rajveer is stuck in a building where a bomb was planted and couldn't escape. Choubey came to rescue him but couldn't do so in time. Thankfully bomb disposal unit came on time and defused the bomb.

Rajveer wiped his tears on those old memories as Naina pressed his shoulder. He looked at her and she took him in a bear hug.

She is rubbing his back consoling him while he is searching for some security in her hold.


"Call aya tha Col. Chandra ka....we are asked to report immediately", Alekh said to Naina as she came to the lobby with Rajveer.

"But Ali...", Rajveer asked.

The operation theatre opens at the same time and everyone looked at the doctor.

"He is out of danger now. Of course, he would need complete bed rest for sometime. But apart from that he is ok", Doctor informed them.

All of them took a breath of relief.

"Can we see him?", Rajveer asked.

"Actually he is still unconscious and will remain so for next few hours. I would suggest that you all can have some rest now and come back later", Doctor told.

"Let's go and meet Col. then. We will come back for Ali", Naina said and they left him with high security as danger is still not gone.

As they reached the designated place everyone felt something is off about the place.

It's the same place they have kept all the prisoners from the first attack.

They went inside quietly. All the security checks are working fine.

"Let's check if all attackers are still there. This place is known to Choubey....we should have got them moved", Rajveer said and moved towards the den where all of them are kept.

But as soon as they have reached the den, the scene unfolded before made them flinch.

They realised immediately that they are trapped.

They found all the attackers captured in the first attack are killed mercilessly including Ritu. Blood and body parts are withered across the room.

"Leave ....immediately", Naina commanded.

But before they can escape, they are surrounded by several men holding guns and they are all held at gun points.

"Put down your guns immediately", a man from the group said.

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