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Rowan's pov
I heard my front door open and that's when I knew Leo was back home please tell me he isn't drunk this time. Every time Leo is drunk he tends to abuse me it's not a fun time.. "hey bitch I'm here and have a surprise for you!" Leo shouted I sat there terrified "I said get over here!!" Leo said. I instantly got up and went over to him "what Leo.." I say anxiously hoping he won't hit me.

I watched him pulling something out of his pocket "we're going to see motionless in white, now if you look at any of the guys i promise I will hurt you got it?!" He shouted in my face while throwing the ticket at me. I took a deep breath "I'm happy to go but please don't ruin my fun there you know how much this band means to me.." I say. "What? is this band more important than me?!" He shouted "yes.. they've been here since day one while you were drinking! And they've been there when I lost my parents in a fire!" I shouted. "You bitch!" He said while punching me in the nose making it bleed "Leo I'm done.." I say while tears ran down my face "baby I'm sorry"

"Leo you need to leave.." I cried "if I leave we won't be going to that concert so make up your mind!" I stood there in fear. "Fine Leo.." I say "now stop crying!" He shouted and I quickly whipped my tears away "the concert is tomorrow so be ready!" Leo said before leaving the house once again. I took a closer look at the concert ticket "holy shit I get to meet the band?! This really is a dream come true.."

I whipped the now dried blood away from my nose "fuck!" I cried what did I do to deserve to be treated like this. My mind raced to when i accidentally bumped into that guy what if I run into him again? Would he save me from this horrible man.. no Rowan there's no hope you already know if you try to leave again you'll end up dead.

~ the next day ~
Ricky's pov
I woke up to Chris screaming at his phone "Chris what the fuck??" I said in a sleepy voice "it's time for you to get up anyway it's 1pm! We need to meet with the others before our show and apparently Leo wants to stop by." Chris said. I sighed "what does he want??" I asked "I'm not sure to be honest.." Chris said and I heard the door bell go off "that must be him.." I say.

Chris and I walked downstairs and Leo walked into the house "what's up Leo?" I asked "well Rowan and I are definitely going to that concert but I told her not to look at any of you guys" Leo said. Chris and I looked at each other in a strange way then looked at Leo "what do you mean??" Chris asked "I mean what I said, if she looks at any of you something will happen" Leo said.

"Leo I told you If you're hurting this girl you can't go to the concert!" I shouted "relax I'm not hurting Rowan she's perfectly fine plus I wouldn't hurt my "pregnant" girlfriend." Leo said. I looked at Chris and sighed I know that Leo is lying about his girlfriend being pregnant "can we meet Rowan?" Chris asked "no!" Leo shouted. "Why not we'd love to meet her, I promise nobody will take her away from you.." I say anxiously. "Ugh fine but can it wait till tonight after the show?" Leo asked "yes!" I say happily.

"I'm sorry Leo but we have to run now the guys and I have some stuff to do before the concert starts but we will see you in the pit and vip meet and greet!" Chris said. Leo finally left us alone but now my mind races I need to find this girl that I helped maybe I'll see her tonight or I hope..

Rowan's pov
I started to get ready for the concert but I have a really bad feeling that Leo is going to do something while we're there. I ended up wearing my Ricky horror shirt it's safe to say that Ricky is my favorite in the band. It makes me wonder if I accidentally bumped into him I mean he did look familiar no that's not possible stop thinking it is.

"I'm home!" Leo shouted and I jumped and quickly cleaned up my dresser before he saw the makeup mess. Leo came into my bedroom and notice my Ricky horror shirt "what makes you think you can wear that!" He shouted "Leo please.." l flinched badly as he brought his hand up. "I won't hit you this time since we're meeting my friends after the concert and I don't want them to think I hurt you" Leo smirked "I also told them that you're pregnant so act like it!" He shouted.

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now