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Rowan's pov
"Ricky.." I managed to choke out "shhhh I'm not upset with you.." he said. "You know Ryan is right about everything he said.. you do deserve better than me.." I say with a sadish voice. Ricky pulled me close to him "don't you dare say that, I love you more than anything. I told you that I'm here to stay forever and always." He said in a comforting way. "Bu-" I was cut off "listen to me, have I pulled you up on stage?,have I risked my life to save you? Yes I did all of that just to be with you and to make sure you get the love you deserve." Ricky said. "I love you so much.." I say while some tears escaped "I love you way more" Ricky said softly while whipping away the tears.

"You'll always be my beautiful girl" he whispered softly causing me to get butterflies. After awhile we both ended up falling asleep, it's been a long stressful night for the both of us.

Chris' pov
"Ryan get your ass over here!!" I shout in a pissed off way "oh shit something is going to happen, is it fine if I stay in the basement?" Vin asked and I laughed. "Go ahead bud" I say and he runs downstairs, Ryan came over to me "yes..?" He asked nervously. "You hurt Rowan really bad tonight, I'm really disappointed in you. It's our job to protect her not hurt her!" I say.

"Chris I really didn't mean to hurt her she just pissed me off by lying.." he said and I rolled my eyes "that's not an excuse! She's family to us now and don't pull that bullshit and say 'she's not legally family yet, Ricky didn't pop the question'" I say and Ryan's eyes went wide. "I was not going to say that..." Ryan laughed nervously "bullshit, I know how you are motherfucker. We've been friends for years!" Ricky came downstairs pissed off. "What the fuck is all this yelling about?!"

Ricky crossed his arms in a pissed off way "I was yelling a Ryan about the shit he did.." I say and he sighed. "We literally just sorted everything out.. she was sleeping but now she isn't feeling good, you fuckers woke her and I up!" Ricky shouted. "I'll go check up on her.." I say and rushed upstairs, I knocked on the bathroom door "Rowan is everything okay in there?" I asked. Rowan opened the door "Chris I'm scared.."

I entered the bathroom and locked the door "why are you scared?" I asked "I can't... I don't want to disappoint Ricky or anyone.." she cried. I pulled her into a tight hug "listen Ricky or any of us will not be disappointed, and whatever you say it will only stay between you and I." I say in a comforting way. "Chris.. I'm pregnant..." she said and my eyes widened "I'm so happy for you!"

Rowan covered my mouth "shhh, I don't want anyone else to know yet.." she said in a sadish tone. "Oops I'm sorry" I say. "Listen everything will be okay, we're all here for you no matter what" I say and Rowan nodded "thank you..."

Ricky's pov
"Soooo Ricky, when are you going to pop the question to row?" Ryan asked and I start to feel my face heat up. "Don't worry about that I already have something planned out for that." I say with a small smirk. "Ohhh come on tell!" Ryan shouted "can't do that bud, but I do need to get Chris' permission since he's now her father"

Chris came downstairs with a small smile on his face "permission about what?" He asked "to marry Rowan" I say in a whisper. Chris' eyes widen "sooo you want to take my childddd" he said in a playful way "I'm just kidding go ahead!" He said happily. I sighed in relief "thank fucking god" I say with a small laugh "do you have an idea on how you want to do it?" Chris asked. "I believe I do but things might change." I smirked.

Rowan came down the stairs and looked at everyone confused "what is going on?" She asked weakly. "I was just about to announce some big news!" Chris said and I looked at him funny "what news??" I ask. "We are going on tour in a few months!" He said happily "yes it's about time!" I say.

Rowan's pov
My eyes widened in fear oh no what am I supposed to do? Chris is the only one to know about the situation I'm in. I'm not ready to tell everyone else that I'm pregnant. I looked over at Chris in a panic "it will be okay" he mouthed, I took a deep breath and nodded.

If I wait any longer to tell the others they're going to start noticing the changes. But I'm not ready to tell them yet I cant hurt them again. Ricky came over to me and wrapped his arm around me "you okay?" He asked. I took a deep breath "yes I'm just a little worried about going back on tour.. what happens if Leo comes back.." I asked.

Ricky's eyes widen along with Chris' "he is in prison he can't do anything to us anymore" Ryan jumped up. Vinny rushed upstairs "what's going on???" He asked "we're going on tour!!" Chris said happily. "About that I can't go anymore" Angelo said and Chris' eyes widened "what do you mean??" I asked. "Well I really want to continue with my tattooing career. Don't get me wrong I love playing but I really want to do this"  he said and everyone did a sad look.

"What are we supposed to do now.." Ricky asked and I stood there not knowing what to do "I play the drums!" Vinny said happily. "Wait you do?!" Chris asked "yes! It's been my dream to travel and play the drums!" He said. "Well Vinny, welcome to Motionless In White!" Chris said "I'm glad that's settled! I'll still be around don't worry!" Angelo said and we nodded.

"I'm going to go back to bed now.." I say and rushed upstairs to Ricky bedroom. I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep knowing that we're going on tour soon. It sounds silly I know but I'm worried about the pregnancy, what if it fails while we're touring. I need to figure things out before we or I'm going to put my brain back into a chokehold.

Ricky's pov
"She's acting really strange.." I say and Chris' eyes widens "she probably just worried about your starting up soon. We all get that way it's just all the nerves building up." He said and I nodded. "Well whatever is going on I hope she tells me soon, I really don't want her lying to me again" i sighed. "I really don't want to lose her just from lying to me.." I frowned "listen to me, she's probably scared of whatever is going to happen so don't give up on her. You love her" he said.

"You're right I love her but I can't stand the lying so she needs to stop that.." Chris nodded "I know.. anyway let's go talk about these songs and start planning out what song is going to go out before tour" he said and we walked to the basement.  Chris and I looked over the lyrics "so you know the song you wanted to be called 'Wasp'" he asked "yes what about it?" I asked. "Well I talked it over with the others and they agree that wasp is a great name for it!" He said.

I smiled happily "yes!!" I say and we continued to look through the music for the next few hours and ended up passing out. But I couldn't stay asleep for long all I can think about is what she could actually be hiding from me.

Whatever is going on I hope she tells me soon...

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now