Lost it all

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Rowan's pov
I've been at work for about 2 hours now and I keep getting this weird feeling of being watched "hey Spencer!" I say while fidgeting with my fingers. "What's up Rowan and woah why does it look like you've seen a ghost?!" He asked worried "I don't know what's going on but I'm scared.." I say in a sad tone. "Rowan what's going on??" He asked "I have a really bad feeling that something is going to happen to Ricky and I.. it feels like someone is following us around everywhere we go..  I don't want anything to happen to Ricky.."

Spencer gave me a sad look "listen kiddo you and Ricky hell even the rest of the band need to get out of here. When Leo came in looking for you he said he had some kind of plan he didn't explain it but I'm sure he's after you and the others." I clenched my fists "he's the one doing this shit??" I say anxiously. "Probably but promise me you guys will be careful" he pulled me into a tight hug "I can't make any promises but we will try our best.." I say with a frown "we'll close up for the night and I'll take you home okay?" He says.

I nodded slowly and took a deep breath "what if he hurts Ricky.. I can't lose Ricky like I lost my parents.." I say while the tears started to come down my face. "Ricky is a strong man im sure he'll be okay" Spencer said while closing down the place "now let's go before something happens" he said and I nodded. We headed out of the store and I decided to text Ricky, I miss him..

~ text messages started ~
R: "hey Ricky I'm on my way back home, Spencer is coming with"
Ri: "thank god.. I was starting to get worried"
R: "ohhh so someone was worried about me??"
Ri: "shushhh you or you'll be sleeping on the couch"
R: "you wouldn't!"
Ri: "I would, now get your ass home!"
~ text message ended~

While walking home with Spencer everything seemed to be okay until I heard loud noises "Spencer.. we need to hurry.." I say and he nodded in agreement. We rushed back to the house and of course the door was locked "Ricky please open the door!" My voice shaked slightly.

Ricky's pov
"Ricky please open the door!" I heard Rowan say she sounded scared?? I got up quickly and unlocked the door. Rowan and Spencer entered the house Rowan quickly came over and hugged me tightly "shhh it's okay" I say in a calm voice. "I'm going to find the guys we have something to talk about" Spencer said while walking around the house "what's going on??" I asked Rowan but she only held onto me tighter "Spencer will explain soon.." she said quietly and I nodded.

My mind started to race what the fuck happened while she was at work? Did someone hurt her? "Did someone hurt you??" I asked worried. "No Ricky I'm okay.." I sighed in relief "thank god.. Rowan I know this is not the right time but I can't wait any longer. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked a little nervous. "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend!" She says and I felt her body starting to relax more "yes!!" I say happily.

The guys walked into the living room and looked at us funny "alright everyone we have something that needs to be talked about!" Spencer said and we all nodded slowly "so what is this about?" Chris asked immediately "I second on that what the fuck is this about I was just about to sleep!" Ryan whined. "Shut the fuck up!" Josh yelled.

Spencer's pov
"You might want to sit down this is going to be a lot to take in" I say and watched everyone sit down Rowan and Ricky looked very scared of the situation. "Okay so that one night when Rowan came to work with me Leo decided to show up that night looking for Rowan." Right when I was about to talk more Ryan interrupted me. "So what's going on??" He asked and Angelo gave him the death stare "motherfucker he didn't get there yet so shut up!" He shouted at Ryan.

I rolled my eyes annoyed "sorry Spencer please continue to talk" Ryan said and I nodded. "What I was saying was when he was looking for Rowan he said he had some kind of plan. He didn't explain what he was going to do but I believe that you all are in danger and need to leave this area." I say and Chris' eyes widen.  "We are not leaving the place we grew up at we can fight him! There's more of us and there's only one of him!" Chris said and Ricky nodded in agreement.

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now