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A few hours later
Vinny's pov
It was a really weird show for us tonight we didn't have Ricky due to an emergency with row. Once we got into the fitting room I noticed that row was asleep but Ricky had a panic look on his face. "Is everything okay?" I asked quietly "yeah, I need you and ry to carry her to the room. I have to grab something from the bus" Ricky said. "If you say so" I say and rushed over to him and row.

"Come on Row we'll get you to the room" I say "but it's comfy here.." she said in a sleepy voice "I know but we don't know if it's safe in here. We can't stay in here forever" I say and she whined. "Alright I got her" Ryan said while picking her up "where's Ricky..?" She asked worried "don't worry he went to grab something from the bus he'll be back soon I promise" I say.

"Ow row don't hurt me" Ryan said and that's when I knew she was starting to panic "we need to get her to the room now!" I say and he nodded in agreement. We rushed to our hotel room and locked the door "Rowan, Chris is with him please do not worry.." I say and she sighed in defeat.

Ricky's pov
"No, no,no, where is it?!" I say in a panic while looking for the ring. Since we have about 3 days off to enjoy red rocks I wanted to propose to Rowan. "FUCK!" I shout in defeat "woah there buddy calm down" Chris said while walking inside the bus. "I can't find it!" I shout "find what?!" Chris asked "the ring!" I say and he laughed. "How the fuck is this funny to you?!" I asked. "Ricky calm down I have it, you gave it to me remember?" He asked. "Oh.. we'll where is it?" I asked while feeling bad for yelling.

Chris went to his bunk and grabbed the box under his pillow "it's right here" he said and I take a deep breath. Chris goes to hand it to me but stops mid way "before I give this back I want you to promise me that you won't leave her" he said. "Chris I love her to death and I know this is what I want. She needs this love in her life without having to be scared about anything" I say and he hands over the box "good" he says.

I put the ring in my pocket "okay let's go back to the hotel rooms" I say and he nodded. We walked to the hotel and luckily it wasn't a far walk, we didn't even run into any fans for the night. I grabbed the spare key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. Once we entered the room I noticed Rowan sleeping right next to Vinny "I promise I didn't do anything, Ryan put her here before he went into his room and I was making sure she was doing okay" he said.

"Don't worry vin I know you're just watching over her." I say while putting the ring box inside the small safe "oh shit so it's actually happening??" He asked. "Shhh and yes it is" I say quietly "when??" He asked "don't worry about it I want it to be special" I say and he nodded.

Rowan's pov
It's been a few hours and now I'm wide awake, everyone else seems to be asleep. I didn't want to wake anyone up but there was a sudden sharp pain "Ricky..?" I say in a panic. "Hm?" He said in his sleepy voice "it hurts.." I say and he jumped up. "What hurts??" He asked worried, i grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. The sharp pain came back and Ricky did a small laugh "it's nothing to worry about it's just the baby poking around" he said with a smile.

"Just relax okay?" He said while laying his head gently on my stomach and his hand on my thigh. I instantly felt my face heat up "everything will be okay just go back to sleep" he said. I closed my eyes and before you knew it we were out again.

~ next morning ~
"Rowan wake up we have a big day planned!" Ricky said and shook me awake "okay, okay I'm up!" I say with a whine. "Good now we have about 30 minutes to get ready or we will be screwed!" He said and I panicked to get up. I rushed to get a shower, after I was done i realized that most of my clothes don't really fit anymore. "Ricky.. can i borrow a hoodie and sweatpants" I say with a nervous laugh "got it!" He said while opening the door "ooo damn someone looks hot!"

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now