So alone

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Later that night
Ricky's pov.
Once I got into the basement I headed over to the music and looked through the lyrics. One lyric hit me hard "she looks so lost, but she feels like home" and that's when it hit me. "Chris!" I shouted and he ran over to me "what's up Ricky?" He asked. I pointed him to the lyrics "what if this song is called wasp?" I say and he gave me a strange look. "Let me look over these lyrics and I'll get back to you with the idea" he said and I nodded. Chris took the lyric sheet and went upstairs with it, well shit it looks like I'm alone again.

I started to think about Rowan and the small argument that we had. What can she possibly be lying to me about and why is she lying to me? She knows I wouldn't be mad at her if she told the truth. Maybe a walk will clear my head, I walked upstairs and was stopped by Ryan "where are you going?" He asked. "I just need to clear my head I'll be back later" I say while walking out the door.

Rowan's pov
It's been a few hours since Ricky and I had our argument. Of course I feel guilty about it but I don't want to hurt him what am I saying? I already hurt him by lying to him. There was a knock on my door "Rowan can I come in?" Ryan asked. "Sure.." I say and he came inside the room. "So what has been going on with you? And don't bullshit me!" He said and my eye widen.

"I don't know what you're talking about.." Ryan rolled his eyes in a pissed off way "you know Ricky left because you lied!!" He shouted. "Where did he go?!" I asked worried "hopefully somewhere, where a woman can treat him right!!" He shouted back. I felt my heart shatter, I quickly got up and rushed into the bathroom.

"Rowan wait I didn't mean it!" Ryan said and tried opening the door but it was locked "please I'm sorry.." he said. "You said it yourself.. Ricky does deserve better.. the only thing I brought him was my stupid trauma... I put him through hell that he didn't deserve.." I started to cry.

Ryan's pov
What the fuck did I just do?! I didn't mean to hurt her at all. "Rowan please don't say that, Ricky loves you to death and who cares if you put him through hell it's all apart of being in a relationship.." I say. "I made him leave and it's my fault!! That can't be how relationships work!" She cried.

"Rowan I just need to know why did you lie? Did something happen while you were getting that checkup?" I asked. "Ry.. as much as I want to tell you guys, the nurse said I can't.." now I know she's bullshiting me what can she be so scared of. "Rowan!!" I shout and hear a loud bang on the bathroom door. "What the fuck are you doing in there?!" I ask "I'm not doing anything!" She shouted.

Chris came into the room pissed off "god damn it Ryan! What did you do?!" He shouted. Oh no I'm in big trouble "I said some fucked up things that I didn't mean..." I say and his eyes widen.

Chris' pov
"What kind of fucked up things?!?" I shout "I- I um... I said that it was her fault that Ricky left and that hopefully he is somewhere, where a woman can treat him right.." Ryan said. "Are you fucking kidding me Ryan?!!" I shout "I didn't mean it!!" He said. "Get the fuck out go find Ricky!" I shout and he ran off.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the bathroom door "Rowan can I come in.." I asked "no.." she said in a sad tone. "Row it's just me, let me help you" I say and she slowly opens the bathroom door. I entered the bathroom and pulled her onto a tight hug "what has been going on? You can trust me with anything I promise."

I felt her body start to tense up "Rowan.. whatever you say only stays between us I promise" I say and she takes a deep breath. "Chris... the nurse was checking to if anything was wrong with me.." she lifted up her shirt a little bit to show some brushing on the ribs. I looked at the bruising with a sad look "did she prescribe you with any medication??" I ask.

"Um.. about that, the nurse said that she can't give me anything because I'm..." I raise my eyebrow "you're what???" I ask. "I-" she was cut off by Vinny knocking on the bathroom door "I'm sorry to interrupt anything but I need to piss!!" He whined. Rowan quickly left the bathroom then I left, damn it now I think she won't tell me what's going on with her.

Ricky's pov
It's been about a good hour or 2 since I left home and honestly I have no idea where I am going. "Ricky!!" Ryan shouted and I froze while he came up to me. "Ricky I fucked up.." he said "what did you do??" I asked worried "don't be mad at me.. I accidentally made Rowan upset.." he said and my eyes widen in anger. "What do you mean you made her upset?!" I clenched my fist hard.

"I told her that it was her fault that you left and that you would be somewhere, where a woman can treat you better.." he said nervously. "You're a fucking dumbass!!" I shout and quickly started to run back home. Ryan followed me home "I didn't mean any of it I promise, I was just pissed that she lied!!" He said and I sighed.

"That's no reason to yell at her about anything!!" I shout before heading inside the house. Chris looked over at me in a slight panic "sorry I'm not a intruder! Ryan just told me something fucked up!" I say. "She's upstairs" Chris said and I nodded, I slowly walked upstairs and headed to my bedroom.  Once I got into the bedroom I saw a sleeping Rowan in my clothes, Aw she's in my clothes.

I headed over to the bed to lay down next to her "I'm so sorry baby.." I whispered while pulling her close to me.


/ how should Rowan tell Ricky or the others that she's pregnant?
^^^I might already have an idea but I would love to hear yours!
I already have an idea for Chris' I just need suggestions for the others
Also keep in mind she is an anxious woman

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