Ryan's pov
I stood there impatiently waiting for Rowan and Ricky to get back. I have no idea what's going on but ever since Chris decided to let Rowan stay with us he and I have been so overprotective over her.
The first time I ever seen her in fear was when Ricky and Angelo got into some kind of fight that's when I knew I had to step up and be the overprotective brother that she didn't have."Hey don't worry she's okay, she texted me saying that they will be home tonight after their little date" Chris said. "Has Rowan said anything about Ricky getting his memory back?" I asked anxiously. "Yes! Apparently he was laughing his ass off after he remembered the whole cops remake episode we did."
I sighed in relief "thank god Ricky is starting to remember Rowan and everything that they have done together." I say and Chris nodded in agreement.
Rowan's pov
"Rowan are you almost done it there?! I have to piss!!" Ricky whined, I laughed gently while doing the last minute makeup look. "Babe please!!" He whined "okay okay I'm done!" I laughed while leaving the bathroom. "Thank god, you ladies take so long!" He said before locking the bathroom door.After a few minutes Ricky came back out and looked at me like he's never seen me before "what..?" I asked nervously. "You look absolutely gorgeous" he said and my face turned bright red "you look so handsome as always I say.
"Okay you two flirts go on your date and go home! I love you both to death but god damn y'all are some crazy horny adults. You broke the rules!and I don't want to hear any complaints about any pregnancy!"Ricky's mom said. "Were we that loud" Ricky laughed "Ricky!" I slapped him in a playful embarrassed way. "Go!" Ricky's mom laughed
Ricky and I left his moms house "we are going somewhere fancy tonight so I'm glad you're wearing that blue dress" Ricky smirked while opening my car door. I entered the car and covered my face from embarrassment "well you're the one that picked this sexy dress out" I teased "that's correct and I don't regret it"
"Oh stop being such a tease!" I say in a playful way "mhm whatever you say" he smirked while driving to the restaurant. Once we got to the restaurant I was shocked on how nice it was "don't just sit there let's go eat!" Ricky said.
We entered the nice restaurant and I was still in shock on how beautiful it was, this is really nice.Ricky's pov
It took a few minutes until Rowan and I got seated in a booth area. Rowan looks really beautiful I could honestly cry "Ricky he is asking you what you would like to eat" she said. "I would like the garlic butter shrimp pasta" the guy wrote it down and left the area.While waiting for our food to get here I started to feel really grateful that Rowan stayed with me while my memories were gone. I know that it has been tough on her but she's a strong beautiful woman. I still feel very guilty about everything that has happened but one thing I don't regret is risking my life to save her, all I want is her to be safe and I will protect her with my whole life.
After about 15 minutes the guy came back with our food. "I totally forgot to mention my name, I'm so sorry about that. I'm Vinny your waiter" he said. "No worries man, thank you." I say and he nodded, I looked over to Rowan and she looked so happy to finally get her food.
After an hour of eating our food and chatting we decided to go back to the car. "Rowan I know you may be against this but let's do something wild!" I say in excitement. "What are you thinking?" She asked "let's have sex right here in this car, I can't help it the dress is doing something to meee" I whined in a playful way.
"It doesn't sound like a bad idea, hell let's do it! It will be fun!" She said happily. We got into the back of the car and you already know what happens no need to go into detail.
Chris' pov
"WHERE THE FUCK IS RICKY WITH MY CHILD" I whined in a worried way "IM WORRIED ABOUT HER TOO!" Ryan shouted. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND EAT A DICK!" Josh yelled at us "sorry dad!" I rolled my eyes."I'm going out ther-" I was cut off by Rowan and Ricky opening the door "sorry were late traffic was bad" Ricky said. I quickly rushed over to Rowan and Ricky "did he hurt you?!" I say in a overprotective way and Ricky gave me the pissed off sad look. "No? Ricky wouldn't hurt me." She said and I sighed in relief "you really think I would hurt her.." Ricky said in a sad tone.
"No Rick! I was just joking around, hell you risked your life for her." I said feeling bad about what I said. "Anyway.." Josh said and Angelo came rushing downstairs "IS THERE BABIES YET?!" He asked "no babies" Rowan laughed "but will there be babies??" I asked "maybe.."
Rowan's pov
I wanted to tell them that I really can't have kids if I did it would be very rare and risky. But I would hate to let them down they all seem very excited about it. Ricky put his arm around me for comfort "we will try, I promise" he whispered in my ear and I nodded.It's been a big dream of mine to be a mom but Leo took that away from me. I'm hoping that everything will go right with Ricky or I'll be alone again. "Soo row did Ricky get all of his memories back?" Ryan asked "yes he did, I'm so happy he did or I would probably lose my shit" I laughed.
"Hey! You know you love me!" Ricky whined in a playful way "I do!" I say "okay lovebirds let's watch some fucking movies!!!" Chris said in his energetic way "oh shit dad is being crazy again!" I laughed. We sat down in the living room and of course I was next to Chris and Ryan while Ricky was fighting Josh and Angelo about the popcorn.
"It's mine!!" Ricky whined "no!!" Josh shouted and that's when Angelo grabbed the bowl away from them "mine now fuckers!!" He laughed. "No fair!!" Ricky whined "shut up!!" Ryan shouted while grabbing the popcorn away from them "no more popcorn!!" He said pissed off "DICK!!" Josh said. "Shut up!" I laughed at this whole thing this is way better than watching some random movie.
But this started to make me think about something. If I did become pregnant how would the guys take care of the baby? They all act so childish. And will they be home enough to help me take care of it? This is going to be hard.
I guess we have to see what happens...

Never know// Ricky Olson
FanfictionHere's a quick background information about never know - Hello my name is Rowan I'm struggling in a very toxic/abusive relationship with my boyfriend. - My boyfriend took me to a motionless in white concert he's friends with Ricky and chris but I h...