I don't belong here

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A few days pass
Ricky's pov
"Yoooo Ricky!" Chris said happily "what's up man?" I ask "so you remember the music you wrote for us?" He asked. I nodded slowly "yes of course I do!" I say proud "well I did some updating and think we should work on it!" Chris said in a proud dad way. "YES YES YES LETS GO!!" I yell happily "what the fuck is going on??" Rowan whined "oops sorry babe didn't mean to wake you" she is not a morning person at all.

"Motherfuckers woke me up!" She whined "IS SHE GIVING US CHILDREN YET??" Angelo walked Inside of the room. "Shut up ange its too early for this!" Rowan pulled the blanket over her head. I always feel bad when they ask if Rowan is having any children, I'm the only one that knows about her condition. I want to say something about it but I don't want to upset her at all but one thing I do know is that I won't give up.

She's been saying how much she's wanted a baby but it's risky for her. "Ricky come on we have some shit to do!" Chris said and I nodded, I went over to Rowan and gave her a quick kiss "we will be in the basement if you need us" I say and she nodded. The guys and I walked downstairs and started planning on how to work on the new album. "Okay since this is a more of a horny and badass album how about we name it Reincarnate?" Chris asked. " I think that sounds good" I say and they all nodded in agreement.

After a few hours of nonstop conversations about the lyrics and the titles of song names we have somewhat of an idea. But now here comes the fun part is finding the beats of the songs, this will be a long night.

Rowan's pov
It's been a few hours since I saw Ricky and the others and to be honest it hasn't been too great. I started to feel like shit but it isn't a pregnancy kind of sick. I can't have children sadly but if I could it would be a miracle. I needed to grab a few things from the store but I should let Ricky know before I leave the house. I got out of the comfortable bed and started to get ready for the day. I feel like absolute shit right now why am I even trying to go to the store? But I need stuff.

I walked into the nosy basement "ITS THE BABY EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Chris shouted and everyone stopped playing the instruments. I stood there in panic "what the actual fuck??" I laughed slightly "I came down here to let you guys know that I'm going to the store. So don't freak out if I'm not here" I say.

Ricky gave me a worried look "do you need me to go with?" He asked "no babe, you stay here and practice. I'm sure everything will be okay now since Leo isn't around anymore." I say and he nodded. "Be safe for the love of god!" He said "don't worry I'll call if anything happens." I say and he nodded.

A few moments have passed and I left the house after Ricky and Chris threw a fit about me leaving by myself. Let's just say they are not really happy about it but they have music to work on.

Once I got to the store I wasn't really sure on what to get my mind went blank. "Miss we have to escort you to safety right a way!" An employee said. "What is going on??" I asked in a panic tone "there's a robbery happening and they are armed so please follow everyone else to the back!" He said.  I quickly followed everyone else into the back, I'm starting to panic really bad I wish Ricky was with me oh god he'll be so worried about me.

I looked around at all these people and noticed a really familiar face "Vinny..?" I choked out. "Holy shit Rowan? Is Ricky with you?!" He asked in panic. "No.. he had some stuff to do with the guys.. he wanted to come but I told him to stay.. oh god I feel so stupid now.." tears threatened to fall down my face. "Listen were in this together, I'm sure everything will be okay.." Vinny said.

"I THINK THERES MORE IN THE BACK ROOM!" One of the guys said "LETS GO CHECK I DO HAVE A WEAPON WITH ME" he laughed. Oh god I don't want to die.. Vinny pulled me close to him in a comforting way "it will be okay.." he said. And that's when one of them came into the room "DON'T MOVE!" He shouted causing me to flinch badly. "YOU ARE GOING TO LISTEN TO US OR YOU WILL FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!" One of them said.

Vinny's pov
My eyes widen in fear these guys are very dangerous. The only thing I really know what to do right now is to protect Rowan, I know I just met her the other day but it's my job as a friend to protect her. "EVERYONE MOVE AWAY FROM EACH OTHER RIGHT NOW!" Rowan immediately moved away from me but I pulled her back "let go.. he's going to hurt us if we don't listen.." she said.  I let go of her, if something happens to her I'm fucked, Ricky will be pissed.

"Now everyone we are taking people with us so if you have been chosen you are going. No fighting us or you will be killed!" I noticed Rowan panic as she quickly grabbed her phone. My guess is that she's going to call Ricky? Or the cops? Whatever it is it better be quick before they see what she is doing.

Ricky's pov
I felt my phone going off and noticed Rowan was calling me"wait guys stop playing, I have a feeling something bad is happening. Rowan is calling me" I say and they stopped with the instruments. I put the phone on speaker "babe?" I asked but there was no answer "hello??" I said "Ricky maybe it was a butt dial" Ryan said in a panic.

"No I don't think it is.." I say and I hear loud voices in the background "PRETTY GIRL LETS GO!" Followed by another voice "NO LET HER GO!!" The second voice sounded really familiar to me. "We have to go right now! Something is happening!!" I say and Chris rushed outside to start the car. "HELP!!" I hear Rowan cry out as we rushed to the car. Chris rushed us all the the store, once we got there we brought out our bats out from the devils night music video "let's go!"

We entered the store and noticed the smell of death "holy fucking shit.." I said as I looked around. "NOW YOU LISTEN TO US! YOU WILL COME WITH US AND BE OUR SLAVES!" One of the guys said and my eyes widen with anger. "Fuck you!!" Rowan shouted "let her go and take me instead!" Vinny shouted. "No, no, no. She will give us the children we need!" The other guy said "I can't have children!!" Rowan cried "bullshit!"

Chris looked at me with a sad look, we slowly walked into the back room. "Fuck this I can't take it!" I say and quickly looked around for Rowan "Ricky get your ass back here!" Ryan shouted. I tightened my grip onto the bat and entered a room I immediately saw Rowan "guys in here!" I shouted and got everyone's attention. The guys entered the room "Ricky.." Rowan cried "shhh baby I'll get you don't worry.." I say.

"Listen let her go and we won't hurt you okay?" I say and the guy looked at me annoyed "what do we get out of it??" He asked. "You live!" Chris said in a angry tone "Ricky please help.." she cried while holding onto her stomach tightly. "What did you do to her?!" I said angrily "we didn't do anything she was like that when we found her here!" He said "bullshit!!" I shouted. Chris and I ended up knocking both of the guys out once that was done I rushed over to Rowan.

"I tried my best to protect her.." Vinny said "thank you Vinny.. now come with us we're going to the hospital." I say and he nodded. I picked up Rowan and she flinched in pain "listen babe I need you to hold onto me and cover your eyes" she nodded and held onto me tightly. "Chris call the cops.." I say and he nodded while we walked outside of the store. I helped Rowan into the van and sat next to her while waiting for the others.

"Ricky.. it hurts and I'm scared.." she cried "what hurts babe?" I asked while whipping her tears away. "My stomach.. everything hurts.." she moved closer to me "we will get you to the hospital.." I say and the guys came into the van including Vinny. "Alright let's go to the hospital!" Chris said in a slight panic tone.

"Oh god I hope everything will be okay..."

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now