Will we ever learn?

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Ricky's pov
I woke up from being really uncomfortable on this couch, I really hate sleeping down here but I don't want to make Rowan uncomfortable. I checked the time and realized it was 12pm "how the fuck is it already 12pm?" I said to myself. I wonder what Rowan is up to right now she's usually up by now "Rowan?" I say while walking to my room. "Rowan are you up?" I knocked on my door but there was no answer "Rowan I'm coming in!" I say while opening the door.

Once I walked inside the room it was empty oh no she left didn't she no this can't be happening.. I felt my heart shatter she's gone but she left a letter. I went over to my bed and grabbed the letter with my shaky hands welp I guess I should read this now.

~ Rowan's letter ~
"Dear Ricky, I'm so sorry to leave without saying anything but it was the only way. These past few days have been amazing with you and the others but there's many things I haven't told you and I'm not sure how to tell you about any of it. I guess I'll start off with one.. yesterday while at work Leo came to visit but I was hiding in the back so he didn't see me but I know he wants to kill me. I overheard a conversation with Leo and Spencer (my boss)  Leo said that he was coming back to yours and Chris' house. He believes I'm hiding there so I had to do the right thing and leave before anything happens to you,Chris, and ryan.

I can't allow him to hurt the person that means the most to me, thank you for everything that you have done to keep me safe. Please don't come looking for me it will be hard but I need you to stay strong. If leo knew about all the shit that happened he'll probably kill you and I can't have that happen so please Ricky... I need you to stay with Chris. Maybe we'll run into each other again in another life  But for now please be safe mr. Horror just remember that I'll always love you.
- from your forever and always
~ Rowan's letter ended ~

My body started to shake while tears rolled down my face "Chris!" I shouted and he rushed into the room. "She's gone Chris.." I said while the tears became worse "what do you mean she's gone??" Chris said worried "she left a letter.." I say while handing him the letter.  I felt my heart break even more I wish it didn't have to end like this I have to find her! I don't care how dangerous it is. "Oh my god Ricky.. I'm so sorry.. come on get ready we are going to find your lover!" Chris said.

Chris pov
I don't care what the letter says we will find Ricky's lover there's no way I'm letting him get back into his depression state.  When Ricky is in his depression state he tends to shut everyone out and it's just not a pretty sight. "Come on Ricky we'll find her!" I say while grabbing onto his arm to force him to go outside "but her letter said not to find her.." he said in a sad tone.

"Ricky if you love her you need to find her hell Leo is probably after her right now and we don't know it! We need to find her so let's fucking go!" I shout and Ricky became tense. "You're right.. I can't lose her.." he said and we started walking around to find Rowan. "Ricky do you have her number by any chance?" I asked "yes.." he said "call her now! She might answer!" I say and Ricky tried to call her.

Rowan's pov
I'm starting to regret my decision on leaving Ricky I truly do miss him more than anything but I did what I had to do. I felt my phone going off so I checked who it was it was from "Ricky 🖤" as tempted as it was to answer the phone I ignored the call. "Please forgive me love.." I say quietly to myself while some tears escaped I felt my phone go off again "Ricky 🖤 has left a voicemail" fuck. This is going to hurt to listen too but I miss him..

~ Ricky 🖤 voicemail~
"Rowan I'm really worried about you please come back home.. I promise I'm not mad at you.. please.. you know I'll always protect you from that monster I won't let him touch you.. but you need to come back i can't protect you when I don't know where you are.. Rowan please call me back.."
~ end of Ricky 🖤 voicemail ~
I sat down on the ground and started crying the tone in Ricky's voice is what got me I never heard someone so worried. Maybe he does actually care fuck it I grabbed my phone and texted Ricky
~ test messages started ~
R: "Ricky I'm so sorry..."
Ri: "Rowan where are you..?"
R: "Ricky.. it's dangerous.."
Ri: "I don't care how dangerous it is.. I want to be there with you.. please Rowan.."
R: "I'm at the town park.."
R: "Ricky please hurry.. L-Leo found me.."
Ri: "shit! Chris and I are on our way please be careful.."
~text messages ended ~

"There you are!" Leo shouted while grabbing my arm tightly I flinched in pain "where have you been?!" He shouted in my face. "Don't worry about that!" I shout back while trying to get out of his grip of course my phone started to ring. Leo picked up my phone and looked pissed when he saw the name "really? Ricky? why the fuck does he have a heart near his name?!" Tears started to run down my face "Leo..." I say.

"No Rowan you love him don't you?!" Leo shouted "yes I do.." my voice shaked and that's when Leo punched me in the stomach hard causing me to lose my breath. "I guess I'll have to kill your new lover!" He shouted while he started hitting me more I'm going to die like this aren't I. "Leo please.. I can't take the pain anymore.." I say while I felt the blood rushing down my face.

Ricky's pov
Once Chris and I got to the park I knew something was going on Rowan didn't answer her phone when I called. I looked around and noticed that Leo was attacking Rowan "shit Chris we need to help her!" I shout while running towards them. "You motherfucker leave her alone!" I shout at Leo "oh look Rowan it's your lover boy!" He said while Rowan looked up at me her face was bloody from Leo hitting her.

"What the fuck? You have some nerve to hit a woman! She's the most beautiful person ever and you hurt her?!" I shout and that's when Chris grabbed some kinky ass handcuffs and cuffed him to the pole. "Chris beat his ass!" I say with a small smirk "on it! Get her out of here!" Chris said while he started to hit Leo in the face.

I picked up Rowan gently but I noticed her flinched "hey it's just me.." I say quietly and she hung onto my tighter than ever. Poor thing is terrified to death "I'll take you home and get you cleaned up.." I say and she nodded "Ricky I'm so sorry.." her voice was in a whisper "no Rowan don't be sorry it's going to be okay.." I say while walking her back home. "Ricky... he's going to kill me.. I'm not ready to die.." she said and I frowned "I won't let him kill you and that's a promise..." I say while walking inside the house.

I took Rowan into my room and sat her down on the bed "I'll be right back I'm just going to grab some medicine and wash cloths to clean you up." I say and she nodded. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed some wash cloths and the medicine god i feel so bad about everything that has happened I should've kept her closer to me. I walk back to Rowan and sat down next her "this might sting a little bit.." I say and she nodded.

I put the medicine on the wash cloth and started to clean the cuts on her face she's such a strong woman for going through all this. "Ricky.." Rowan said "yes?" I say "I promise not to leave anymore.. and I mean it this time.." I looked at her lips then back to her eyes "good... I can't lose you again.." I say with a small frown. Im very tempted to kiss her but I don't think she'll be happy about it. I finished cleaning up her cuts "you should get some rest,do you want me to stay or do you want to be alone?" I asked her.

"Stay please.. it gets lonely without you here.." she said and I nodded, we laid down in silence but it was a good kind of silence. "Ricky.. can you um hold me..?" She asked anxiously "yes of course I can" I say with a smile. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me oh my god it's finally happening I get to cuddle her now. Sooner or later the room was completely quiet and we were sound asleep damn this day has been something but I'm glad to have Rowan back in my arms safety. If Leo would've taken her I would've fought so hard for her.. anyway I wonder what Chris and Leo are doing now it's been over an hour.

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now