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Before I start this make sure to watch motionless in white cops it's so funny. It's on YouTube and I did change some things but mostly everything is the same.

Chris' pov
"Hey Ryan,Angelo, and josh come with me for a second I have a big plan!" I say while walking outside to my car. "What's your plan??" Ryan asked "well remember that cops episode we watched the other day with the pcp?" I asked "yes!" Josh laughed. "Well I think it would be funny if we pull that prank on Ricky and have Rowan be the little girl in this" I say with a laugh.

"Sounds fun! But do we have the right stuff?" Angelo asked "duh! Im Chris fucking motionless I always have things planned out! There's booty shorts in the back, BB guns, and handcuffs but those are mine I claim them!" I say with a smirk. "Does Rowan know the plan?" Ryan asked "nope but I think she'll figure it out now let's get shit ready!" I say while grabbing some of the items and the others followed along.

The guys and I got ready "alright let's go!" I say while running to the door and knocking on it "LPD OPEN UP!" I shout and my mom opened the door and immediately tried to close the door. I rushed inside and the guys followed "RICK OLSON!" I say while jumping on him "GET DOWN, GET DOWN" Ryan shouted as he jumped on the air mattress. "WHERES THE LITTLE GIRL RICK?!" I shout while cuffing his hands behind his back "FUCK YOU!" Ricky shouted "WHERES THE LITTLE GIRL?!" I shout.

"FUCK YOU RICK OLSON!" Josh said "you like little girls Rick olson?!" Josh said again "IM GONNA KNOCK HIM OUT!" I say while grabbing the BB gun. I hit him on the head but not too hard "he's not out do it again!" Ryan said and I hit up again. "I fired a shot!" I shout "this is the real thing we're not here to fuck with you!" Josh said. We dragged Ricky out to the garage and I chugged down a beer. "We found PCP, and we know that you took the little girl. And you are in Scranton right now, why are you in Scranton right now?" I asked.Why did you do it?"Josh asks.

"Which question do I answer?" Ricky asked "why did you do it?" Ryan asked "do what??" Ricky asked while trying to hold on his laugh."the PCP and the little girl" Josh said "I'm gonna kill this motherfucker" Ryan said and Ricky started laughing. "I didn't do anything to the little girl" Ricky laughed while shaking his head "we know you did it to the little girl!" I say while shoving the BB gun into Ricky's face. "Where's the pcp?" I asked "did you make her take the pcp?" Josh asked "no!" Ricky said "is she your sex slave?!" Josh asked.

"What do you think of the Dallas Cowboys I asked "they're awesome!" Ricky said "that's a good answer" Josh said "we got the wrong guy he's innocent" I say "we're really sorry about that" Josh said while unlocking his handcuffs. The guys followed me outside "so um we got the wrong guy what now?" I asked and Angelo gave me a smirk "how about we fuck around and find out!" He says "good thinking!" I say with a laugh.

I walked inside with the others and climbed up on the railing "what the fuck are you doing?" Josh asked "cops need to have fun too!" I say while twerking. "Well cops need to workout too!" Josh said while doing some pushups. "Where did Ryan go?" I asked Josh and he pointed to the bathroom "cops have to shit too!" Ryan said while opening the bathroom door. "One thing we do like to do is to make sure that we keep kids off pcp" I walked to Ricky "did you take the pcp?!"

"No!" He said "it's In his ass!" Josh said while pulling Ricky's pants down "he has pcp in his butthole!" Josh said. "We fuck around here" I say while holding the BB gun Josh and I walked into the living room and started dancing "this isn't a normal job" Josh said while putting on the final countdown. "It's hard" Josh said and I started twerking once again "I have a gun and use it!" Ryan said with a smirk while aiming the BB gun at Ricky. "No I didn't take the little girl don't do it!" Ricky shouted but that didn't stop Ryan from shooting him in the arm.

Ricky's pov
I flinched slightly while feeling the bb hit me "oh it's on!" I say while grabbing one of the BB guns. "RICKY OLSON HAS A WEAPON I REPEAT RICKY OLSON HAS A WEAPON!" Ryan shouted while running to Chris. "First the PCP now a gun?!" Chris shouted while shoot me "fucker!" I said while shooting him back. Angelo came up behind me and grabbed my gun but I ended up shooting him before he can take it "OUCH! NOW YOURE GETTING IT!" Angelo shouted and I ran.

Angelo chased me around the house with a BB gun once he caught up to me he shot me in the leg "ouch!" I laugh while falling onto the ground. I sneaked to hide behind the door to scare Ryan but he had a gun "woah woah it's just me!" Ryan said while I pointed the gun at him. "Too bad" but before I could shot him he shot me first "owww!" I shout while hitting Ryan back.

"Hey Ricky come here!" Chris said and I went over to him he was laying on the floor peeking inside a room "get a good angle and shoot" Chris whispered. I nodded slowly once I got the right angle I shot the person in the leg "you fucker!" Rowen shouted uh oh looks like I'm back on the couch tonight. "CHRIS!" I shouted and he laughed at me "oops!" Chris said while running off but I shoot him in the leg before he could go anywhere else. "Payback is a bitch" I say.

I noticed Ryan on a bike and Angelo decided to shoot Ryan in the balls causing him to fall off the bike and whine in pain. It was funny to see but damn that must've hurt badly. Josh came up behind me and shoved me into a wall "HE HAS PCP!" He shouted and the guys ran over to me "open your mouth!" Chris said and I opened my mouth "tongue out!" Ryan said and I stick out my tongue.

Rowan's pov
I walked outside if the bedroom and everyone started at me "THERES THE LITTLE GIRL!" Chris said and everyone came over to me. "DID RICKY GIVE YOU THE PCP?" Josh asked I jumped slightly from the yelling. I looked over at Ricky and smirked slightly "yes he did.." I say in a joking way. "RICK OLSON YOU GAVE THE LITTLE GIRL PCP?!" Chris said Ricky is gonna kill me later. "No she's lying I don't have pcp!" Ricky laughed "I'm telling you he's hiding it in his ass!" Josh said while going over to Ricky.

"On the floor Rick olson!" Josh said while pointing his BB gun at Ricky, Ricky fell to the floor and Josh pulled down his pants. I couldn't help but to laugh at this situation I've never experienced anything like this before everything has always been so scary but now things are changing. Ryan went over to Ricky and Josh "how many times do I have to say there is no pcp in Ricky's ass?" Ryan said with a laugh.

"Hey don't blame me, blame the little girl!" Josh said and I stood there and panicked slightly "hey Rowan watch my moves!" Chris said and started twerking. I started laughing really hard "what the fuck are you doing?!" I asked "you should join in with him doing that!" Angelo said with a small smirk. My eyes widened as I looked over at Ricky he looked pissed "I um.. I'm not doing that.." I said and Ricky sighed in relief.

I guess let's have some fun, I grabbed one of the BB guns and starting shooting at Josh "OUCH!" Josh laughed as he grabbed a BB gun. "Uh oh.." I said before running to find a place to hide "come out Rowan I won't bite!" Josh said. I took a deep breath it's okay Rowan they're just playing around don't let Leo ruin your mind from the past. "Got ya!" Ryan said while picking me up and putting me over his shoulder "how?!" I asked "easily" Ryan said while bringing me to Ricky.

"Oooo this will be fun!" Chris said while grabbing his handcuffs "what are you doing?" I asked "you'll see!" Chris said while cuffing my hand to Ricky's hand. My eyes went a little wide "Chris.. this isn't a smart idea" I say anxiously "oh come on it will only be for a couple days" he said. "What do you mean a couple of days??" I asked worried "I kinda lost the key but don't worry I'll find it as soon as possible" Chris said and my eyes went wide "how am I going to work when I have a Ricky attached to me..?" This can't end well. "Shit I didn't think of that, I guess take him with you and say it's all a dare" Chris smirked.

I sighed while resting my head on Ricky's shoulder "it won't be that bad.. I'll be near you the whole time.." Ricky whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly maybe it won't be so bad to have him with me but what if something bad happens when we're together. I love this man to death but he doesn't know that I do it's complicated but I ended things with Leo the last time I saw him. I want to start something with Ricky but I'm scared of what would happened with us.

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now