In my arms

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Rowan's pov
As they rushed me to the hospital all I felt was sacredness and pain, I don't believe these guys hurt me at all that's the the only problem. "Babe I need you to stay with us.." Ricky said and I looked at him slightly confused "I'm not dying am I..?" I asked and his eyes widen in fear. "I hope not.." he said in a sad tone "she's not dying!stop scaring her, you fucker!!" Chris said in a panic as he pulled into the hospital driveway.

Ricky picked me up and rushed me into the hospital while the guys followed "hello she needs a room right a way!" The nurse rushed me into a room "sorry boys you need to stay out!" She said while locking the room. "Ricky needs to be in here.." I say quietly "no, he can't be in here" the nurse said, Ricky knows I can't stand being alone in hospitals this place always gives me the creeps.

"Okay I'm going to have to check your body for any bruising or anything" she said and I nodded slowly. I flinched slightly while she was touching and looking around for any bruises "this is worse than I thought.." she said and I froze. "It seems like whatever has happened today caused some really bad trauma to the rib cage. But don't worry we will give you pills for it. But before I give you anything, I have to make sure you're not pregnant." I stood there and sighed, she's joking right? I know it's hard for anything about this.

"I doubt I'm pregnant, it's really rare for me to have children now unfortunately.." I say in a sad tone. "I know, you came to us when that situation happened, but I still need you to pee in this cup." She said while handing me a cup. I sighed and grabbed the cup and left to go into the small bathroom. I did my business then went back into the room "here.." I say quietly, she left the room to go do some kind of random tests.

It took about 30 minutes until she came back with the test results "this can be either good or bad news.." she said. I froze in place "what's the news.." I asked. "Congratulations you're pregnant" she said and my eyes widened "what do you mean I'm pregnant??" I asked in shock. "I know it may seem scary but I really think you can hold this baby, you're a healthy woman and now that you're with someone new I'm sure you can actually hold this without any stress." She said.

I took a deep breath and nodded, what am I supposed to tell Ricky and the others? I don't want to disappoint them if I can't hold this baby. "Well since you're carrying a child now, unfortunately I can't give you any medication" she said and I nodded "okay thank you.."

Ricky's pov
"What's taking so long, it's been 2 hours!!" I whined "calm down Ricky, I'm sure she's okay they're probably doing some kind of check up" Chris said. "To be fair she got hurt badly by those men at the store.." Vinny said and my eyes widened. "What did they do?!!" I asked "well she was grabbed very harshly and she tried to move out of their grip. Once she escaped once they hit her ribs with something I couldn't see but she ended up falling onto the ground. She wasn't saying anything for awhile so I think she passed out for a bit, she woke up right before you guys got to her.." Vinny said.

I frowned while hearing all this information the other guys even looked upset. "Wait Ricky.. when Rowan said she couldn't have any children was she saying the truth?" Ryan asked. I took a deep breath "it's hard for her to have children.. after Leo caused her to have a miscarriage, but we haven't given up. We both want to be parents so bad.. we are doing whatever we can to make that happen.." I say and everyone gave me a sad look.

"I'm sure it will happen sooner or later, I believe in you guys" Chris said and I smiled "thank you man"I say. Rowan came out of the room "I... can we go home now..?" She asked "yes let's go, and Vinny you're more than welcome to tag along" he nodded and we all headed back to the van. "So babe is everything okay?" I asked and noticed her somewhat of a worried face  "yeah everything is okay.." she said, it doesn't seem like everything is okay is she lying to me? No she wouldn't.

She would tell me if something was going on right? Or is she scared of something happening? Why is it so hard to understand women. Once we got home I noticed that Rowan was acting strange "Rowan.." I say while pulling her to the side. "Hm?" She asked "what is going on with you? Ever since you got out of that hospital room you've been acting strange" I say.

Rowan's pov
Oh no he's onto me what do I say I can't tell him I'm pregnant "Rowan??" He said impatiently. "It might be the medicine that's making me act strange.." I lied "if you say so.." Ricky said in a sadish tone. Damn it.. he knows I'm lying to him but what am i supposed to do, I can't get his hopes up if this pregnancy fails.

"Babe..?" I managed to choke out "row.. if you're going to lie to me I can't be near you right now I'm sorry.." he said while walking towards the basement. "Ricky wait..." I say but he ignored me great now he's upset with me, all I'm trying to do is protect him from getting hurt but it looks like I hurt him by lying to him. I have to think of a way to tell him, if he's willing to be here throughout the whole stressful moments then he's ready to be a dad.

I checked the time and noticed how late it was, maybe it was time for me to get some sleep. Hopefully Ricky won't stay too mad at me he really doesn't know what's going through my mind right now.

Hopefully he understands soon......

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now