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Rowan's pov
I locked myself inside the bathroom, my body shakes in fear I can't take being around fights it reminds me of Leo. I sat down on the cold floor resting against the door why does this shit always have to happen. I always let my trauma get in the way of things there was a loud knock on the door. "Rowan are you in there?" Ryan asked and I sighed gently wanting to be alone "yes.." i say.

"Can I come in?" He asked "Ryan I want to be alone for now but I'll be out in a little bit.." I say "okay but don't be surprised if Ricky comes rushing to get in" Ryan said before leaving the area. I rested my head against the door, I didn't realize how tired I was until I was asleep.

~ Rowan's flashbacks ~ (1 year ago)
It was an early winter morning I was getting ready for work. It was a peaceful morning until Leo came inside the bedroom drunk and threatening to kill me. "Leo listen I have to go to work now please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I say before leaving the room "listen here bitch, don't tell me what to do or else I will kill you with this gun." He said while pulling his gun out.

My eyes widen in fear "Leo.. you need to leave now before I call the cops!" I said in fear while reaching for my phone. Leo shots his gun at my wall "don't you fucking dare!" He shouted at me I ran out of the room and quickly called the cops. "9-1-1 what's your emergency?" The lady asked "I need help.. my ex is threatening to kill me and he has a gun... please send help.. my address is 3241 in Scranton.." I say while tears ran down my face.

"Ma'am we'll be there as soon as possible please find somewhere safe and stay on call with me" I rushed into the basement and hid inside the dark "okay I'm somewhere safe.." I say scared. "Is it okay if I ask you some questions?" She asked "yes.." I say quietly so Leo wouldn't hear me. "Okay, how long has he been doing this to you, and has he hurt you before?" She asked I sighed quietly while looking down at my wrist "he's been doing it ever since the first time I started dating him.. and to answer your question he has hurt me many times.. yesterday he took a blade to my wrists and cut me deep.." I say while tears rushed down my face.

"WHERE ARE YOU BITCH?!" Leo shouted while rushing downstairs I covered my mouth and closed my eyes tightly. "Come out Rowan I just want to talk!" I stayed very quiet while getting up from my spot and slowly went upstairs to find another hiding spot. Before I could reach the top step I felt a very sharp familiar feeling on my arm "where do you think you're going?!" Leo shouted and that's when the police sirens went off.

"YOU BITCH!" Leo shouted while cutting my arm with the blade a couple of times "HELP!" I shouted my voice cracked slightly.  Leo grabbed my hair tightly and rushed me into the living room where the cops are waiting. My arms were all bloody and numb "ON YOUR KNEES MOTHERFUCKER!" One of the cops yelled while the other one tried to get me out of the house.

"Ma'am I need you to run and stay somewhere safe while we take care of this okay?" I nodded, once I heard a gun shot go off that's when I knew to run "GO NOW!" The cop shouted and I ran. I didn't know where I was running to but anywhere would be safer than my own home..

~ flashback ended"

I woke up and found it really hard to breathe it was till the point I was coughing badly. I ended up taking off Ricky's hoodie only leaving me in a sports bra "Rowan are you okay??" Ricky asked worried while trying to open the door. "R-Ricky..?" I managed to choke out while my breath slowly started to come back to me. "Rowan I'm coming in I can tell something isn't right." He said and I panicked since I only have a sports bra on oh god he will see my scars...

Ricky's pov
I grabbed the key from the top of the door and unlocked the door "Rowan is everything okay?" I asked while walking inside the bathroom. "I'm fine... but please don't look at me.." she said while trying to cover her arms. "Rowan.." I say while kneeling down to her "what are you hiding from me..?" I asked while grabbing her arm gently but she flinched badly. "Ricky please..." she said while looking at me in a sad way "Rowan.. I can't help you if you won't let me in.. I won't hurt you" I say with a small frown.

"You'll think I'm disgusting if I show you.." she said "I would never think that,you're everything to me.." I say while my face started to heat up oh shit I just said that. I noticed her face turn a soft shade of pink, I reached for her arm one last time and she didn't flinch this time hopefully she learns to trust me soon. I looked at her arms and noticed many scars on it "did you do this..?" I asked worried "no.. I would never touch a blade.." she said while tears ran down her face.

"Who did this to you..?" I asked while looking at her cuts "Leo..." she said in a whisper "can you tell me why he did this to you..?" I asked and she slowly nodded "I guess it's time for me to open up anyway.." she said. "It happened last year. I was about to leave for work and Leo was drunk as hell.. I told him not to do anything stupid while I was gone but that made him pissed off. He pulled his gun out at me and nearly shot me with it so I called the cops on him I was hiding for awhile before the cops came but once Leo found me.. he started cutting me up badly leaving these ugly scars everywhere my arms, legs, and chest.."

I looked into her eyes and noticed her eyes turn into a darker shade of blue, she definitely has taken away a big weight off her shoulders. My eyes do the same thing once I let the weight go "Rowan I'm so sorry that has happened to you but I promise those scars are not ugly it shows how strong of a person you are" I say before kissing her scars on her arms. "Ricky.." she said in a calm voice "hm?" I said "i- I um.. I forgot what I was going to say" she said with a laugh.

I pulled her closer to me and she wrapped her arms around my neck "are you sure about that?" I asked while looking into her beautiful blue eyes. "Yes.."she said, I leaned in closer to her but right before I could kiss her the bathroom door opens. God damn it every single time...

Angelos pov
I walked inside the bathroom and noticed a half naked Rowan "woah what's going on in here" I say with a small smirk. Ricky sighed and hid Rowan behind him "nothing we were just talking.." Ricky said. "You sure about that? Because it looked like you two were just about to fuck." I said with a small laugh and Ricky gave me the death stare "we weren't about to fuck.. she was telling me a story about something.." Ricky said and I raised my eyebrows.

"What kind of story?" I asked and noticed Rowan frown "don't worry about it..." she said quietly "oh so you tell him but not the others?" I asked in a pissed off tone. "Angelo.. you wouldn't understand it.. Ricky does and is the person I really trust right now.." she said while she rested her head on Ricky's back. I rolled my eyes "whatever Rowan you need to learn how to trust us eventually, Ricky won't always be around!"

"I know he won't but if I open up that's on me, just give me some time.." Rowan said in a sadish voice. "Whatever" I say while leaving the bathroom oh no I'm going to ruin this for Ricky if my jealousy doesn't go away soon. I don't even have feelings for this girl but Ricky and Chris always get the best or broken girls and I don't understand how they do it. Rowan seems to be a very broken girl and I would love to know more about her and try to find out whatever is happening.

She seems so lost yet has so much joy when she's around people she cares about and I just realized that I messed up Ricky's and Rowan's perfect moment together. He was probably about to kiss the girl he always wanted god damn it why am I so stupid at times?

A/n what do you think is going to happen next chapter 👀

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now