We will rise

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Ricky's pov
I noticed all the shit that Leo has been doing to Rowan the way she looked at me and started crying that's when I knew I had to do something. I walked over to Chris "hey man we need to stop real quick Leo is hurting Rowan.." I say anxiously "no worries!" Chris said. He motioned Angelo and josh to stop playing and that's when the lights came on. I walked back into my spot just to notice Rowan struggling shit this is worse than I thought. We need to get Leo away from her sure I might not have known her for long but she seems like the girl that deserves the world.

I will give Rowan the world if she lets me but the question is how would I hide her from Leo we all know he will come back to her sooner or later.

Chris' pov
I stood there and looked at Leo angrily "so a little birdy told me that someone is sexually assaulting a fan here" Logan our manager faced the light right on Leo. I watched Leo take his drink and dump it all over Rowan that poor girl "alright buddy since you want to ruin the fun for everyone you need to leave." I say angrily.

The fans shouted "kick him out!" Every second "alright everyone should he stay or be kicked out?" I say with a smirk and they all shouted kick him out. "You heard them! Security take care of that fucker! He's not allowed back here ever again." I say. And security took his ass out of the pit I go over to Ricky real quick "do you think we should bring her on stage?" I asked him and he nodded.

Rowan's pov
My body shaked the smell of beer took over my body "we have one surprise for the girl right here" Chris said as the light went on me. I looked at Chris confused but he just gave me a soft smile and that's when Ricky handed Angelo his guitar and walked over to Chris. "Everybody welcome Rowan to the stage!" Chris said and that's when Ricky put his hands out for me to grab I looked up at Ricky worried "please.." I hear Ricky say.

I was hesitant at first but I guess I need to stop worrying for god sakes this might be my last time seeing him. I grabbed onto his hands tightly and he pulled me up, I nearly fell but he just pulled me into a tight hug "shhh it's okay.." Ricky said. I took a deep breath taking in his sent as well he smells really good. The lights turned back off and Ricky showed me where to sit I looked into the crowd and everyone seemed so happy to be here.

I'm so glad that they decided to help me out with this situation but I'm more worried about going home. Leo is either waiting for the meet and greet or is already waiting at home for me, the words "you're so dead when we get home" hit me hard. Leo is going to end up killing me but I'm scared to ask for help the last time the cops got involved things didn't end up so well, he ended up killing 2 cops. I should stop worrying right now and just enjoy the rest of the concert.

Ricky's pov
While playing hatefuck all over again I couldn't help but smile just a little bit we just helped the girl that I'm catching feelings for way to fast. I watched Chris come over to me "hey Ricky know what time it is?" Chris said with a smirk "no you're not licking my face!" I ran back and forth on stage with Chris while he sang. "Rowan get him!" Chris said into the mic "Rowan no! He's going to lick my face!!" I tried to hold in the laugh.

Rowan ran after me and holy shit she's fast "no!! Don't let him lick my face!" I say and Rowan held my arms "lick his face Rowan!" Chris said then went back to singing. "Don't you do it!" I said but she got close to my cheek and licked it "too late!" She said with a small laugh. My face turned a little red but luckily it wasn't noticeable since of the lighting "I will get payback" I say with a laugh.

Just when I wasn't paying attention Chris came over and slapped my ass then licked my cheek "COME ON NOT YOU TOO" I laughed "you know the fans love this" Chris said and I nodded. The rest of the songs were so much fun to play but now we have to get stuff ready for the meet and greet "Rowan you are coming with us to the meet and greet, I rather you be safe" I say. "Ricky.. what if Leo is still around I don't want to risk putting you in danger just because of me."

"Rowan please I don't want him to hurt you, you don't deserve to be treated like that by him.." I say "okay Ricky.." Rowan said.

~ an hour passed/ meet and greet time~

Rowan's pov
It was time for the meet and greet sure I already meet all of the guys but they wanted me to be safe with them. "Hey Rowan guess what" Ricky said "hm?" I said and that's when he grabbed my face gently and licked my cheek. "Ricky!" I say now I'm going to be a blushing mess and that will be awful if Leo was around "payback!" He said with a smirk. "Haha got you two on camera!" Ryan said and uploaded it to twitter "ry... Leo follows everyone on twitter.." I say nervously.

"Rowan it's fine we're all here he can't do anything to you when we're watching." Ryan said and I nodded. A few fans started taking pictures with the guys "excuse me do you mind being in our photo?" A young teenager girl asked. "Not at all but I'm not apart of the band" I say "we'll you're Ricky's girlfriend aren't you?" She asked. My face turned a little red "Ricky and I are just close friends" but in reality I did want Ricky to be mine but I'm still with Leo..

After a few hours it was almost time to close up the place "only a few more people then it's time to go" Ricky said and I nodded. But where would I go? There's no way I'm going back home "Rowan!!" I heard Leo shout to me. Oh no he's here I'm so dead..  I decided to sneak to the bathroom but felt a really tight grip on my arm.

"Let go!" I shout "not until you tell me what's going on with your and mr. Horror!" Leo shouted in my face. "Ricky and I are just friends.." I say "then what's this?!" He showed me the video of ricky licking my face. "It's a joke thing that Chris started!" I shouted while tears ran down my face "I'll give you something to cry about bitch!" Leo put his hand up and I flinched badly "Leo please.."

Ricky's pov
I panicked not knowing where Rowan went shit it was my job to look after her and I failed that. "Chris!" I said while walking to him "what's wrong Ricky why does it look like you've seen a ghost?" Chris asked. "I lost Rowan.." I say with a sad tone "you did what?!" Chris shouted nervously "I lost her! She was right next to me then disappeared.." I say with a sad tone.

"It's okay Ricky we will find her the guys and I will be together you go find your lover! And save her!" Chris shouted a I nodded. I looked around for Rowan just to see her shaking in fear oh no Leo is here what is he doing to her?! I rushed over to Leo and Rowan. He was about to hit her "not on my watch!" I say and shoved Leo away from Rowan "Rowan go now, find Chris!" I shout.

"Ricky I'm not leaving you here!" She said "Rowan go!" I say and that's when I get tackled by Leo Rowan then left to find the others. "What do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?!" Leo shouted "I'm protecting her that's what I'm doing, you treat her like shit! A pretty woman like her doesn't deserve any of the shit you're doing to her!" I shout. Thank god there wasn't anymore fans here to see this shit happening.

Leo punched me in the face "do me a favor and stay away from her!" He shouted at me "no I'm not leaving her side!" I say and shoved him off me and that's when the others came back to help. "Let's go Leo!" Chris said and grabbed onto his arm tightly "fuck off Chris" Leo shouted and punched him in the nose. "That's it buddy let's go now!" I say and grabbed onto his shoulder and Angelo dragged him out by his other arm.

"Ricky.." Rowan said while pulling me into a tight hug "I'm so sorry this is my fault I should've went home.." she said. I hugged her tighter "no Rowan don't say that.. id rather be the one hurt not you.." I say then I kissed the top of her forehead. "Now do me a favor and come home with me and Chris for the night.." I say "Ricky I can't it's dangerous.." she said "Rowan please.. I want to protect you from that asshole.." I say in a sad tone.

"Okay Ricky.." she said "thank you.." I say and whip away the tears that were falling on her face. "You guys ready to go?" Chris asked "we are now let's get her safe!" I say and Chris nodded. We walked to the car and Chris drove us all back to his place for the night.

"Rowan what all has Leo been doing to you and how long has he been doing it for?" I asked and Rowan looked at me in a sad way "you'll never know.."

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now