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Ryan's pov
"Hey row we need to talk..." I say and she looked at me in a worried way "okay.." she said. "I know I haven't been the nicest to you and I'm sorry. I was just pissed that you were lying to us, and I'm sorry for hurting you the way I did. It was really wrong of me to do that I'm really sorry." I say.

She took a deep breath "I forgive you but if something happens with injuries again I'm done. This bruise hurts like hell, and my emotions are all over the place while carrying this creature." She said. "I know, and I promise I'll be the best uncle for that creature" I say with a small smile. "You better or else, I'll make Chris put snow down your pants next winter, just like how he did it to Ricky." She laughed and my eyes went wide.

Ricky's pov
"I heard snow in pants?!" I say while walking inside the bus "I was just giving him a warning" Rowan smirked. "No more snow in pants that isn't fun! Then Angelo had the audacity to throw rocks at me and Chris!" I say. "You deserved it! After all you and ang upset row that day" Ryan laughed "it's good to see everyone getting along again" Chris said and we all nodded.

Rowan looked at me in a worried way before she got up from the couch, and started walking away. I got up quickly and followed her, her hand was covering her mouth, and that's when I knew she wasn't going to make it to the bathroom. I rushed her to the kitchen sink "it's okay, let it all out" I say and she lets it all out. "My poor baby" I say while rubbing her back gently so I wouldn't hurt her. I felt her body start to shake while she was puking, I feel so bad for her but the only thing to do right now is to comfort her.

After she was done, she rinsed her mouth out then the sink. "Ricky I can't.. I'm scared.." she said "you're a strong woman, I know you can do this, and I'll be here the entire time you know this" I say. She hugged me tightly "and if it makes you feel better, after our show at red rocks tomorrow we will be off for 3 days to enjoy our stay. We don't have to worry about sleeping in the uncomfortable beds in here. We will be staying at a nice hotel, we just have to make sure fans don't act all crazy if they see all of us."

"He's right kiddo, you won't have to worry about anything that happens when we're there." Chris said. Rowan jumped slightly "where did you come from?" She asked "over there, I was checking to see if you were okay" he said and she nodded. "We should probably get some sleep, it's almost 2 am and the driver is pissed since we are making too much noise." He said and we nodded.

"Come on sleepyhead let's get to bed." I say and she nodded "I prefer the couch, and there's room for both of us" she said. We headed to the couch and got everything set up for the night, before you know it we were out.

The next day
Rowan's pov
Ricky shook me awake in a small panic "Rowan I need you to get up please" I jumped up slightly. "I'm up what's going on?" I asked worried "babe you have been shouting mom in your sleep, what's going on?" He asked worried. I frowned slightly "she's been visiting me in my sleep, and telling me that our baby is protected by her, and my dad.. I've been having these on and off nightmares about something bad happening." I say with a sadish voice.

"Listen I'm sure everything will be okay, if your mom is protecting our baby I'm sure everything will be okay." He said in a comforting way. "I hope so.." Vinny walks into the living room "is everything okay? I heard yelling?" He asked. "I'm sorry if I woke you vin, it was just a nightmare kind of thing.." I say and he nodded. Chris walked in "okay we are about 5 hours away from the venue, after this show we have a couple days off to do whatever the fuck we want." He said.

Chris and Ricky smirked at each other like they had something big planned. "Also before I forget here's how the rooms are going to work. Vin, Row, and Ricky you guys are in the same room. "Ryan and I are sharing a room that way nobody is left alone." Chris said and we nodded. "Yay roommates!!" Vinny said happily "don't get to excited Ricky can be a pain in the ass" Ryan said with a small laugh.

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now