𝑵𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘

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Rowan's pov
When Ricky asked me about all this I told him he'll never know but how am I supposed to tell him I'm scared. "Rowan what do you mean? Please talk to me.." Ricky said "I- I can't.." I started crying "no don't cry.. it's okay.. I'll be here for whenever you need to talk.." Ricky said. "But wouldn't you leave.. if I say something..?" I say while he whipped away my tears "me leave? Now why would I do that??" Ricky asked.

"Leo always left me when I wanted to tell him stuff.." I say and Ricky gave me a sad look "Rowan.." he says and I looked down. He put his finger on my chin and lifted my head to look at him "don't look away from me.." Ricky said with a sad tone. This man is giving me butterflies "now listen to me I'm not going anywhere I'm here to stay forever and always.." he says "promise.." I say "I promise.." he says while he rests his forehead on mine.

"Woah what's going on in here?!" Chris said and Ricky moved away from me "we're just chatting that's all.." Ricky said and I nodded "he's right" I say and Chris looked at both of us with a smirk. "We'll Rowan since you're staying here you're more than welcome to use the shower I know leo dumped all that beer all over you.." Chris said "a shower Sounds nice can you show me where the bathroom is?" I asked. "Right this way" Chris said while taking me to the bathroom "use whatever you want Ricky and I don't mind at all." He says and I nodded "thank you Chris.."

Ricky's pov
"Soooo you and Rowan" Chris smirked "what about us?" I asked while my face turned slightly red "you like her don't you Ricky" he said. "I- um.." Chris looked at me and crossed his arms "spit it out Richard" I gagged when he called me Richard. "Fine maybe I do like her.. but she's with Leo.." I frowned "don't worry buddy she'll be yours before you know it" Chris said and I nodded.

I hear the door bell go off "it's Leo open up I need to talk!" He shouted oh no Rowan is here and still in the shower "just a moment!" I say. "Chris can you distract him real quick? I need to give Rowan some clothes and hide her.." I say and Chris nodded. I quickly went into my bedroom and grabbed a hoodie, sweatpants, and a pair of boxers for Rowan. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door "Rowan can I come in real quick?" I asked "uh.. yeah?" She said I entered the bathroom and she turned off the shower "towel please..?" She said. I grabbed a towel off the shelf and handed it to her without looking "i um.. I brought you some of my clothes but I need you to change fast Leo is outside the house.. I'm going to hide you okay..?" I say anxiously.

"Ricky... please don't let him hurt me..  he wants me dead.." she said in a shaky voice "I'm not letting him touch you I promise that.." I say. "Turn around please so I can change into your clothes, I feel more safe if you're in here with me.." she says "and no peaking" I put my arms up in defeat and turned around. I waited patiently but Chris knocked on the door "hurry please! He's going to break down the door if we don't let him in soon.." Chris said "one second.." Rowan said as she grabbed onto my arm "ready..?" I asked "ready.." she says quietly.

"Come with me I'm going to hide you" I say and she put her hand in mine giving me butterflies. I take her to the closet "I'll be back as soon as I can.. please try to be quiet I don't want him finding you" I say and she nodded "there's a blanket in there if you get cold" I say while closing the closet door. "Ricky come on!!" Chris shouted and I ran towards him, Chris opened the door and Leo came inside angry.

Leo's pov
I looked at Chris and Ricky in an angry way "have you guys seen Rowan she hasn't came home yet and I need to talk to her about something" I crossed my arms. "Sorry man we haven't seen her since the incident at the meet and greet" Chris said and rolled his eyes "well that's a shame since I want to tell her how her parents died in that fire." I say in a proud way.  I noticed Ricky's and Chris' eyes go wide "what did you do?!" Ricky shouted at me.

"We'll she wouldn't shut up about seeing her family and she was there that night with them so I did the one thing that would hurt her even more.  I set her parents house on fire but her father  got her out just in time but he went to save his wife they didn't make it out but she did!" I sighed. Chris and Ricky looked at me in a shocked way and that's when I heard a gasp "what was that?!" I shouted "it was the cat!" Ricky shouted "if it was the cat the you wouldn't mind if looked around the house." I say and started looking around the place.

Rowan's pov
I gasped loudly and quickly covered my mouth while tears ran down my face he was the one that killed my parents. I had a strong feeling that he did it but didn't believe it "where is she?!" Leo shouted "she's not here I'm telling you it was the cat!!" Ricky shouted. Maybe I should go out there and face my fears no Rowan don't be stupid if you do you'll risk getting Ricky,Chris and yourself killed just stay put like Ricky said.

"Then where the fuck is the cat?!" Leo said and that's when I realized his cat was in here with me apparently I was using muffin as a comfort animal without knowing. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the closet door to put the cat out luckily Leo wasn't paying attention "meow" muffin meows loudly. "See I told you that it was the cat" Ricky said while picking up muffin "I guess so but if you see Rowan tell her to get her ass home!" Leo shouted while leaving the house.

My body shakes in fear while the tears started to get worse and that's when the closet door opened. "Shit!" Ricky panicked while he picked me up I held onto his body tightly "shhh it's okay.."

Never know// Ricky Olson Where stories live. Discover now